36:- module(rdf_cache,
37 [ rdf_set_cache_options/1, 38 rdf_cache_file/3 39 ]). 40:- autoload(library(error),[must_be/2,domain_error/2]). 41:- autoload(library(filesex),[make_directory_path/1]).
67:- dynamic
68 cache_option/1. 69
70set_setfault_options :-
71 assert(cache_option(enabled(true))),
72 ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true)
73 -> assert(cache_option(local_directory('_cache')))
74 ; assert(cache_option(local_directory('.cache')))
75 ).
77:- set_setfault_options.
99rdf_set_cache_options([]) :- !.
100rdf_set_cache_options([H|T]) :-
101 !,
102 rdf_set_cache_options(H),
103 rdf_set_cache_options(T).
104rdf_set_cache_options(Opt) :-
105 functor(Opt, Name, Arity),
106 arg(1, Opt, Value),
107 ( cache_option(Name, Type)
108 -> must_be(Type, Value)
109 ; domain_error(cache_option, Opt)
110 ),
111 functor(Gen, Name, Arity),
112 retractall(cache_option(Gen)),
113 expand_option(Opt, EOpt),
114 assert(cache_option(EOpt)).
116cache_option(enabled, boolean).
117cache_option(local_directory, atom).
118cache_option(create_local_directory, boolean).
119cache_option(global_directory, atom).
120cache_option(create_global_directory, boolean).
122expand_option(global_directory(Local), global_directory(Global)) :-
123 !,
124 absolute_file_name(Local, Global).
125expand_option(Opt, Opt).
134rdf_cache_file(_URL, _, _File) :-
135 cache_option(enabled(false)),
136 !,
137 fail.
138rdf_cache_file(URL, read, File) :-
139 !,
140 ( atom_concat('file://', Path, URL),
141 cache_option(local_directory(Local)),
142 file_directory_name(Path, Dir),
143 local_cache_file(URL, LocalFile),
144 atomic_list_concat([Dir, Local, LocalFile], /, File)
145 ; cache_option(global_directory(Dir)),
146 url_cache_file(URL, Dir, trp, read, File)
147 ),
148 access_file(File, read),
149 !.
150rdf_cache_file(URL, write, File) :-
151 !,
152 ( atom_concat('file://', Path, URL),
153 cache_option(local_directory(Local)),
154 file_directory_name(Path, Dir),
155 ( cache_option(create_local_directory(true))
156 -> RWDir = write
157 ; RWDir = read
158 ),
159 ensure_dir(Dir, Local, RWDir, CacheDir),
160 local_cache_file(URL, LocalFile),
161 atomic_list_concat([CacheDir, LocalFile], /, File)
162 ; cache_option(global_directory(Dir)),
163 ensure_global_cache(Dir),
164 url_cache_file(URL, Dir, trp, write, File)
165 ),
166 access_file(File, write),
167 !.
170ensure_global_cache(Dir) :-
171 exists_directory(Dir),
172 !.
173ensure_global_cache(Dir) :-
174 cache_option(create_global_directory(true)),
175 make_directory_path(Dir),
176 print_message(informational, rdf(cache_created(Dir))).
191local_cache_file(URL, File) :-
192 file_base_name(URL, Name),
193 file_name_extension(Name, trp, File).
209url_cache_file(URL, Dir, Ext, RW, Path) :-
210 term_hash(URL, Hash0),
211 Hash is Hash0 + 100000, 212 format(string(Hex), '~16r', [Hash]),
213 sub_atom(Hex, _, 2, 0, L1),
214 ensure_dir(Dir, L1, RW, Dir1),
215 sub_atom(Hex, _, 2, 2, L2),
216 ensure_dir(Dir1, L2, RW, Dir2),
217 url_to_file(URL, File),
218 ensure_ext(File, Ext, FileExt),
219 atomic_list_concat([Dir2, /, FileExt], Path).
221ensure_dir(D0, Sub, RW, Dir) :-
222 atomic_list_concat([D0, /, Sub], Dir),
223 ( exists_directory(Dir)
224 -> true
225 ; RW == write
226 -> catch(make_directory(Dir), _, fail)
227 ).
229ensure_ext(File, '', File) :- !.
230ensure_ext(File, Ext, File) :-
231 file_name_extension(_, Ext, File),
232 !.
233ensure_ext(File, Ext, FileExt) :-
234 file_name_extension(File, Ext, FileExt).
244url_to_file(URL, File) :-
245 atom_codes(URL, Codes),
246 phrase(safe_file_name(Codes), FileCodes),
247 atom_codes(File, FileCodes).
249safe_file_name([]) -->
250 [].
251safe_file_name([H|T]) -->
252 replace(H),
253 !,
254 safe_file_name(T).
255safe_file_name([H|T]) -->
256 [H],
257 safe_file_name(T).
264replace(0'/) --> "-". 265replace(0'\\) --> "-". 266replace(0':) --> "-". 267replace(0'?) --> "-". 268replace(0'*) --> "-". 269
271 274
275:- multifile prolog:message/3. 276
277prolog:message(rdf(cache_created(Dir))) -->
278 [ 'Created RDF cache directory ~w'-[Dir] ]
Cache RDF triples
The library library(semweb/rdf_cache) defines the caching strategy for triples sources. When using large RDF sources, caching triples greatly speedup loading RDF documents. The cache library implements two caching strategies that are controlled by rdf_set_cache_options/1.
Local caching This approach applies to files only. Triples are cached in a sub-directory of the directory holding the source. This directory is called
on Windows). If the cache optioncreate_local_directory
, a cache directory is created if posible.Global caching This approach applies to all sources, except for unnamed streams. Triples are cached in directory defined by the cache option
.When loading an RDF file, the system scans the configured cache files unless
is specified as option to rdf_load/2 or caching is disabled. If caching is enabled but no cache exists, the system will try to create a cache file. First it will try to do this locally. On failure it will try to configured global cache. */