/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org/projects/xpce/ Copyright (c) 2006-2020, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam CWI, Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(prolog_xref, [ xref_source/1, % +Source xref_source/2, % +Source, +Options xref_called/3, % ?Source, ?Callable, ?By xref_called/4, % ?Source, ?Callable, ?By, ?Cond xref_called/5, % ?Source, ?Callable, ?By, ?Cond, ?Line xref_defined/3, % ?Source. ?Callable, -How xref_definition_line/2, % +How, -Line xref_exported/2, % ?Source, ?Callable xref_module/2, % ?Source, ?Module xref_uses_file/3, % ?Source, ?Spec, ?Path xref_op/2, % ?Source, ?Op xref_prolog_flag/4, % ?Source, ?Flag, ?Value, ?Line xref_comment/3, % ?Source, ?Title, ?Comment xref_comment/4, % ?Source, ?Head, ?Summary, ?Comment xref_mode/3, % ?Source, ?Mode, ?Det xref_option/2, % ?Source, ?Option xref_clean/1, % +Source xref_current_source/1, % ?Source xref_done/2, % +Source, -When xref_built_in/1, % ?Callable xref_source_file/3, % +Spec, -Path, +Source xref_source_file/4, % +Spec, -Path, +Source, +Options xref_public_list/3, % +File, +Src, +Options xref_public_list/4, % +File, -Path, -Export, +Src xref_public_list/6, % +File, -Path, -Module, -Export, -Meta, +Src xref_public_list/7, % +File, -Path, -Module, -Export, -Public, -Meta, +Src xref_meta/3, % +Source, +Goal, -Called xref_meta/2, % +Goal, -Called xref_hook/1, % ?Callable % XPCE class references xref_used_class/2, % ?Source, ?ClassName xref_defined_class/3 % ?Source, ?ClassName, -How ]). :- autoload(library(apply),[maplist/2,partition/4,maplist/3]). :- autoload(library(debug),[debug/3]). :- autoload(library(dialect),[expects_dialect/1]). :- autoload(library(error),[must_be/2,instantiation_error/1]). :- autoload(library(lists),[member/2,append/2,append/3,select/3]). :- autoload(library(modules),[in_temporary_module/3]). :- autoload(library(operators),[push_op/3]). :- autoload(library(option),[option/2,option/3]). :- autoload(library(ordsets),[ord_intersect/2,ord_intersection/3]). :- autoload(library(prolog_source), [ prolog_canonical_source/2, prolog_open_source/2, prolog_close_source/1, prolog_read_source_term/4 ]). :- autoload(library(shlib),[current_foreign_library/2]). :- autoload(library(solution_sequences),[distinct/2,limit/2]). :- if(exists_source(library(pldoc))). :- use_module(library(pldoc), []). % Must be loaded before doc_process :- use_module(library(pldoc/doc_process)). :- endif. :- predicate_options(xref_source/2, 2, [ silent(boolean), module(atom), register_called(oneof([all,non_iso,non_built_in])), comments(oneof([store,collect,ignore])), process_include(boolean) ]). :- dynamic called/5, % Head, Src, From, Cond, Line (dynamic)/3, % Head, Src, Line (thread_local)/3, % Head, Src, Line (multifile)/3, % Head, Src, Line (public)/3, % Head, Src, Line defined/3, % Head, Src, Line meta_goal/3, % Head, Called, Src foreign/3, % Head, Src, Line constraint/3, % Head, Src, Line imported/3, % Head, Src, From exported/2, % Head, Src xmodule/2, % Module, Src uses_file/3, % Spec, Src, Path xop/2, % Src, Op source/2, % Src, Time used_class/2, % Name, Src defined_class/5, % Name, Super, Summary, Src, Line (mode)/2, % Mode, Src xoption/2, % Src, Option xflag/4, % Name, Value, Src, Line module_comment/3, % Src, Title, Comment pred_comment/4, % Head, Src, Summary, Comment pred_comment_link/3, % Head, Src, HeadTo pred_mode/3. % Head, Src, Det :- create_prolog_flag(xref, false, [type(boolean)]). /** Prolog cross-referencer data collection This library collects information on defined and used objects in Prolog source files. Typically these are predicates, but we expect the library to deal with other types of objects in the future. The library is a building block for tools doing dependency tracking in applications. Dependency tracking is useful to reveal the structure of an unknown program or detect missing components at compile time, but also for program transformation or minimising a program saved state by only saving the reachable objects. The library is exploited by two graphical tools in the SWI-Prolog environment: the XPCE front-end started by gxref/0, and library(prolog_colour), which exploits this library for its syntax highlighting. For all predicates described below, `Source` is the source that is processed. This is normally a filename in any notation acceptable to the file loading predicates (see load_files/2). Input handling is done by the library(prolog_source), which may be hooked to process any source that can be translated into a Prolog stream holding Prolog source text. `Callable` is a callable term (see callable/1). Callables do not carry a module qualifier unless the referred predicate is not in the module defined by `Source`. @bug meta_predicate/1 declarations take the module into consideration. Predicates that are both available as meta-predicate and normal (in different modules) are handled as meta-predicate in all places. @see Where this library analyses _source text_, library(prolog_codewalk) may be used to analyse _loaded code_. The library(check) exploits library(prolog_codewalk) to report on e.g., undefined predicates. */ :- predicate_options(xref_source_file/4, 4, [ file_type(oneof([txt,prolog,directory])), silent(boolean) ]). :- predicate_options(xref_public_list/3, 3, [ path(-atom), module(-atom), exports(-list(any)), public(-list(any)), meta(-list(any)), silent(boolean) ]). /******************************* * HOOKS * *******************************/ %! prolog:called_by(+Goal, +Module, +Context, -Called) is semidet. % % True when Called is a list of callable terms called from Goal, % handled by the predicate Module:Goal and executed in the context % of the module Context. Elements of Called may be qualified. If % not, they are called in the context of the module Context. %! prolog:called_by(+Goal, -ListOfCalled) % % If this succeeds, the cross-referencer assumes Goal may call any % of the goals in ListOfCalled. If this call fails, default % meta-goal analysis is used to determine additional called goals. % % @deprecated New code should use prolog:called_by/4 %! prolog:meta_goal(+Goal, -Pattern) % % Define meta-predicates. See the examples in this file for % details. %! prolog:hook(Goal) % % True if Goal is a hook that is called spontaneously (e.g., from % foreign code). :- multifile prolog:called_by/4, % +Goal, +Module, +Context, -Called prolog:called_by/2, % +Goal, -Called prolog:meta_goal/2, % +Goal, -Pattern prolog:hook/1, % +Callable prolog:generated_predicate/1, % :PI prolog:no_autoload_module/1. % Module is not suitable for autoloading. :- meta_predicate prolog:generated_predicate(:). :- dynamic meta_goal/2. :- meta_predicate process_predicates(2, +, +). /******************************* * BUILT-INS * *******************************/ %! hide_called(:Callable, +Src) is semidet. % % True when the cross-referencer should not include Callable as % being called. This is determined by the option % =register_called=. hide_called(Callable, Src) :- xoption(Src, register_called(Which)), !, mode_hide_called(Which, Callable). hide_called(Callable, _) :- mode_hide_called(non_built_in, Callable). mode_hide_called(all, _) :- !, fail. mode_hide_called(non_iso, _:Goal) :- goal_name_arity(Goal, Name, Arity), current_predicate(system:Name/Arity), predicate_property(system:Goal, iso). mode_hide_called(non_built_in, _:Goal) :- goal_name_arity(Goal, Name, Arity), current_predicate(system:Name/Arity), predicate_property(system:Goal, built_in). mode_hide_called(non_built_in, M:Goal) :- goal_name_arity(Goal, Name, Arity), current_predicate(M:Name/Arity), predicate_property(M:Goal, built_in). %! built_in_predicate(+Callable) % % True if Callable is a built-in system_predicate(Goal) :- goal_name_arity(Goal, Name, Arity), current_predicate(system:Name/Arity), % avoid autoloading predicate_property(system:Goal, built_in), !. /******************************** * TOPLEVEL * ********************************/ verbose(Src) :- \+ xoption(Src, silent(true)). :- thread_local xref_input/2. % File, Stream %! xref_source(+Source) is det. %! xref_source(+Source, +Options) is det. % % Generate the cross-reference data for Source if not already % done and the source is not modified. Checking for modifications % is only done for files. Options processed: % % * silent(+Boolean) % If =true= (default =false=), emit warning messages. % * module(+Module) % Define the initial context module to work in. % * register_called(+Which) % Determines which calls are registerd. Which is one of % =all=, =non_iso= or =non_built_in=. % * comments(+CommentHandling) % How to handle comments. If =store=, comments are stored into % the database as if the file was compiled. If =collect=, % comments are entered to the xref database and made available % through xref_mode/2 and xref_comment/4. If =ignore=, % comments are simply ignored. Default is to =collect= comments. % * process_include(+Boolean) % Process the content of included files (default is `true`). % % @param Source File specification or XPCE buffer xref_source(Source) :- xref_source(Source, []). xref_source(Source, Options) :- prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src), ( last_modified(Source, Modified) -> ( source(Src, Modified) -> true ; xref_clean(Src), assert(source(Src, Modified)), do_xref(Src, Options) ) ; xref_clean(Src), get_time(Now), assert(source(Src, Now)), do_xref(Src, Options) ). do_xref(Src, Options) :- must_be(list, Options), setup_call_cleanup( xref_setup(Src, In, Options, State), collect(Src, Src, In, Options), xref_cleanup(State)). last_modified(Source, Modified) :- prolog:xref_source_time(Source, Modified), !. last_modified(Source, Modified) :- atom(Source), \+ is_global_url(Source), exists_file(Source), time_file(Source, Modified). is_global_url(File) :- sub_atom(File, B, _, _, '://'), !, B > 1, sub_atom(File, 0, B, _, Scheme), atom_codes(Scheme, Codes), maplist(between(0'a, 0'z), Codes). xref_setup(Src, In, Options, state(In, Dialect, Xref, [SRef|HRefs])) :- maplist(assert_option(Src), Options), assert_default_options(Src), current_prolog_flag(emulated_dialect, Dialect), prolog_open_source(Src, In), set_initial_mode(In, Options), asserta(xref_input(Src, In), SRef), set_xref(Xref), ( verbose(Src) -> HRefs = [] ; asserta(user:thread_message_hook(_,_,_), Ref), HRefs = [Ref] ). assert_option(_, Var) :- var(Var), !, instantiation_error(Var). assert_option(Src, silent(Boolean)) :- !, must_be(boolean, Boolean), assert(xoption(Src, silent(Boolean))). assert_option(Src, register_called(Which)) :- !, must_be(oneof([all,non_iso,non_built_in]), Which), assert(xoption(Src, register_called(Which))). assert_option(Src, comments(CommentHandling)) :- !, must_be(oneof([store,collect,ignore]), CommentHandling), assert(xoption(Src, comments(CommentHandling))). assert_option(Src, module(Module)) :- !, must_be(atom, Module), assert(xoption(Src, module(Module))). assert_option(Src, process_include(Boolean)) :- !, must_be(boolean, Boolean), assert(xoption(Src, process_include(Boolean))). assert_default_options(Src) :- ( xref_option_default(Opt), generalise_term(Opt, Gen), ( xoption(Src, Gen) -> true ; assertz(xoption(Src, Opt)) ), fail ; true ). xref_option_default(silent(false)). xref_option_default(register_called(non_built_in)). xref_option_default(comments(collect)). xref_option_default(process_include(true)). %! xref_cleanup(+State) is det. % % Restore processing state according to the saved State. xref_cleanup(state(In, Dialect, Xref, Refs)) :- prolog_close_source(In), set_prolog_flag(emulated_dialect, Dialect), set_prolog_flag(xref, Xref), maplist(erase, Refs). set_xref(Xref) :- current_prolog_flag(xref, Xref), set_prolog_flag(xref, true). %! set_initial_mode(+Stream, +Options) is det. % % Set the initial mode for processing this file in the % cross-referencer. If the file is loaded, we use information from % the previous load context, setting the appropriate module and % dialect. set_initial_mode(_Stream, Options) :- option(module(Module), Options), !, '$set_source_module'(Module). set_initial_mode(Stream, _) :- stream_property(Stream, file_name(Path)), source_file_property(Path, load_context(M, _, Opts)), !, '$set_source_module'(M), ( option(dialect(Dialect), Opts) -> expects_dialect(Dialect) ; true ). set_initial_mode(_, _) :- '$set_source_module'(user). %! xref_input_stream(-Stream) is det. % % Current input stream for cross-referencer. xref_input_stream(Stream) :- xref_input(_, Var), !, Stream = Var. %! xref_push_op(Source, +Prec, +Type, :Name) % % Define operators into the default source module and register % them to be undone by pop_operators/0. xref_push_op(Src, P, T, N0) :- '$current_source_module'(M0), strip_module(M0:N0, M, N), ( is_list(N), N \== [] -> maplist(push_op(Src, P, T, M), N) ; push_op(Src, P, T, M, N) ). push_op(Src, P, T, M0, N0) :- strip_module(M0:N0, M, N), Name = M:N, valid_op(op(P,T,Name)), push_op(P, T, Name), assert_op(Src, op(P,T,Name)), debug(xref(op), ':- ~w.', [op(P,T,Name)]). valid_op(op(P,T,M:N)) :- atom(M), valid_op_name(N), integer(P), between(0, 1200, P), atom(T), op_type(T). valid_op_name(N) :- atom(N), !. valid_op_name(N) :- N == []. op_type(xf). op_type(yf). op_type(fx). op_type(fy). op_type(xfx). op_type(xfy). op_type(yfx). %! xref_set_prolog_flag(+Flag, +Value, +Src, +Line) % % Called when a directive sets a Prolog flag. xref_set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value, Src, Line) :- atom(Flag), !, assertz(xflag(Flag, Value, Src, Line)). xref_set_prolog_flag(_, _, _, _). %! xref_clean(+Source) is det. % % Reset the database for the given source. xref_clean(Source) :- prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src), retractall(called(_, Src, _Origin, _Cond, _Line)), retractall(dynamic(_, Src, Line)), retractall(multifile(_, Src, Line)), retractall(public(_, Src, Line)), retractall(defined(_, Src, Line)), retractall(meta_goal(_, _, Src)), retractall(foreign(_, Src, Line)), retractall(constraint(_, Src, Line)), retractall(imported(_, Src, _From)), retractall(exported(_, Src)), retractall(uses_file(_, Src, _)), retractall(xmodule(_, Src)), retractall(xop(Src, _)), retractall(xoption(Src, _)), retractall(xflag(_Name, _Value, Src, Line)), retractall(source(Src, _)), retractall(used_class(_, Src)), retractall(defined_class(_, _, _, Src, _)), retractall(mode(_, Src)), retractall(module_comment(Src, _, _)), retractall(pred_comment(_, Src, _, _)), retractall(pred_comment_link(_, Src, _)), retractall(pred_mode(_, Src, _)). /******************************* * READ RESULTS * *******************************/ %! xref_current_source(?Source) % % Check what sources have been analysed. xref_current_source(Source) :- source(Source, _Time). %! xref_done(+Source, -Time) is det. % % Cross-reference executed at Time xref_done(Source, Time) :- prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src), source(Src, Time). %! xref_called(?Source, ?Called, ?By) is nondet. %! xref_called(?Source, ?Called, ?By, ?Cond) is nondet. %! xref_called(?Source, ?Called, ?By, ?Cond, ?Line) is nondet. % % True when By is called from Called in Source. Note that % xref_called/3 and xref_called/4 use distinct/2 to return only % distinct `Called-By` pairs. The xref_called/5 version may return % duplicate `Called-By` if Called is called from multiple clauses in % By, but at most one call per clause. % % @arg By is a head term or one of the reserved terms % `''(Line)` or `''(Line)`, indicating the call % is from an (often initialization/1) directive or there is a public/1 % directive that claims the predicate is called from in some % untractable way. % @arg Cond is the (accumulated) condition as defined by % ``:- if(Cond)`` under which the calling code is compiled. % @arg Line is the _start line_ of the calling clause. xref_called(Source, Called, By) :- xref_called(Source, Called, By, _). xref_called(Source, Called, By, Cond) :- canonical_source(Source, Src), distinct(Called-By, called(Called, Src, By, Cond, _)). xref_called(Source, Called, By, Cond, Line) :- canonical_source(Source, Src), called(Called, Src, By, Cond, Line). %! xref_defined(?Source, +Goal, ?How) is nondet. % % Test if Goal is accessible in Source. If this is the case, How % specifies the reason why the predicate is accessible. Note that % this predicate does not deal with built-in or global predicates, % just locally defined and imported ones. How is one of of the % terms below. Location is one of Line (an integer) or File:Line % if the definition comes from an included (using :- % include(File)) directive. % % * dynamic(Location) % * thread_local(Location) % * multifile(Location) % * public(Location) % * local(Location) % * foreign(Location) % * constraint(Location) % * imported(From) xref_defined(Source, Called, How) :- nonvar(Source), !, canonical_source(Source, Src), xref_defined2(How, Src, Called). xref_defined(Source, Called, How) :- xref_defined2(How, Src, Called), canonical_source(Source, Src). xref_defined2(dynamic(Line), Src, Called) :- dynamic(Called, Src, Line). xref_defined2(thread_local(Line), Src, Called) :- thread_local(Called, Src, Line). xref_defined2(multifile(Line), Src, Called) :- multifile(Called, Src, Line). xref_defined2(public(Line), Src, Called) :- public(Called, Src, Line). xref_defined2(local(Line), Src, Called) :- defined(Called, Src, Line). xref_defined2(foreign(Line), Src, Called) :- foreign(Called, Src, Line). xref_defined2(constraint(Line), Src, Called) :- constraint(Called, Src, Line). xref_defined2(imported(From), Src, Called) :- imported(Called, Src, From). %! xref_definition_line(+How, -Line) % % If the 3th argument of xref_defined contains line info, return % this in Line. xref_definition_line(local(Line), Line). xref_definition_line(dynamic(Line), Line). xref_definition_line(thread_local(Line), Line). xref_definition_line(multifile(Line), Line). xref_definition_line(public(Line), Line). xref_definition_line(constraint(Line), Line). xref_definition_line(foreign(Line), Line). %! xref_exported(?Source, ?Head) is nondet. % % True when Source exports Head. xref_exported(Source, Called) :- prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src), exported(Called, Src). %! xref_module(?Source, ?Module) is nondet. % % True if Module is defined in Source. xref_module(Source, Module) :- nonvar(Source), !, prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src), xmodule(Module, Src). xref_module(Source, Module) :- xmodule(Module, Src), prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src). %! xref_uses_file(?Source, ?Spec, ?Path) is nondet. % % True when Source tries to load a file using Spec. % % @param Spec is a specification for absolute_file_name/3 % @param Path is either an absolute file name of the target % file or the atom =||=. xref_uses_file(Source, Spec, Path) :- prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src), uses_file(Spec, Src, Path). %! xref_op(?Source, Op) is nondet. % % Give the operators active inside the module. This is intended to % setup the environment for incremental parsing of a term from the % source-file. % % @param Op Term of the form op(Priority, Type, Name) xref_op(Source, Op) :- prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src), xop(Src, Op). %! xref_prolog_flag(?Source, ?Flag, ?Value, ?Line) is nondet. % % True when Flag is set to Value at Line in Source. This is % intended to support incremental parsing of a term from the % source-file. xref_prolog_flag(Source, Flag, Value, Line) :- prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src), xflag(Flag, Value, Src, Line). xref_built_in(Head) :- system_predicate(Head). xref_used_class(Source, Class) :- prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src), used_class(Class, Src). xref_defined_class(Source, Class, local(Line, Super, Summary)) :- prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src), defined_class(Class, Super, Summary, Src, Line), integer(Line), !. xref_defined_class(Source, Class, file(File)) :- prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src), defined_class(Class, _, _, Src, file(File)). :- thread_local current_cond/1, source_line/1. current_source_line(Line) :- source_line(Var), !, Line = Var. %! collect(+Source, +File, +Stream, +Options) % % Process data from Source. If File \== Source, we are processing % an included file. Stream is the stream from shich we read the % program. collect(Src, File, In, Options) :- ( Src == File -> SrcSpec = Line ; SrcSpec = (File:Line) ), option(comments(CommentHandling), Options, collect), ( CommentHandling == ignore -> CommentOptions = [], Comments = [] ; CommentHandling == store -> CommentOptions = [ process_comment(true) ], Comments = [] ; CommentOptions = [ comments(Comments) ] ), repeat, catch(prolog_read_source_term( In, Term, Expanded, [ term_position(TermPos) | CommentOptions ]), E, report_syntax_error(E, Src, [])), update_condition(Term), stream_position_data(line_count, TermPos, Line), setup_call_cleanup( asserta(source_line(SrcSpec), Ref), catch(process(Expanded, Comments, Term, TermPos, Src, EOF), E, print_message(error, E)), erase(Ref)), EOF == true, !. report_syntax_error(E, _, _) :- fatal_error(E), throw(E). report_syntax_error(_, _, Options) :- option(silent(true), Options), !, fail. report_syntax_error(E, Src, _Options) :- ( verbose(Src) -> print_message(error, E) ; true ), fail. fatal_error(time_limit_exceeded). fatal_error(error(resource_error(_),_)). %! update_condition(+Term) is det. % % Update the condition under which the current code is compiled. update_condition((:-Directive)) :- !, update_cond(Directive). update_condition(_). update_cond(if(Cond)) :- !, asserta(current_cond(Cond)). update_cond(else) :- retract(current_cond(C0)), !, assert(current_cond(\+C0)). update_cond(elif(Cond)) :- retract(current_cond(C0)), !, assert(current_cond((\+C0,Cond))). update_cond(endif) :- retract(current_cond(_)), !. update_cond(_). %! current_condition(-Condition) is det. % % Condition is the current compilation condition as defined by the % :- if/1 directive and friends. current_condition(Condition) :- \+ current_cond(_), !, Condition = true. current_condition(Condition) :- findall(C, current_cond(C), List), list_to_conj(List, Condition). list_to_conj([], true). list_to_conj([C], C) :- !. list_to_conj([H|T], (H,C)) :- list_to_conj(T, C). /******************************* * PROCESS * *******************************/ %! process(+Expanded, +Comments, +Term, +TermPos, +Src, -EOF) is det. % % Process a source term that has been subject to term expansion as % well as its optional leading structured comments. % % @arg TermPos is the term position that describes the start of the % term. We need this to find _leading_ comments. % @arg EOF is unified with a boolean to indicate whether or not % processing was stopped because `end_of_file` was processed. process(Expanded, Comments, Term0, TermPos, Src, EOF) :- is_list(Expanded), % term_expansion into list. !, ( member(Term, Expanded), process(Term, Term0, Src), Term == end_of_file -> EOF = true ; EOF = false ), xref_comments(Comments, TermPos, Src). process(end_of_file, _, _, _, _, true) :- !. process(Term, Comments, Term0, TermPos, Src, false) :- process(Term, Term0, Src), xref_comments(Comments, TermPos, Src). %! process(+Term, +Term0, +Src) is det. process(_, Term0, _) :- ignore_raw_term(Term0), !. process(Term, _Term0, Src) :- process(Term, Src). ignore_raw_term((:- predicate_options(_,_,_))). %! process(+Term, +Src) is det. process(Var, _) :- var(Var), !. % Warn? process(end_of_file, _) :- !. process((:- Directive), Src) :- !, process_directive(Directive, Src), !. process((?- Directive), Src) :- !, process_directive(Directive, Src), !. process((Head :- Body), Src) :- !, assert_defined(Src, Head), process_body(Body, Head, Src). process('$source_location'(_File, _Line):Clause, Src) :- !, process(Clause, Src). process(Term, Src) :- process_chr(Term, Src), !. process(M:(Head :- Body), Src) :- !, process((M:Head :- M:Body), Src). process(Head, Src) :- assert_defined(Src, Head). /******************************* * COMMENTS * *******************************/ %! xref_comments(+Comments, +FilePos, +Src) is det. xref_comments([], _Pos, _Src). :- if(current_predicate(parse_comment/3)). xref_comments([Pos-Comment|T], TermPos, Src) :- ( Pos @> TermPos % comments inside term -> true ; stream_position_data(line_count, Pos, Line), FilePos = Src:Line, ( parse_comment(Comment, FilePos, Parsed) -> assert_comments(Parsed, Src) ; true ), xref_comments(T, TermPos, Src) ). assert_comments([], _). assert_comments([H|T], Src) :- assert_comment(H, Src), assert_comments(T, Src). assert_comment(section(_Id, Title, Comment), Src) :- assertz(module_comment(Src, Title, Comment)). assert_comment(predicate(PI, Summary, Comment), Src) :- pi_to_head(PI, Src, Head), assertz(pred_comment(Head, Src, Summary, Comment)). assert_comment(link(PI, PITo), Src) :- pi_to_head(PI, Src, Head), pi_to_head(PITo, Src, HeadTo), assertz(pred_comment_link(Head, Src, HeadTo)). assert_comment(mode(Head, Det), Src) :- assertz(pred_mode(Head, Src, Det)). pi_to_head(PI, Src, Head) :- pi_to_head(PI, Head0), ( Head0 = _:_ -> strip_module(Head0, M, Plain), ( xmodule(M, Src) -> Head = Plain ; Head = M:Plain ) ; Head = Head0 ). :- endif. %! xref_comment(?Source, ?Title, ?Comment) is nondet. % % Is true when Source has a section comment with Title and Comment xref_comment(Source, Title, Comment) :- canonical_source(Source, Src), module_comment(Src, Title, Comment). %! xref_comment(?Source, ?Head, ?Summary, ?Comment) is nondet. % % Is true when Head in Source has the given PlDoc comment. xref_comment(Source, Head, Summary, Comment) :- canonical_source(Source, Src), ( pred_comment(Head, Src, Summary, Comment) ; pred_comment_link(Head, Src, HeadTo), pred_comment(HeadTo, Src, Summary, Comment) ). %! xref_mode(?Source, ?Mode, ?Det) is nondet. % % Is true when Source provides a predicate with Mode and % determinism. xref_mode(Source, Mode, Det) :- canonical_source(Source, Src), pred_mode(Mode, Src, Det). %! xref_option(?Source, ?Option) is nondet. % % True when Source was processed using Option. Options are defined % with xref_source/2. xref_option(Source, Option) :- canonical_source(Source, Src), xoption(Src, Option). /******************************** * DIRECTIVES * ********************************/ process_directive(Var, _) :- var(Var), !. % error, but that isn't our business process_directive(Dir, _Src) :- debug(xref(directive), 'Processing :- ~q', [Dir]), fail. process_directive((A,B), Src) :- % TBD: what about other control !, process_directive(A, Src), % structures? process_directive(B, Src). process_directive(List, Src) :- is_list(List), !, process_directive(consult(List), Src). process_directive(use_module(File, Import), Src) :- process_use_module2(File, Import, Src, false). process_directive(autoload(File, Import), Src) :- process_use_module2(File, Import, Src, false). process_directive(require(Import), Src) :- process_requires(Import, Src). process_directive(expects_dialect(Dialect), Src) :- process_directive(use_module(library(dialect/Dialect)), Src), expects_dialect(Dialect). process_directive(reexport(File, Import), Src) :- process_use_module2(File, Import, Src, true). process_directive(reexport(Modules), Src) :- process_use_module(Modules, Src, true). process_directive(autoload(Modules), Src) :- process_use_module(Modules, Src, false). process_directive(use_module(Modules), Src) :- process_use_module(Modules, Src, false). process_directive(consult(Modules), Src) :- process_use_module(Modules, Src, false). process_directive(ensure_loaded(Modules), Src) :- process_use_module(Modules, Src, false). process_directive(load_files(Files, _Options), Src) :- process_use_module(Files, Src, false). process_directive(include(Files), Src) :- process_include(Files, Src). process_directive(dynamic(Dynamic), Src) :- process_predicates(assert_dynamic, Dynamic, Src). process_directive(dynamic(Dynamic, _Options), Src) :- process_predicates(assert_dynamic, Dynamic, Src). process_directive(thread_local(Dynamic), Src) :- process_predicates(assert_thread_local, Dynamic, Src). process_directive(multifile(Dynamic), Src) :- process_predicates(assert_multifile, Dynamic, Src). process_directive(public(Public), Src) :- process_predicates(assert_public, Public, Src). process_directive(export(Export), Src) :- process_predicates(assert_export, Export, Src). process_directive(import(Import), Src) :- process_import(Import, Src). process_directive(module(Module, Export), Src) :- assert_module(Src, Module), assert_module_export(Src, Export). process_directive(module(Module, Export, Import), Src) :- assert_module(Src, Module), assert_module_export(Src, Export), assert_module3(Import, Src). process_directive('$set_source_module'(system), Src) :- assert_module(Src, system). % hack for handling boot/init.pl process_directive(pce_begin_class_definition(Name, Meta, Super, Doc), Src) :- assert_defined_class(Src, Name, Meta, Super, Doc). process_directive(pce_autoload(Name, From), Src) :- assert_defined_class(Src, Name, imported_from(From)). process_directive(op(P, A, N), Src) :- xref_push_op(Src, P, A, N). process_directive(set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value), Src) :- ( Flag == character_escapes -> set_prolog_flag(character_escapes, Value) ; true ), current_source_line(Line), xref_set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value, Src, Line). process_directive(style_check(X), _) :- style_check(X). process_directive(encoding(Enc), _) :- ( xref_input_stream(Stream) -> catch(set_stream(Stream, encoding(Enc)), _, true) ; true % can this happen? ). process_directive(pce_expansion:push_compile_operators, _) :- '$current_source_module'(SM), call(pce_expansion:push_compile_operators(SM)). % call to avoid xref process_directive(pce_expansion:pop_compile_operators, _) :- call(pce_expansion:pop_compile_operators). process_directive(meta_predicate(Meta), Src) :- process_meta_predicate(Meta, Src). process_directive(arithmetic_function(FSpec), Src) :- arith_callable(FSpec, Goal), !, current_source_line(Line), assert_called(Src, ''(Line), Goal, Line). process_directive(format_predicate(_, Goal), Src) :- !, current_source_line(Line), assert_called(Src, ''(Line), Goal, Line). process_directive(if(Cond), Src) :- !, current_source_line(Line), assert_called(Src, ''(Line), Cond, Line). process_directive(elif(Cond), Src) :- !, current_source_line(Line), assert_called(Src, ''(Line), Cond, Line). process_directive(else, _) :- !. process_directive(endif, _) :- !. process_directive(Goal, Src) :- current_source_line(Line), process_body(Goal, ''(Line), Src). %! process_meta_predicate(+Decl, +Src) % % Create meta_goal/3 facts from the meta-goal declaration. process_meta_predicate((A,B), Src) :- !, process_meta_predicate(A, Src), process_meta_predicate(B, Src). process_meta_predicate(Decl, Src) :- process_meta_head(Src, Decl). process_meta_head(Src, Decl) :- % swapped arguments for maplist compound(Decl), compound_name_arity(Decl, Name, Arity), compound_name_arity(Head, Name, Arity), meta_args(1, Arity, Decl, Head, Meta), ( ( prolog:meta_goal(Head, _) ; prolog:called_by(Head, _, _, _) ; prolog:called_by(Head, _) ; meta_goal(Head, _) ) -> true ; assert(meta_goal(Head, Meta, Src)) ). meta_args(I, Arity, _, _, []) :- I > Arity, !. meta_args(I, Arity, Decl, Head, [H|T]) :- % 0 arg(I, Decl, 0), !, arg(I, Head, H), I2 is I + 1, meta_args(I2, Arity, Decl, Head, T). meta_args(I, Arity, Decl, Head, [H|T]) :- % ^ arg(I, Decl, ^), !, arg(I, Head, EH), setof_goal(EH, H), I2 is I + 1, meta_args(I2, Arity, Decl, Head, T). meta_args(I, Arity, Decl, Head, [//(H)|T]) :- arg(I, Decl, //), !, arg(I, Head, H), I2 is I + 1, meta_args(I2, Arity, Decl, Head, T). meta_args(I, Arity, Decl, Head, [H+A|T]) :- % I --> H+I arg(I, Decl, A), integer(A), A > 0, !, arg(I, Head, H), I2 is I + 1, meta_args(I2, Arity, Decl, Head, T). meta_args(I, Arity, Decl, Head, Meta) :- I2 is I + 1, meta_args(I2, Arity, Decl, Head, Meta). /******************************** * BODY * ********************************/ %! xref_meta(+Source, +Head, -Called) is semidet. % % True when Head calls Called in Source. % % @arg Called is a list of called terms, terms of the form % Term+Extra or terms of the form //(Term). xref_meta(Source, Head, Called) :- canonical_source(Source, Src), xref_meta_src(Head, Called, Src). %! xref_meta(+Head, -Called) is semidet. %! xref_meta_src(+Head, -Called, +Src) is semidet. % % True when Called is a list of terms called from Head. Each % element in Called can be of the form Term+Int, which means that % Term must be extended with Int additional arguments. The variant % xref_meta/3 first queries the local context. % % @tbd Split predifined in several categories. E.g., the ISO % predicates cannot be redefined. % @tbd Rely on the meta_predicate property for many predicates. % @deprecated New code should use xref_meta/3. xref_meta_src(Head, Called, Src) :- meta_goal(Head, Called, Src), !. xref_meta_src(Head, Called, _) :- xref_meta(Head, Called), !. xref_meta_src(Head, Called, _) :- compound(Head), compound_name_arity(Head, Name, Arity), apply_pred(Name), Arity > 5, !, Extra is Arity - 1, arg(1, Head, G), Called = [G+Extra]. xref_meta_src(Head, Called, _) :- predicate_property(user:Head, meta_predicate(Meta)), !, Meta =.. [_|Args], meta_args(Args, 1, Head, Called). meta_args([], _, _, []). meta_args([H0|T0], I, Head, [H|T]) :- xargs(H0, N), !, arg(I, Head, A), ( N == 0 -> H = A ; H = (A+N) ), I2 is I+1, meta_args(T0, I2, Head, T). meta_args([_|T0], I, Head, T) :- I2 is I+1, meta_args(T0, I2, Head, T). xargs(N, N) :- integer(N), !. xargs(//, 2). xargs(^, 0). apply_pred(call). % built-in apply_pred(maplist). % library(apply_macros) xref_meta((A, B), [A, B]). xref_meta((A; B), [A, B]). xref_meta((A| B), [A, B]). xref_meta((A -> B), [A, B]). xref_meta((A *-> B), [A, B]). xref_meta(findall(_V,G,_L), [G]). xref_meta(findall(_V,G,_L,_T), [G]). xref_meta(findnsols(_N,_V,G,_L), [G]). xref_meta(findnsols(_N,_V,G,_L,_T), [G]). xref_meta(setof(_V, EG, _L), [G]) :- setof_goal(EG, G). xref_meta(bagof(_V, EG, _L), [G]) :- setof_goal(EG, G). xref_meta(forall(A, B), [A, B]). xref_meta(maplist(G,_), [G+1]). xref_meta(maplist(G,_,_), [G+2]). xref_meta(maplist(G,_,_,_), [G+3]). xref_meta(maplist(G,_,_,_,_), [G+4]). xref_meta(map_list_to_pairs(G,_,_), [G+2]). xref_meta(map_assoc(G, _), [G+1]). xref_meta(map_assoc(G, _, _), [G+2]). xref_meta(checklist(G, _L), [G+1]). xref_meta(sublist(G, _, _), [G+1]). xref_meta(include(G, _, _), [G+1]). xref_meta(exclude(G, _, _), [G+1]). xref_meta(partition(G, _, _, _, _), [G+2]). xref_meta(partition(G, _, _, _),[G+1]). xref_meta(call(G), [G]). xref_meta(call(G, _), [G+1]). xref_meta(call(G, _, _), [G+2]). xref_meta(call(G, _, _, _), [G+3]). xref_meta(call(G, _, _, _, _), [G+4]). xref_meta(not(G), [G]). xref_meta(notrace(G), [G]). xref_meta(\+(G), [G]). xref_meta(ignore(G), [G]). xref_meta(once(G), [G]). xref_meta(initialization(G), [G]). xref_meta(initialization(G,_), [G]). xref_meta(retract(Rule), [G]) :- head_of(Rule, G). xref_meta(clause(G, _), [G]). xref_meta(clause(G, _, _), [G]). xref_meta(phrase(G, _A), [//(G)]). xref_meta(phrase(G, _A, _R), [//(G)]). xref_meta(call_dcg(G, _A, _R), [//(G)]). xref_meta(phrase_from_file(G,_),[//(G)]). xref_meta(catch(A, _, B), [A, B]). xref_meta(catch_with_backtrace(A, _, B), [A, B]). xref_meta(thread_create(A,_,_), [A]). xref_meta(thread_create(A,_), [A]). xref_meta(thread_signal(_,A), [A]). xref_meta(thread_idle(A,_), [A]). xref_meta(thread_at_exit(A), [A]). xref_meta(thread_initialization(A), [A]). xref_meta(engine_create(_,A,_), [A]). xref_meta(engine_create(_,A,_,_), [A]). xref_meta(transaction(A), [A]). xref_meta(transaction(A,B,_), [A,B]). xref_meta(snapshot(A), [A]). xref_meta(predsort(A,_,_), [A+3]). xref_meta(call_cleanup(A, B), [A, B]). xref_meta(call_cleanup(A, _, B),[A, B]). xref_meta(setup_call_cleanup(A, B, C),[A, B, C]). xref_meta(setup_call_catcher_cleanup(A, B, _, C),[A, B, C]). xref_meta(call_residue_vars(A,_), [A]). xref_meta(with_mutex(_,A), [A]). xref_meta(assume(G), [G]). % library(debug) xref_meta(assertion(G), [G]). % library(debug) xref_meta(freeze(_, G), [G]). xref_meta(when(C, A), [C, A]). xref_meta(time(G), [G]). % development system xref_meta(call_time(G, _), [G]). % development system xref_meta(call_time(G, _, _), [G]). % development system xref_meta(profile(G), [G]). xref_meta(at_halt(G), [G]). xref_meta(call_with_time_limit(_, G), [G]). xref_meta(call_with_depth_limit(G, _, _), [G]). xref_meta(call_with_inference_limit(G, _, _), [G]). xref_meta(alarm(_, G, _), [G]). xref_meta(alarm(_, G, _, _), [G]). xref_meta('$add_directive_wic'(G), [G]). xref_meta(with_output_to(_, G), [G]). xref_meta(if(G), [G]). xref_meta(elif(G), [G]). xref_meta(meta_options(G,_,_), [G+1]). xref_meta(on_signal(_,_,H), [H+1]) :- H \== default. xref_meta(distinct(G), [G]). % library(solution_sequences) xref_meta(distinct(_, G), [G]). xref_meta(order_by(_, G), [G]). xref_meta(limit(_, G), [G]). xref_meta(offset(_, G), [G]). xref_meta(reset(G,_,_), [G]). xref_meta(prolog_listen(Ev,G), [G+N]) :- event_xargs(Ev, N). xref_meta(prolog_listen(Ev,G,_),[G+N]) :- event_xargs(Ev, N). xref_meta(tnot(G), [G]). xref_meta(not_exists(G), [G]). xref_meta(with_tty_raw(G), [G]). % XPCE meta-predicates xref_meta(pce_global(_, new(_)), _) :- !, fail. xref_meta(pce_global(_, B), [B+1]). xref_meta(ifmaintainer(G), [G]). % used in manual xref_meta(listen(_, G), [G]). % library(broadcast) xref_meta(listen(_, _, G), [G]). xref_meta(in_pce_thread(G), [G]). xref_meta(G, Meta) :- % call user extensions prolog:meta_goal(G, Meta). xref_meta(G, Meta) :- % Generated from :- meta_predicate meta_goal(G, Meta). setof_goal(EG, G) :- var(EG), !, G = EG. setof_goal(_^EG, G) :- !, setof_goal(EG, G). setof_goal(G, G). event_xargs(abort, 0). event_xargs(erase, 1). event_xargs(break, 3). event_xargs(frame_finished, 1). event_xargs(thread_exit, 1). event_xargs(this_thread_exit, 0). event_xargs(PI, 2) :- pi_to_head(PI, _). %! head_of(+Rule, -Head) % % Get the head for a retract call. head_of(Var, _) :- var(Var), !, fail. head_of((Head :- _), Head). head_of(Head, Head). %! xref_hook(?Callable) % % Definition of known hooks. Hooks that can be called in any % module are unqualified. Other hooks are qualified with the % module where they are called. xref_hook(Hook) :- prolog:hook(Hook). xref_hook(Hook) :- hook(Hook). hook(attr_portray_hook(_,_)). hook(attr_unify_hook(_,_)). hook(attribute_goals(_,_,_)). hook(goal_expansion(_,_)). hook(term_expansion(_,_)). hook(resource(_,_,_)). hook('$pred_option'(_,_,_,_)). hook(emacs_prolog_colours:goal_classification(_,_)). hook(emacs_prolog_colours:term_colours(_,_)). hook(emacs_prolog_colours:goal_colours(_,_)). hook(emacs_prolog_colours:style(_,_)). hook(emacs_prolog_colours:identify(_,_)). hook(pce_principal:pce_class(_,_,_,_,_,_)). hook(pce_principal:send_implementation(_,_,_)). hook(pce_principal:get_implementation(_,_,_,_)). hook(pce_principal:pce_lazy_get_method(_,_,_)). hook(pce_principal:pce_lazy_send_method(_,_,_)). hook(pce_principal:pce_uses_template(_,_)). hook(prolog:locate_clauses(_,_)). hook(prolog:message(_,_,_)). hook(prolog:error_message(_,_,_)). hook(prolog:message_location(_,_,_)). hook(prolog:message_context(_,_,_)). hook(prolog:message_line_element(_,_)). hook(prolog:debug_control_hook(_)). hook(prolog:help_hook(_)). hook(prolog:show_profile_hook(_,_)). hook(prolog:general_exception(_,_)). hook(prolog:predicate_summary(_,_)). hook(prolog:residual_goals(_,_)). hook(prolog_edit:load). hook(prolog_edit:locate(_,_,_)). hook(shlib:unload_all_foreign_libraries). hook(system:'$foreign_registered'(_, _)). hook(predicate_options:option_decl(_,_,_)). hook(user:exception(_,_,_)). hook(user:file_search_path(_,_)). hook(user:library_directory(_)). hook(user:message_hook(_,_,_)). hook(user:portray(_)). hook(user:prolog_clause_name(_,_)). hook(user:prolog_list_goal(_)). hook(user:prolog_predicate_name(_,_)). hook(user:prolog_trace_interception(_,_,_,_)). hook(user:prolog_exception_hook(_,_,_,_)). hook(sandbox:safe_primitive(_)). hook(sandbox:safe_meta_predicate(_)). hook(sandbox:safe_meta(_,_)). hook(sandbox:safe_global_variable(_)). hook(sandbox:safe_directive(_)). %! arith_callable(+Spec, -Callable) % % Translate argument of arithmetic_function/1 into a callable term arith_callable(Var, _) :- var(Var), !, fail. arith_callable(Module:Spec, Module:Goal) :- !, arith_callable(Spec, Goal). arith_callable(Name/Arity, Goal) :- PredArity is Arity + 1, functor(Goal, Name, PredArity). %! process_body(+Body, +Origin, +Src) is det. % % Process a callable body (body of a clause or directive). Origin % describes the origin of the call. Partial evaluation may lead to % non-determinism, which is why we backtrack over process_goal/3. % % We limit the number of explored paths to 100 to avoid getting % trapped in this analysis. process_body(Body, Origin, Src) :- forall(limit(100, process_goal(Body, Origin, Src, _Partial)), true). %! process_goal(+Goal, +Origin, +Src, ?Partial) is multi. % % Xref Goal. The argument Partial is bound to `true` if there was a % partial evalation inside Goal that has bound variables. process_goal(Var, _, _, _) :- var(Var), !. process_goal(Goal, Origin, Src, P) :- Goal = (_,_), % problems !, phrase(conjunction(Goal), Goals), process_conjunction(Goals, Origin, Src, P). process_goal(Goal, Origin, Src, _) :- % Final disjunction, no Goal = (_;_), % problems !, phrase(disjunction(Goal), Goals), forall(member(G, Goals), process_body(G, Origin, Src)). process_goal(Goal, Origin, Src, P) :- ( ( xmodule(M, Src) -> true ; M = user ), ( predicate_property(M:Goal, imported_from(IM)) -> true ; IM = M ), prolog:called_by(Goal, IM, M, Called) ; prolog:called_by(Goal, Called) ), !, must_be(list, Called), current_source_line(Here), assert_called(Src, Origin, Goal, Here), process_called_list(Called, Origin, Src, P). process_goal(Goal, Origin, Src, _) :- process_xpce_goal(Goal, Origin, Src), !. process_goal(load_foreign_library(File), _Origin, Src, _) :- process_foreign(File, Src). process_goal(load_foreign_library(File, _Init), _Origin, Src, _) :- process_foreign(File, Src). process_goal(use_foreign_library(File), _Origin, Src, _) :- process_foreign(File, Src). process_goal(use_foreign_library(File, _Init), _Origin, Src, _) :- process_foreign(File, Src). process_goal(Goal, Origin, Src, P) :- xref_meta_src(Goal, Metas, Src), !, current_source_line(Here), assert_called(Src, Origin, Goal, Here), process_called_list(Metas, Origin, Src, P). process_goal(Goal, Origin, Src, _) :- asserting_goal(Goal, Rule), !, current_source_line(Here), assert_called(Src, Origin, Goal, Here), process_assert(Rule, Origin, Src). process_goal(Goal, Origin, Src, P) :- partial_evaluate(Goal, P), current_source_line(Here), assert_called(Src, Origin, Goal, Here). disjunction(Var) --> {var(Var), !}, [Var]. disjunction((A;B)) --> !, disjunction(A), disjunction(B). disjunction(G) --> [G]. conjunction(Var) --> {var(Var), !}, [Var]. conjunction((A,B)) --> !, conjunction(A), conjunction(B). conjunction(G) --> [G]. shares_vars(RVars, T) :- term_variables(T, TVars0), sort(TVars0, TVars), ord_intersect(RVars, TVars). process_conjunction([], _, _, _). process_conjunction([Disj|Rest], Origin, Src, P) :- nonvar(Disj), Disj = (_;_), Rest \== [], !, phrase(disjunction(Disj), Goals), term_variables(Rest, RVars0), sort(RVars0, RVars), partition(shares_vars(RVars), Goals, Sharing, NonSHaring), forall(member(G, NonSHaring), process_body(G, Origin, Src)), ( Sharing == [] -> true ; maplist(term_variables, Sharing, GVars0), append(GVars0, GVars1), sort(GVars1, GVars), ord_intersection(GVars, RVars, SVars), VT =.. [v|SVars], findall(VT, ( member(G, Sharing), process_goal(G, Origin, Src, PS), PS == true ), Alts0), ( Alts0 == [] -> true ; ( true ; P = true, sort(Alts0, Alts1), variants(Alts1, 10, Alts), member(VT, Alts) ) ) ), process_conjunction(Rest, Origin, Src, P). process_conjunction([H|T], Origin, Src, P) :- process_goal(H, Origin, Src, P), process_conjunction(T, Origin, Src, P). process_called_list([], _, _, _). process_called_list([H|T], Origin, Src, P) :- process_meta(H, Origin, Src, P), process_called_list(T, Origin, Src, P). process_meta(A+N, Origin, Src, P) :- !, ( extend(A, N, AX) -> process_goal(AX, Origin, Src, P) ; true ). process_meta(//(A), Origin, Src, P) :- !, process_dcg_goal(A, Origin, Src, P). process_meta(G, Origin, Src, P) :- process_goal(G, Origin, Src, P). %! process_dcg_goal(+Grammar, +Origin, +Src, ?Partial) is det. % % Process meta-arguments that are tagged with //, such as % phrase/3. process_dcg_goal(Var, _, _, _) :- var(Var), !. process_dcg_goal((A,B), Origin, Src, P) :- !, process_dcg_goal(A, Origin, Src, P), process_dcg_goal(B, Origin, Src, P). process_dcg_goal((A;B), Origin, Src, P) :- !, process_dcg_goal(A, Origin, Src, P), process_dcg_goal(B, Origin, Src, P). process_dcg_goal((A|B), Origin, Src, P) :- !, process_dcg_goal(A, Origin, Src, P), process_dcg_goal(B, Origin, Src, P). process_dcg_goal((A->B), Origin, Src, P) :- !, process_dcg_goal(A, Origin, Src, P), process_dcg_goal(B, Origin, Src, P). process_dcg_goal((A*->B), Origin, Src, P) :- !, process_dcg_goal(A, Origin, Src, P), process_dcg_goal(B, Origin, Src, P). process_dcg_goal({Goal}, Origin, Src, P) :- !, process_goal(Goal, Origin, Src, P). process_dcg_goal(List, _Origin, _Src, _) :- is_list(List), !. % terminal process_dcg_goal(List, _Origin, _Src, _) :- string(List), !. % terminal process_dcg_goal(Callable, Origin, Src, P) :- extend(Callable, 2, Goal), !, process_goal(Goal, Origin, Src, P). process_dcg_goal(_, _, _, _). extend(Var, _, _) :- var(Var), !, fail. extend(M:G, N, M:GX) :- !, callable(G), extend(G, N, GX). extend(G, N, GX) :- ( compound(G) -> compound_name_arguments(G, Name, Args), length(Rest, N), append(Args, Rest, NArgs), compound_name_arguments(GX, Name, NArgs) ; atom(G) -> length(NArgs, N), compound_name_arguments(GX, G, NArgs) ). asserting_goal(assert(Rule), Rule). asserting_goal(asserta(Rule), Rule). asserting_goal(assertz(Rule), Rule). asserting_goal(assert(Rule,_), Rule). asserting_goal(asserta(Rule,_), Rule). asserting_goal(assertz(Rule,_), Rule). process_assert(0, _, _) :- !. % catch variables process_assert((_:-Body), Origin, Src) :- !, process_body(Body, Origin, Src). process_assert(_, _, _). %! variants(+SortedList, +Max, -Variants) is det. variants([], _, []). variants([H|T], Max, List) :- variants(T, H, Max, List). variants([], H, _, [H]). variants(_, _, 0, []) :- !. variants([H|T], V, Max, List) :- ( H =@= V -> variants(T, V, Max, List) ; List = [V|List2], Max1 is Max-1, variants(T, H, Max1, List2) ). %! partial_evaluate(+Goal, ?Parrial) is det. % % Perform partial evaluation on Goal to trap cases such as below. % % == % T = hello(X), % findall(T, T, List), % == % % @tbd Make this user extensible? What about non-deterministic % bindings? partial_evaluate(Goal, P) :- eval(Goal), !, P = true. partial_evaluate(_, _). eval(X = Y) :- unify_with_occurs_check(X, Y). /******************************* * XPCE STUFF * *******************************/ pce_goal(new(_,_), new(-, new)). pce_goal(send(_,_), send(arg, msg)). pce_goal(send_class(_,_,_), send_class(arg, arg, msg)). pce_goal(get(_,_,_), get(arg, msg, -)). pce_goal(get_class(_,_,_,_), get_class(arg, arg, msg, -)). pce_goal(get_chain(_,_,_), get_chain(arg, msg, -)). pce_goal(get_object(_,_,_), get_object(arg, msg, -)). process_xpce_goal(G, Origin, Src) :- pce_goal(G, Process), !, current_source_line(Here), assert_called(Src, Origin, G, Here), ( arg(I, Process, How), arg(I, G, Term), process_xpce_arg(How, Term, Origin, Src), fail ; true ). process_xpce_arg(new, Term, Origin, Src) :- callable(Term), process_new(Term, Origin, Src). process_xpce_arg(arg, Term, Origin, Src) :- compound(Term), process_new(Term, Origin, Src). process_xpce_arg(msg, Term, Origin, Src) :- compound(Term), ( arg(_, Term, Arg), process_xpce_arg(arg, Arg, Origin, Src), fail ; true ). process_new(_M:_Term, _, _) :- !. % TBD: Calls on other modules! process_new(Term, Origin, Src) :- assert_new(Src, Origin, Term), ( compound(Term), arg(_, Term, Arg), process_xpce_arg(arg, Arg, Origin, Src), fail ; true ). assert_new(_, _, Term) :- \+ callable(Term), !. assert_new(Src, Origin, Control) :- functor_name(Control, Class), pce_control_class(Class), !, forall(arg(_, Control, Arg), assert_new(Src, Origin, Arg)). assert_new(Src, Origin, Term) :- compound(Term), arg(1, Term, Prolog), Prolog == @(prolog), ( Term =.. [message, _, Selector | T], atom(Selector) -> Called =.. [Selector|T], process_body(Called, Origin, Src) ; Term =.. [?, _, Selector | T], atom(Selector) -> append(T, [_R], T2), Called =.. [Selector|T2], process_body(Called, Origin, Src) ), fail. assert_new(_, _, @(_)) :- !. assert_new(Src, _, Term) :- functor_name(Term, Name), assert_used_class(Src, Name). pce_control_class(and). pce_control_class(or). pce_control_class(if). pce_control_class(not). /******************************** * INCLUDED MODULES * ********************************/ %! process_use_module(+Modules, +Src, +Rexport) is det. process_use_module(_Module:_Files, _, _) :- !. % loaded in another module process_use_module([], _, _) :- !. process_use_module([H|T], Src, Reexport) :- !, process_use_module(H, Src, Reexport), process_use_module(T, Src, Reexport). process_use_module(library(pce), Src, Reexport) :- % bit special !, xref_public_list(library(pce), Path, Exports, Src), forall(member(Import, Exports), process_pce_import(Import, Src, Path, Reexport)). process_use_module(File, Src, Reexport) :- load_module_if_needed(File), ( xoption(Src, silent(Silent)) -> Extra = [silent(Silent)] ; Extra = [silent(true)] ), ( xref_public_list(File, Src, [ path(Path), module(M), exports(Exports), public(Public), meta(Meta) | Extra ]) -> assert(uses_file(File, Src, Path)), assert_import(Src, Exports, _, Path, Reexport), assert_xmodule_callable(Exports, M, Src, Path), assert_xmodule_callable(Public, M, Src, Path), maplist(process_meta_head(Src), Meta), ( File = library(chr) % hacky -> assert(mode(chr, Src)) ; true ) ; assert(uses_file(File, Src, '')) ). process_pce_import(Name/Arity, Src, Path, Reexport) :- atom(Name), integer(Arity), !, functor(Term, Name, Arity), ( \+ system_predicate(Term), \+ Term = pce_error(_) % hack!? -> assert_import(Src, [Name/Arity], _, Path, Reexport) ; true ). process_pce_import(op(P,T,N), Src, _, _) :- xref_push_op(Src, P, T, N). %! process_use_module2(+File, +Import, +Src, +Reexport) is det. % % Process use_module/2 and reexport/2. process_use_module2(File, Import, Src, Reexport) :- load_module_if_needed(File), ( xref_source_file(File, Path, Src) -> assert(uses_file(File, Src, Path)), ( catch(public_list(Path, _, Meta, Export, _Public, []), _, fail) -> assert_import(Src, Import, Export, Path, Reexport), forall(( member(Head, Meta), imported(Head, _, Path) ), process_meta_head(Src, Head)) ; true ) ; assert(uses_file(File, Src, '')) ). %! load_module_if_needed(+File) % % Load a module explicitly if it is not suitable for autoloading. % Typically this is the case if the module provides essential term % and/or goal expansion rulses. load_module_if_needed(File) :- prolog:no_autoload_module(File), !, use_module(File, []). load_module_if_needed(_). prolog:no_autoload_module(library(apply_macros)). prolog:no_autoload_module(library(arithmetic)). prolog:no_autoload_module(library(record)). prolog:no_autoload_module(library(persistency)). prolog:no_autoload_module(library(pldoc)). prolog:no_autoload_module(library(settings)). prolog:no_autoload_module(library(debug)). prolog:no_autoload_module(library(plunit)). %! process_requires(+Import, +Src) process_requires(Import, Src) :- is_list(Import), !, require_list(Import, Src). process_requires(Var, _Src) :- var(Var), !. process_requires((A,B), Src) :- !, process_requires(A, Src), process_requires(B, Src). process_requires(PI, Src) :- requires(PI, Src). require_list([], _). require_list([H|T], Src) :- requires(H, Src), require_list(T, Src). requires(PI, _Src) :- '$pi_head'(PI, Head), '$get_predicate_attribute'(system:Head, defined, 1), !. requires(PI, Src) :- '$pi_head'(PI, Head), '$pi_head'(Name/Arity, Head), '$find_library'(_Module, Name, Arity, _LoadModule, Library), ( imported(Head, Src, Library) -> true ; assertz(imported(Head, Src, Library)) ). %! xref_public_list(+Spec, +Source, +Options) is semidet. % % Find meta-information about File. This predicate reads all terms % upto the first term that is not a directive. It uses the module % and meta_predicate directives to assemble the information % in Options. Options processed: % % * path(-Path) % Path is the full path name of the referenced file. % * module(-Module) % Module is the module defines in Spec. % * exports(-Exports) % Exports is a list of predicate indicators and operators % collected from the module/2 term and reexport declarations. % * public(-Public) % Public declarations of the file. % * meta(-Meta) % Meta is a list of heads as they appear in meta_predicate/1 % declarations. % * silent(+Boolean) % Do not print any messages or raise exceptions on errors. % % The information collected by this predicate is cached. The cached % data is considered valid as long as the modification time of the % file does not change. % % @param Source is the file from which Spec is referenced. xref_public_list(File, Src, Options) :- option(path(Path), Options, _), option(module(Module), Options, _), option(exports(Exports), Options, _), option(public(Public), Options, _), option(meta(Meta), Options, _), xref_source_file(File, Path, Src, Options), public_list(Path, Module, Meta, Exports, Public, Options). %! xref_public_list(+File, -Path, -Export, +Src) is semidet. %! xref_public_list(+File, -Path, -Module, -Export, -Meta, +Src) is semidet. %! xref_public_list(+File, -Path, -Module, -Export, -Public, -Meta, +Src) is semidet. % % Find meta-information about File. This predicate reads all terms % upto the first term that is not a directive. It uses the module % and meta_predicate directives to assemble the information % described below. % % These predicates fail if File is not a module-file. % % @param Path is the canonical path to File % @param Module is the module defined in Path % @param Export is a list of predicate indicators. % @param Meta is a list of heads as they appear in % meta_predicate/1 declarations. % @param Src is the place from which File is referenced. % @deprecated New code should use xref_public_list/3, which % unifies all variations using an option list. xref_public_list(File, Path, Export, Src) :- xref_source_file(File, Path, Src), public_list(Path, _, _, Export, _, []). xref_public_list(File, Path, Module, Export, Meta, Src) :- xref_source_file(File, Path, Src), public_list(Path, Module, Meta, Export, _, []). xref_public_list(File, Path, Module, Export, Public, Meta, Src) :- xref_source_file(File, Path, Src), public_list(Path, Module, Meta, Export, Public, []). %! public_list(+Path, -Module, -Meta, -Export, -Public, +Options) % % Read the public information for Path. Options supported are: % % - silent(+Boolean) % If `true`, ignore (syntax) errors. If not specified the default % is inherited from xref_source/2. :- dynamic public_list_cache/6. :- volatile public_list_cache/6. public_list(Path, Module, Meta, Export, Public, _Options) :- public_list_cache(Path, Modified, Module0, Meta0, Export0, Public0), time_file(Path, ModifiedNow), ( abs(Modified-ModifiedNow) < 0.0001 -> !, t(Module,Meta,Export,Public) = t(Module0,Meta0,Export0,Public0) ; retractall(public_list_cache(Path, _, _, _, _, _)), fail ). public_list(Path, Module, Meta, Export, Public, Options) :- public_list_nc(Path, Module0, Meta0, Export0, Public0, Options), ( Error = error(_,_), catch(time_file(Path, Modified), Error, fail) -> asserta(public_list_cache(Path, Modified, Module0, Meta0, Export0, Public0)) ; true ), t(Module,Meta,Export,Public) = t(Module0,Meta0,Export0,Public0). public_list_nc(Path, Module, Meta, Export, Public, Options) :- in_temporary_module( TempModule, true, public_list_diff(TempModule, Path, Module, Meta, [], Export, [], Public, [], Options)). public_list_diff(TempModule, Path, Module, Meta, MT, Export, Rest, Public, PT, Options) :- setup_call_cleanup( public_list_setup(TempModule, Path, In, State), phrase(read_directives(In, Options, [true]), Directives), public_list_cleanup(In, State)), public_list(Directives, Path, Module, Meta, MT, Export, Rest, Public, PT). public_list_setup(TempModule, Path, In, state(OldM, OldXref)) :- prolog_open_source(Path, In), '$set_source_module'(OldM, TempModule), set_xref(OldXref). public_list_cleanup(In, state(OldM, OldXref)) :- '$set_source_module'(OldM), set_prolog_flag(xref, OldXref), prolog_close_source(In). read_directives(In, Options, State) --> { repeat, catch(prolog_read_source_term(In, Term, Expanded, [ process_comment(true), syntax_errors(error) ]), E, report_syntax_error(E, -, Options)) -> nonvar(Term), Term = (:-_) }, !, terms(Expanded, State, State1), read_directives(In, Options, State1). read_directives(_, _, _) --> []. terms(Var, State, State) --> { var(Var) }, !. terms([H|T], State0, State) --> !, terms(H, State0, State1), terms(T, State1, State). terms((:-if(Cond)), State0, [True|State0]) --> !, { eval_cond(Cond, True) }. terms((:-elif(Cond)), [True0|State], [True|State]) --> !, { eval_cond(Cond, True1), elif(True0, True1, True) }. terms((:-else), [True0|State], [True|State]) --> !, { negate(True0, True) }. terms((:-endif), [_|State], State) --> !. terms(H, State, State) --> ( {State = [true|_]} -> [H] ; [] ). eval_cond(Cond, true) :- catch(Cond, _, fail), !. eval_cond(_, false). elif(true, _, else_false) :- !. elif(false, true, true) :- !. elif(True, _, True). negate(true, false). negate(false, true). negate(else_false, else_false). public_list([(:- module(Module, Export0))|Decls], Path, Module, Meta, MT, Export, Rest, Public, PT) :- !, append(Export0, Reexport, Export), public_list_(Decls, Path, Meta, MT, Reexport, Rest, Public, PT). public_list([(:- encoding(_))|Decls], Path, Module, Meta, MT, Export, Rest, Public, PT) :- public_list(Decls, Path, Module, Meta, MT, Export, Rest, Public, PT). public_list_([], _, Meta, Meta, Export, Export, Public, Public). public_list_([(:-(Dir))|T], Path, Meta, MT, Export, Rest, Public, PT) :- public_list_1(Dir, Path, Meta, MT0, Export, Rest0, Public, PT0), !, public_list_(T, Path, MT0, MT, Rest0, Rest, PT0, PT). public_list_([_|T], Path, Meta, MT, Export, Rest, Public, PT) :- public_list_(T, Path, Meta, MT, Export, Rest, Public, PT). public_list_1(reexport(Spec), Path, Meta, MT, Reexport, Rest, Public, PT) :- reexport_files(Spec, Path, Meta, MT, Reexport, Rest, Public, PT). public_list_1(reexport(Spec, Import), Path, Meta, Meta, Reexport, Rest, Public, Public) :- public_from_import(Import, Spec, Path, Reexport, Rest). public_list_1(meta_predicate(Decl), _Path, Meta, MT, Export, Export, Public, Public) :- phrase(meta_decls(Decl), Meta, MT). public_list_1(public(Decl), _Path, Meta, Meta, Export, Export, Public, PT) :- phrase(public_decls(Decl), Public, PT). %! reexport_files(+Files, +Src, %! -Meta, ?MetaTail, -Exports, ?ExportsTail, %! -Public, ?PublicTail) reexport_files([], _, Meta, Meta, Export, Export, Public, Public) :- !. reexport_files([H|T], Src, Meta, MT, Export, ET, Public, PT) :- !, xref_source_file(H, Path, Src), public_list(Path, _Module, Meta0, Export0, Public0, []), append(Meta0, MT1, Meta), append(Export0, ET1, Export), append(Public0, PT1, Public), reexport_files(T, Src, MT1, MT, ET1, ET, PT1, PT). reexport_files(Spec, Src, Meta, MT, Export, ET, Public, PT) :- xref_source_file(Spec, Path, Src), public_list(Path, _Module, Meta0, Export0, Public0, []), append(Meta0, MT, Meta), append(Export0, ET, Export), append(Public0, PT, Public). public_from_import(except(Map), Path, Src, Export, Rest) :- !, xref_public_list(Path, _, AllExports, Src), except(Map, AllExports, NewExports), append(NewExports, Rest, Export). public_from_import(Import, _, _, Export, Rest) :- import_name_map(Import, Export, Rest). %! except(+Remove, +AllExports, -Exports) except([], Exports, Exports). except([PI0 as NewName|Map], Exports0, Exports) :- !, canonical_pi(PI0, PI), map_as(Exports0, PI, NewName, Exports1), except(Map, Exports1, Exports). except([PI0|Map], Exports0, Exports) :- canonical_pi(PI0, PI), select(PI2, Exports0, Exports1), same_pi(PI, PI2), !, except(Map, Exports1, Exports). map_as([PI|T], Repl, As, [PI2|T]) :- same_pi(Repl, PI), !, pi_as(PI, As, PI2). map_as([H|T0], Repl, As, [H|T]) :- map_as(T0, Repl, As, T). pi_as(_/Arity, Name, Name/Arity). pi_as(_//Arity, Name, Name//Arity). import_name_map([], L, L). import_name_map([_/Arity as NewName|T0], [NewName/Arity|T], Tail) :- !, import_name_map(T0, T, Tail). import_name_map([_//Arity as NewName|T0], [NewName//Arity|T], Tail) :- !, import_name_map(T0, T, Tail). import_name_map([H|T0], [H|T], Tail) :- import_name_map(T0, T, Tail). canonical_pi(Name//Arity0, PI) :- integer(Arity0), !, PI = Name/Arity, Arity is Arity0 + 2. canonical_pi(PI, PI). same_pi(Canonical, PI2) :- canonical_pi(PI2, Canonical). meta_decls(Var) --> { var(Var) }, !. meta_decls((A,B)) --> !, meta_decls(A), meta_decls(B). meta_decls(A) --> [A]. public_decls(Var) --> { var(Var) }, !. public_decls((A,B)) --> !, public_decls(A), public_decls(B). public_decls(A) --> [A]. /******************************* * INCLUDE * *******************************/ process_include([], _) :- !. process_include([H|T], Src) :- !, process_include(H, Src), process_include(T, Src). process_include(File, Src) :- callable(File), !, ( once(xref_input(ParentSrc, _)), xref_source_file(File, Path, ParentSrc) -> ( ( uses_file(_, Src, Path) ; Path == Src ) -> true ; assert(uses_file(File, Src, Path)), ( xoption(Src, process_include(true)) -> findall(O, xoption(Src, O), Options), setup_call_cleanup( open_include_file(Path, In, Refs), collect(Src, Path, In, Options), close_include(In, Refs)) ; true ) ) ; assert(uses_file(File, Src, '')) ). process_include(_, _). %! open_include_file(+Path, -In, -Refs) % % Opens an :- include(File) referenced file. Note that we cannot % use prolog_open_source/2 because we should _not_ safe/restore % the lexical context. open_include_file(Path, In, [Ref]) :- once(xref_input(_, Parent)), stream_property(Parent, encoding(Enc)), '$push_input_context'(xref_include), catch(( prolog:xref_open_source(Path, In) -> catch(set_stream(In, encoding(Enc)), error(_,_), true) % deal with non-file input ; include_encoding(Enc, Options), open(Path, read, In, Options) ), E, ( '$pop_input_context', throw(E))), catch(( peek_char(In, #) % Deal with #! script -> skip(In, 10) ; true ), E, ( close_include(In, []), throw(E))), asserta(xref_input(Path, In), Ref). include_encoding(wchar_t, []) :- !. include_encoding(Enc, [encoding(Enc)]). close_include(In, Refs) :- maplist(erase, Refs), close(In, [force(true)]), '$pop_input_context'. %! process_foreign(+Spec, +Src) % % Process a load_foreign_library/1 call. process_foreign(Spec, Src) :- ground(Spec), current_foreign_library(Spec, Defined), !, ( xmodule(Module, Src) -> true ; Module = user ), process_foreign_defined(Defined, Module, Src). process_foreign(_, _). process_foreign_defined([], _, _). process_foreign_defined([H|T], M, Src) :- ( H = M:Head -> assert_foreign(Src, Head) ; assert_foreign(Src, H) ), process_foreign_defined(T, M, Src). /******************************* * CHR SUPPORT * *******************************/ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This part of the file supports CHR. Our choice is between making special hooks to make CHR expansion work and then handle the (complex) expanded code or process the CHR source directly. The latter looks simpler, though I don't like the idea of adding support for libraries to this module. A file is supposed to be a CHR file if it uses a use_module(library(chr) or contains a :- constraint/1 directive. As an extra bonus we get the source-locations right :-) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ process_chr(@(_Name, Rule), Src) :- mode(chr, Src), process_chr(Rule, Src). process_chr(pragma(Rule, _Pragma), Src) :- mode(chr, Src), process_chr(Rule, Src). process_chr(<=>(Head, Body), Src) :- mode(chr, Src), chr_head(Head, Src, H), chr_body(Body, H, Src). process_chr(==>(Head, Body), Src) :- mode(chr, Src), chr_head(Head, H, Src), chr_body(Body, H, Src). process_chr((:- chr_constraint(_)), Src) :- ( mode(chr, Src) -> true ; assert(mode(chr, Src)) ). chr_head(X, _, _) :- var(X), !. % Illegal. Warn? chr_head(\(A,B), Src, H) :- chr_head(A, Src, H), process_body(B, H, Src). chr_head((H0,B), Src, H) :- chr_defined(H0, Src, H), process_body(B, H, Src). chr_head(H0, Src, H) :- chr_defined(H0, Src, H). chr_defined(X, _, _) :- var(X), !. chr_defined(#(C,_Id), Src, C) :- !, assert_constraint(Src, C). chr_defined(A, Src, A) :- assert_constraint(Src, A). chr_body(X, From, Src) :- var(X), !, process_body(X, From, Src). chr_body('|'(Guard, Goals), H, Src) :- !, chr_body(Guard, H, Src), chr_body(Goals, H, Src). chr_body(G, From, Src) :- process_body(G, From, Src). assert_constraint(_, Head) :- var(Head), !. assert_constraint(Src, Head) :- constraint(Head, Src, _), !. assert_constraint(Src, Head) :- generalise_term(Head, Term), current_source_line(Line), assert(constraint(Term, Src, Line)). /******************************** * PHASE 1 ASSERTIONS * ********************************/ %! assert_called(+Src, +From, +Head, +Line) is det. % % Assert the fact that Head is called by From in Src. We do not % assert called system predicates. assert_called(_, _, Var, _) :- var(Var), !. assert_called(Src, From, Goal, Line) :- var(From), !, assert_called(Src, '', Goal, Line). assert_called(_, _, Goal, _) :- expand_hide_called(Goal), !. assert_called(Src, Origin, M:G, Line) :- !, ( atom(M), callable(G) -> current_condition(Cond), ( xmodule(M, Src) % explicit call to own module -> assert_called(Src, Origin, G, Line) ; called(M:G, Src, Origin, Cond, Line) % already registered -> true ; hide_called(M:G, Src) % not interesting (now) -> true ; generalise(Origin, OTerm), generalise(G, GTerm) -> assert(called(M:GTerm, Src, OTerm, Cond, Line)) ; true ) ; true % call to variable module ). assert_called(Src, _, Goal, _) :- ( xmodule(M, Src) -> M \== system ; M = user ), hide_called(M:Goal, Src), !. assert_called(Src, Origin, Goal, Line) :- current_condition(Cond), ( called(Goal, Src, Origin, Cond, Line) -> true ; generalise(Origin, OTerm), generalise(Goal, Term) -> assert(called(Term, Src, OTerm, Cond, Line)) ; true ). %! expand_hide_called(:Callable) is semidet. % % Goals that should not turn up as being called. Hack. Eventually % we should deal with that using an XPCE plugin. expand_hide_called(pce_principal:send_implementation(_, _, _)). expand_hide_called(pce_principal:get_implementation(_, _, _, _)). expand_hide_called(pce_principal:pce_lazy_get_method(_,_,_)). expand_hide_called(pce_principal:pce_lazy_send_method(_,_,_)). assert_defined(Src, Goal) :- defined(Goal, Src, _), !. assert_defined(Src, Goal) :- generalise(Goal, Term), current_source_line(Line), assert(defined(Term, Src, Line)). assert_foreign(Src, Goal) :- foreign(Goal, Src, _), !. assert_foreign(Src, Goal) :- generalise(Goal, Term), current_source_line(Line), assert(foreign(Term, Src, Line)). %! assert_import(+Src, +Import, +ExportList, +From, +Reexport) is det. % % Asserts imports into Src. Import is the import specification, % ExportList is the list of known exported predicates or unbound % if this need not be checked and From is the file from which the % public predicates come. If Reexport is =true=, re-export the % imported predicates. % % @tbd Tighter type-checking on Import. assert_import(_, [], _, _, _) :- !. assert_import(Src, [H|T], Export, From, Reexport) :- !, assert_import(Src, H, Export, From, Reexport), assert_import(Src, T, Export, From, Reexport). assert_import(Src, except(Except), Export, From, Reexport) :- !, is_list(Export), !, except(Except, Export, Import), assert_import(Src, Import, _All, From, Reexport). assert_import(Src, Import as Name, Export, From, Reexport) :- !, pi_to_head(Import, Term0), rename_goal(Term0, Name, Term), ( in_export_list(Term0, Export) -> assert(imported(Term, Src, From)), assert_reexport(Reexport, Src, Term) ; current_source_line(Line), assert_called(Src, ''(Line), Term0, Line) ). assert_import(Src, Import, Export, From, Reexport) :- pi_to_head(Import, Term), !, ( in_export_list(Term, Export) -> assert(imported(Term, Src, From)), assert_reexport(Reexport, Src, Term) ; current_source_line(Line), assert_called(Src, ''(Line), Term, Line) ). assert_import(Src, op(P,T,N), _, _, _) :- xref_push_op(Src, P,T,N). in_export_list(_Head, Export) :- var(Export), !. in_export_list(Head, Export) :- member(PI, Export), pi_to_head(PI, Head). assert_reexport(false, _, _) :- !. assert_reexport(true, Src, Term) :- assert(exported(Term, Src)). %! process_import(:Import, +Src) % % Process an import/1 directive process_import(M:PI, Src) :- pi_to_head(PI, Head), !, ( atom(M), current_module(M), module_property(M, file(From)) -> true ; From = '' ), assert(imported(Head, Src, From)). process_import(_, _). %! assert_xmodule_callable(PIs, Module, Src, From) % % We can call all exports and public predicates of an imported % module using Module:Goal. % % @tbd Should we distinguish this from normal imported? assert_xmodule_callable([], _, _, _). assert_xmodule_callable([PI|T], M, Src, From) :- ( pi_to_head(M:PI, Head) -> assert(imported(Head, Src, From)) ; true ), assert_xmodule_callable(T, M, Src, From). %! assert_op(+Src, +Op) is det. % % @param Op Ground term op(Priority, Type, Name). assert_op(Src, op(P,T,M:N)) :- ( '$current_source_module'(M) -> Name = N ; Name = M:N ), ( xop(Src, op(P,T,Name)) -> true ; assert(xop(Src, op(P,T,Name))) ). %! assert_module(+Src, +Module) % % Assert we are loading code into Module. This is also used to % exploit local term-expansion and other rules. assert_module(Src, Module) :- xmodule(Module, Src), !. assert_module(Src, Module) :- '$set_source_module'(Module), assert(xmodule(Module, Src)), ( module_property(Module, class(system)) -> retractall(xoption(Src, register_called(_))), assert(xoption(Src, register_called(all))) ; true ). assert_module_export(_, []) :- !. assert_module_export(Src, [H|T]) :- !, assert_module_export(Src, H), assert_module_export(Src, T). assert_module_export(Src, PI) :- pi_to_head(PI, Term), !, assert(exported(Term, Src)). assert_module_export(Src, op(P, A, N)) :- xref_push_op(Src, P, A, N). %! assert_module3(+Import, +Src) % % Handle 3th argument of module/3 declaration. assert_module3([], _) :- !. assert_module3([H|T], Src) :- !, assert_module3(H, Src), assert_module3(T, Src). assert_module3(Option, Src) :- process_use_module(library(dialect/Option), Src, false). %! process_predicates(:Closure, +Predicates, +Src) % % Process areguments of dynamic, etc., using call(Closure, PI, % Src). Handles both lists of specifications and (PI,...) % specifications. process_predicates(Closure, Preds, Src) :- is_list(Preds), !, process_predicate_list(Preds, Closure, Src). process_predicates(Closure, as(Preds, _Options), Src) :- !, process_predicates(Closure, Preds, Src). process_predicates(Closure, Preds, Src) :- process_predicate_comma(Preds, Closure, Src). process_predicate_list([], _, _). process_predicate_list([H|T], Closure, Src) :- ( nonvar(H) -> call(Closure, H, Src) ; true ), process_predicate_list(T, Closure, Src). process_predicate_comma(Var, _, _) :- var(Var), !. process_predicate_comma(M:(A,B), Closure, Src) :- !, process_predicate_comma(M:A, Closure, Src), process_predicate_comma(M:B, Closure, Src). process_predicate_comma((A,B), Closure, Src) :- !, process_predicate_comma(A, Closure, Src), process_predicate_comma(B, Closure, Src). process_predicate_comma(as(Spec, _Options), Closure, Src) :- !, process_predicate_comma(Spec, Closure, Src). process_predicate_comma(A, Closure, Src) :- call(Closure, A, Src). assert_dynamic(PI, Src) :- pi_to_head(PI, Term), ( thread_local(Term, Src, _) % dynamic after thread_local has -> true % no effect ; current_source_line(Line), assert(dynamic(Term, Src, Line)) ). assert_thread_local(PI, Src) :- pi_to_head(PI, Term), current_source_line(Line), assert(thread_local(Term, Src, Line)). assert_multifile(PI, Src) :- % :- multifile(Spec) pi_to_head(PI, Term), current_source_line(Line), assert(multifile(Term, Src, Line)). assert_public(PI, Src) :- % :- public(Spec) pi_to_head(PI, Term), current_source_line(Line), assert_called(Src, ''(Line), Term, Line), assert(public(Term, Src, Line)). assert_export(PI, Src) :- % :- export(Spec) pi_to_head(PI, Term), !, assert(exported(Term, Src)). %! pi_to_head(+PI, -Head) is semidet. % % Translate Name/Arity or Name//Arity to a callable term. Fails if % PI is not a predicate indicator. pi_to_head(Var, _) :- var(Var), !, fail. pi_to_head(M:PI, M:Term) :- !, pi_to_head(PI, Term). pi_to_head(Name/Arity, Term) :- functor(Term, Name, Arity). pi_to_head(Name//DCGArity, Term) :- Arity is DCGArity+2, functor(Term, Name, Arity). assert_used_class(Src, Name) :- used_class(Name, Src), !. assert_used_class(Src, Name) :- assert(used_class(Name, Src)). assert_defined_class(Src, Name, _Meta, _Super, _) :- defined_class(Name, _, _, Src, _), !. assert_defined_class(_, _, _, -, _) :- !. % :- pce_extend_class assert_defined_class(Src, Name, Meta, Super, Summary) :- current_source_line(Line), ( Summary == @(default) -> Atom = '' ; is_list(Summary) -> atom_codes(Atom, Summary) ; string(Summary) -> atom_concat(Summary, '', Atom) ), assert(defined_class(Name, Super, Atom, Src, Line)), ( Meta = @(_) -> true ; assert_used_class(Src, Meta) ), assert_used_class(Src, Super). assert_defined_class(Src, Name, imported_from(_File)) :- defined_class(Name, _, _, Src, _), !. assert_defined_class(Src, Name, imported_from(File)) :- assert(defined_class(Name, _, '', Src, file(File))). /******************************** * UTILITIES * ********************************/ %! generalise(+Callable, -General) % % Generalise a callable term. generalise(Var, Var) :- var(Var), !. % error? generalise(pce_principal:send_implementation(Id, _, _), pce_principal:send_implementation(Id, _, _)) :- atom(Id), !. generalise(pce_principal:get_implementation(Id, _, _, _), pce_principal:get_implementation(Id, _, _, _)) :- atom(Id), !. generalise(''(Line), ''(Line)) :- !. generalise(Module:Goal0, Module:Goal) :- atom(Module), !, generalise(Goal0, Goal). generalise(Term0, Term) :- callable(Term0), generalise_term(Term0, Term). /******************************* * SOURCE MANAGEMENT * *******************************/ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This section of the file contains hookable predicates to reason about sources. The built-in code here can only deal with files. The XPCE library(pce_prolog_xref) provides hooks to deal with XPCE objects, so we can do cross-referencing on PceEmacs edit buffers. Other examples for hooking can be databases, (HTTP) URIs, etc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ :- multifile prolog:xref_source_directory/2, % +Source, -Dir prolog:xref_source_file/3. % +Spec, -Path, +Options %! xref_source_file(+Spec, -File, +Src) is semidet. %! xref_source_file(+Spec, -File, +Src, +Options) is semidet. % % Find named source file from Spec, relative to Src. xref_source_file(Plain, File, Source) :- xref_source_file(Plain, File, Source, []). xref_source_file(QSpec, File, Source, Options) :- nonvar(QSpec), QSpec = _:Spec, !, must_be(acyclic, Spec), xref_source_file(Spec, File, Source, Options). xref_source_file(Spec, File, Source, Options) :- nonvar(Spec), prolog:xref_source_file(Spec, File, [ relative_to(Source) | Options ]), !. xref_source_file(Plain, File, Source, Options) :- atom(Plain), \+ is_absolute_file_name(Plain), ( prolog:xref_source_directory(Source, Dir) -> true ; atom(Source), file_directory_name(Source, Dir) ), atomic_list_concat([Dir, /, Plain], Spec0), absolute_file_name(Spec0, Spec), do_xref_source_file(Spec, File, Options), !. xref_source_file(Spec, File, Source, Options) :- do_xref_source_file(Spec, File, [ relative_to(Source) | Options ]), !. xref_source_file(_, _, _, Options) :- option(silent(true), Options), !, fail. xref_source_file(Spec, _, Src, _Options) :- verbose(Src), print_message(warning, error(existence_error(file, Spec), _)), fail. do_xref_source_file(Spec, File, Options) :- nonvar(Spec), option(file_type(Type), Options, prolog), absolute_file_name(Spec, File, [ file_type(Type), access(read), file_errors(fail) ]), !. %! canonical_source(?Source, ?Src) is det. % % Src is the canonical version of Source if Source is given. canonical_source(Source, Src) :- ( ground(Source) -> prolog_canonical_source(Source, Src) ; Source = Src ). %! goal_name_arity(+Goal, -Name, -Arity) % % Generalized version of functor/3 that can deal with name() % goals. goal_name_arity(Goal, Name, Arity) :- ( compound(Goal) -> compound_name_arity(Goal, Name, Arity) ; atom(Goal) -> Name = Goal, Arity = 0 ). generalise_term(Specific, General) :- ( compound(Specific) -> compound_name_arity(Specific, Name, Arity), compound_name_arity(General, Name, Arity) ; General = Specific ). functor_name(Term, Name) :- ( compound(Term) -> compound_name_arity(Term, Name, _) ; atom(Term) -> Name = Term ). rename_goal(Goal0, Name, Goal) :- ( compound(Goal0) -> compound_name_arity(Goal0, _, Arity), compound_name_arity(Goal, Name, Arity) ; Goal = Name ).