View source with raw comments or as raw
    1:- encoding(utf8).
    3/*  Part of SWI-Prolog
    5    Author:        Markus Triska
    6    E-mail:
    7    WWW: 
    8    Copyright (C): 2007-2017 Markus Triska
    9    All rights reserved.
   11    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
   12    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
   13    are met:
   15    1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
   16       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
   18    2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
   19       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
   20       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
   21       distribution.
   37/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   38   Thanks to Tom Schrijvers for his "", the first finite
   39   domain constraint solver included with SWI-Prolog. I've learned a
   40   lot from it and could even use some of the code for this solver.
   41   The propagation queue idea is taken from "", a prototype
   42   solver also written by Tom. Highlights of the present solver:
   44   Symbolic constants for infinities
   45   ---------------------------------
   47   ?- X #>= 0, Y #=< 0.
   48   %@ X in 0..sup,
   49   %@ Y in inf..0.
   51   No artificial limits (using GMP)
   52   ---------------------------------
   54   ?- N #= 2^66, X #\= N.
   55   %@ N = 73786976294838206464,
   56   %@ X in inf..73786976294838206463\/73786976294838206465..sup.
   58   Often stronger propagation
   59   ---------------------------------
   61   ?- Y #= abs(X), Y #\= 3, Z * Z #= 4.
   62   %@ Y in 0..2\/4..sup,
   63   %@ Y#=abs(X),
   64   %@ X in inf.. -4\/ -2..2\/4..sup,
   65   %@ Z in -2\/2.
   67   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   69   Development of this library has moved to SICStus Prolog. If you
   70   need any additional features or want to help, please file an issue at:
   73                    ==============================
   75- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
   77:- module(clpfd, [
   78                  op(760, yfx, #<==>),
   79                  op(750, xfy, #==>),
   80                  op(750, yfx, #<==),
   81                  op(740, yfx, #\/),
   82                  op(730, yfx, #\),
   83                  op(720, yfx, #/\),
   84                  op(710,  fy, #\),
   85                  op(700, xfx, #>),
   86                  op(700, xfx, #<),
   87                  op(700, xfx, #>=),
   88                  op(700, xfx, #=<),
   89                  op(700, xfx, #=),
   90                  op(700, xfx, #\=),
   91                  op(700, xfx, in),
   92                  op(700, xfx, ins),
   93                  op(450, xfx, ..), % should bind more tightly than \/
   94                  (#>)/2,
   95                  (#<)/2,
   96                  (#>=)/2,
   97                  (#=<)/2,
   98                  (#=)/2,
   99                  (#\=)/2,
  100                  (#\)/1,
  101                  (#<==>)/2,
  102                  (#==>)/2,
  103                  (#<==)/2,
  104                  (#\/)/2,
  105                  (#\)/2,
  106                  (#/\)/2,
  107                  (in)/2,
  108                  (ins)/2,
  109                  all_different/1,
  110                  all_distinct/1,
  111                  sum/3,
  112                  scalar_product/4,
  113                  tuples_in/2,
  114                  labeling/2,
  115                  label/1,
  116                  indomain/1,
  117                  lex_chain/1,
  118                  serialized/2,
  119                  global_cardinality/2,
  120                  global_cardinality/3,
  121                  circuit/1,
  122                  cumulative/1,
  123                  cumulative/2,
  124                  disjoint2/1,
  125                  element/3,
  126                  automaton/3,
  127                  automaton/8,
  128                  transpose/2,
  129                  zcompare/3,
  130                  chain/2,
  131                  fd_var/1,
  132                  fd_inf/2,
  133                  fd_sup/2,
  134                  fd_size/2,
  135                  fd_dom/2
  136                 ]).  137
  138:- public                               % called from goal_expansion
  139        clpfd_equal/2,
  140        clpfd_geq/2.  141
  142:- use_module(library(apply)).  143:- use_module(library(apply_macros)).  144:- use_module(library(assoc)).  145:- use_module(library(error)).  146:- use_module(library(lists)).  147:- use_module(library(pairs)).  148
  149:- op(700, xfx, cis).  150:- op(700, xfx, cis_geq).  151:- op(700, xfx, cis_gt).  152:- op(700, xfx, cis_leq).  153:- op(700, xfx, cis_lt).

CLP(FD): Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains

Development of this library has moved to SICStus Prolog.

Please see CLP(Z) for more information.


This library provides CLP(FD): Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains. This is an instance of the general CLP(X) scheme, extending logic programming with reasoning over specialised domains. CLP(FD) lets us reason about integers in a way that honors the relational nature of Prolog.

Read The Power of Prolog to understand how this library is meant to be used in practice.

There are two major use cases of CLP(FD) constraints:

  1. declarative integer arithmetic
  2. solving combinatorial problems such as planning, scheduling and allocation tasks.

The predicates of this library can be classified as:

In most cases, arithmetic constraints are the only predicates you will ever need from this library. When reasoning over integers, simply replace low-level arithmetic predicates like (is)/2 and (>)/2 by the corresponding CLP(FD) constraints like #=/2 and #>/2 to honor and preserve declarative properties of your programs. For satisfactory performance, arithmetic constraints are implicitly rewritten at compilation time so that low-level fallback predicates are automatically used whenever possible.

Almost all Prolog programs also reason about integers. Therefore, it is highly advisable that you make CLP(FD) constraints available in all your programs. One way to do this is to put the following directive in your <config>/ initialisation file:

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

All example programs that appear in the CLP(FD) documentation assume that you have done this.

Important concepts and principles of this library are illustrated by means of usage examples that are available in a public git repository:

If you are used to the complicated operational considerations that low-level arithmetic primitives necessitate, then moving to CLP(FD) constraints may, due to their power and convenience, at first feel to you excessive and almost like cheating. It isn't. Constraints are an integral part of all popular Prolog systems, and they are designed to help you eliminate and avoid the use of low-level and less general primitives by providing declarative alternatives that are meant to be used instead.

When teaching Prolog, CLP(FD) constraints should be introduced before explaining low-level arithmetic predicates and their procedural idiosyncrasies. This is because constraints are easy to explain, understand and use due to their purely relational nature. In contrast, the modedness and directionality of low-level arithmetic primitives are impure limitations that are better deferred to more advanced lectures.

We recommend the following reference (PDF: for citing this library in scientific publications:

  author    = {Markus Triska},
  title     = {The Finite Domain Constraint Solver of {SWI-Prolog}},
  booktitle = {FLOPS},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {7294},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {307-316}

More information about CLP(FD) constraints and their implementation is contained in:

The best way to discuss applying, improving and extending CLP(FD) constraints is to use the dedicated clpfd tag on Several of the world's foremost CLP(FD) experts regularly participate in these discussions and will help you for free on this platform.

Arithmetic constraints

In modern Prolog systems, arithmetic constraints subsume and supersede low-level predicates over integers. The main advantage of arithmetic constraints is that they are true relations and can be used in all directions. For most programs, arithmetic constraints are the only predicates you will ever need from this library.

The most important arithmetic constraint is #=/2, which subsumes both (is)/2 and (=:=)/2 over integers. Use #=/2 to make your programs more general. See declarative integer arithmetic.

In total, the arithmetic constraints are:

Expr1 #= Expr2Expr1 equals Expr2
Expr1 #\= Expr2Expr1 is not equal to Expr2
Expr1 #>= Expr2Expr1 is greater than or equal to Expr2
Expr1 #=< Expr2Expr1 is less than or equal to Expr2
Expr1 #> Expr2Expr1 is greater than Expr2
Expr1 #< Expr2Expr1 is less than Expr2

Expr1 and Expr2 denote arithmetic expressions, which are:

integerGiven value
variableUnknown integer
?(variable)Unknown integer
-ExprUnary minus
Expr + ExprAddition
Expr * ExprMultiplication
Expr - ExprSubtraction
Expr ^ ExprExponentiation
min(Expr,Expr)Minimum of two expressions
max(Expr,Expr)Maximum of two expressions
Expr mod ExprModulo induced by floored division
Expr rem ExprModulo induced by truncated division
abs(Expr)Absolute value
Expr // ExprTruncated integer division
Expr div ExprFloored integer division

where Expr again denotes an arithmetic expression.

The bitwise operations (\)/1, (/\)/2, (\/)/2, (>>)/2, (<<)/2, lsb/1, msb/1, popcount/1 and (xor)/2 are also supported.

Declarative integer arithmetic

The arithmetic constraints #=/2, #>/2 etc. are meant to be used instead of the primitives (is)/2, (=:=)/2, (>)/2 etc. over integers. Almost all Prolog programs also reason about integers. Therefore, it is recommended that you put the following directive in your <config>/ initialisation file to make CLP(FD) constraints available in all your programs:

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

Throughout the following, it is assumed that you have done this.

The most basic use of CLP(FD) constraints is evaluation of arithmetic expressions involving integers. For example:

?- X #= 1+2.
X = 3.

This could in principle also be achieved with the lower-level predicate (is)/2. However, an important advantage of arithmetic constraints is their purely relational nature: Constraints can be used in all directions, also if one or more of their arguments are only partially instantiated. For example:

?- 3 #= Y+2.
Y = 1.

This relational nature makes CLP(FD) constraints easy to explain and use, and well suited for beginners and experienced Prolog programmers alike. In contrast, when using low-level integer arithmetic, we get:

?- 3 is Y+2.
ERROR: is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated

?- 3 =:= Y+2.
ERROR: =:=/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated

Due to the necessary operational considerations, the use of these low-level arithmetic predicates is considerably harder to understand and should therefore be deferred to more advanced lectures.

For supported expressions, CLP(FD) constraints are drop-in replacements of these low-level arithmetic predicates, often yielding more general programs. See n_factorial/2 for an example.

This library uses goal_expansion/2 to automatically rewrite constraints at compilation time so that low-level arithmetic predicates are automatically used whenever possible. For example, the predicate:

positive_integer(N) :- N #>= 1.

is executed as if it were written as:

positive_integer(N) :-
        (   integer(N)
        ->  N >= 1
        ;   N #>= 1

This illustrates why the performance of CLP(FD) constraints is almost always completely satisfactory when they are used in modes that can be handled by low-level arithmetic. To disable the automatic rewriting, set the Prolog flag clpfd_goal_expansion to false.

If you are used to the complicated operational considerations that low-level arithmetic primitives necessitate, then moving to CLP(FD) constraints may, due to their power and convenience, at first feel to you excessive and almost like cheating. It isn't. Constraints are an integral part of all popular Prolog systems, and they are designed to help you eliminate and avoid the use of low-level and less general primitives by providing declarative alternatives that are meant to be used instead.

Example: Factorial relation

We illustrate the benefit of using #=/2 for more generality with a simple example.

Consider first a rather conventional definition of n_factorial/2, relating each natural number N to its factorial F:

n_factorial(0, 1).
n_factorial(N, F) :-
        N #> 0,
        N1 #= N - 1,
        n_factorial(N1, F1),
        F #= N * F1.

This program uses CLP(FD) constraints instead of low-level arithmetic throughout, and everything that would have worked with low-level arithmetic also works with CLP(FD) constraints, retaining roughly the same performance. For example:

?- n_factorial(47, F).
F = 258623241511168180642964355153611979969197632389120000000000 ;

Now the point: Due to the increased flexibility and generality of CLP(FD) constraints, we are free to reorder the goals as follows:

n_factorial(0, 1).
n_factorial(N, F) :-
        N #> 0,
        N1 #= N - 1,
        F #= N * F1,
        n_factorial(N1, F1).

In this concrete case, termination properties of the predicate are improved. For example, the following queries now both terminate:

?- n_factorial(N, 1).
N = 0 ;
N = 1 ;

?- n_factorial(N, 3).

To make the predicate terminate if any argument is instantiated, add the (implied) constraint `F #\= 0` before the recursive call. Otherwise, the query n_factorial(N, 0) is the only non-terminating case of this kind.

The value of CLP(FD) constraints does not lie in completely freeing us from all procedural phenomena. For example, the two programs do not even have the same termination properties in all cases. Instead, the primary benefit of CLP(FD) constraints is that they allow you to try different execution orders and apply declarative debugging techniques at all! Reordering goals (and clauses) can significantly impact the performance of Prolog programs, and you are free to try different variants if you use declarative approaches. Moreover, since all CLP(FD) constraints always terminate, placing them earlier can at most improve, never worsen, the termination properties of your programs. An additional benefit of CLP(FD) constraints is that they eliminate the complexity of introducing (is)/2 and (=:=)/2 to beginners, since both predicates are subsumed by #=/2 when reasoning over integers.

In the case above, the clauses are mutually exclusive if the first argument is sufficiently instantiated. To make the predicate deterministic in such cases while retaining its generality, you can use zcompare/3 to reify a comparison, making the different cases distinguishable by pattern matching. For example, in this concrete case and others like it, you can use zcompare(Comp, 0, N) to obtain as Comp the symbolic outcome (<, =, >) of 0 compared to N.

Combinatorial constraints

In addition to subsuming and replacing low-level arithmetic predicates, CLP(FD) constraints are often used to solve combinatorial problems such as planning, scheduling and allocation tasks. Among the most frequently used combinatorial constraints are all_distinct/1, global_cardinality/2 and cumulative/2. This library also provides several other constraints like disjoint2/1 and automaton/8, which are useful in more specialized applications.


Each CLP(FD) variable has an associated set of admissible integers, which we call the variable's domain. Initially, the domain of each CLP(FD) variable is the set of all integers. CLP(FD) constraints like #=/2, #>/2 and #\=/2 can at most reduce, and never extend, the domains of their arguments. The constraints in/2 and ins/2 let us explicitly state domains of CLP(FD) variables. The process of determining and adjusting domains of variables is called constraint propagation, and it is performed automatically by this library. When the domain of a variable contains only one element, then the variable is automatically unified to that element.

Domains are taken into account when further constraints are stated, and by enumeration predicates like labeling/2.

Example: Sudoku

As another example, consider Sudoku: It is a popular puzzle over integers that can be easily solved with CLP(FD) constraints.

sudoku(Rows) :-
        length(Rows, 9), maplist(same_length(Rows), Rows),
        append(Rows, Vs), Vs ins 1..9,
        maplist(all_distinct, Rows),
        transpose(Rows, Columns),
        maplist(all_distinct, Columns),
        Rows = [As,Bs,Cs,Ds,Es,Fs,Gs,Hs,Is],
        blocks(As, Bs, Cs),
        blocks(Ds, Es, Fs),
        blocks(Gs, Hs, Is).

blocks([], [], []).
blocks([N1,N2,N3|Ns1], [N4,N5,N6|Ns2], [N7,N8,N9|Ns3]) :-
        blocks(Ns1, Ns2, Ns3).

problem(1, [[_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_],

Sample query:

?- problem(1, Rows), sudoku(Rows), maplist(writeln, Rows).
Rows = [[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2|...], ... , [...|...]].

In this concrete case, the constraint solver is strong enough to find the unique solution without any search. For the general case, see search.

Residual goals

Here is an example session with a few queries and their answers:

?- X #> 3.
X in 4..sup.

?- X #\= 20.
X in inf..19\/21..sup.

?- 2*X #= 10.
X = 5.

?- X*X #= 144.
X in -12\/12.

?- 4*X + 2*Y #= 24, X + Y #= 9, [X,Y] ins 0..sup.
X = 3,
Y = 6.

?- X #= Y #<==> B, X in 0..3, Y in 4..5.
B = 0,
X in 0..3,
Y in 4..5.

The answers emitted by the toplevel are called residual programs, and the goals that comprise each answer are called residual goals. In each case above, and as for all pure programs, the residual program is declaratively equivalent to the original query. From the residual goals, it is clear that the constraint solver has deduced additional domain restrictions in many cases.

To inspect residual goals, it is best to let the toplevel display them for us. Wrap the call of your predicate into call_residue_vars/2 to make sure that all constrained variables are displayed. To make the constraints a variable is involved in available as a Prolog term for further reasoning within your program, use copy_term/3. For example:

?- X #= Y + Z, X in 0..5, copy_term([X,Y,Z], [X,Y,Z], Gs).
Gs = [clpfd: (X in 0..5), clpfd: (Y+Z#=X)],
X in 0..5,

This library also provides reflection predicates (like fd_dom/2, fd_size/2 etc.) with which we can inspect a variable's current domain. These predicates can be useful if you want to implement your own labeling strategies.

Using CLP(FD) constraints to solve combinatorial tasks typically consists of two phases:

  1. Modeling. In this phase, all relevant constraints are stated.
  2. Search. In this phase, enumeration predicates are used to search for concrete solutions.

It is good practice to keep the modeling part, via a dedicated predicate called the core relation, separate from the actual search for solutions. This lets us observe termination and determinism properties of the core relation in isolation from the search, and more easily try different search strategies.

As an example of a constraint satisfaction problem, consider the cryptoarithmetic puzzle SEND + MORE = MONEY, where different letters denote distinct integers between 0 and 9. It can be modeled in CLP(FD) as follows:

puzzle([S,E,N,D] + [M,O,R,E] = [M,O,N,E,Y]) :-
        Vars = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y],
        Vars ins 0..9,
                  S*1000 + E*100 + N*10 + D +
                  M*1000 + O*100 + R*10 + E #=
        M*10000 + O*1000 + N*100 + E*10 + Y,
        M #\= 0, S #\= 0.

Notice that we are not using labeling/2 in this predicate, so that we can first execute and observe the modeling part in isolation. Sample query and its result (actual variables replaced for readability):

?- puzzle(As+Bs=Cs).
As = [9, A2, A3, A4],
Bs = [1, 0, B3, A2],
Cs = [1, 0, A3, A2, C5],
A2 in 4..7,
all_different([9, A2, A3, A4, 1, 0, B3, C5]),
A3 in 5..8,
A4 in 2..8,
B3 in 2..8,
C5 in 2..8.

From this answer, we see that this core relation terminates and is in fact deterministic. Moreover, we see from the residual goals that the constraint solver has deduced more stringent bounds for all variables. Such observations are only possible if modeling and search parts are cleanly separated.

Labeling can then be used to search for solutions in a separate predicate or goal:

?- puzzle(As+Bs=Cs), label(As).
As = [9, 5, 6, 7],
Bs = [1, 0, 8, 5],
Cs = [1, 0, 6, 5, 2] ;

In this case, it suffices to label a subset of variables to find the puzzle's unique solution, since the constraint solver is strong enough to reduce the domains of remaining variables to singleton sets. In general though, it is necessary to label all variables to obtain ground solutions.

Example: Eight queens puzzle

We illustrate the concepts of the preceding sections by means of the so-called eight queens puzzle. The task is to place 8 queens on an 8x8 chessboard such that none of the queens is under attack. This means that no two queens share the same row, column or diagonal.

To express this puzzle via CLP(FD) constraints, we must first pick a suitable representation. Since CLP(FD) constraints reason over integers, we must find a way to map the positions of queens to integers. Several such mappings are conceivable, and it is not immediately obvious which we should use. On top of that, different constraints can be used to express the desired relations. For such reasons, modeling combinatorial problems via CLP(FD) constraints often necessitates some creativity and has been described as more of an art than a science.

In our concrete case, we observe that there must be exactly one queen per column. The following representation therefore suggests itself: We are looking for 8 integers, one for each column, where each integer denotes the row of the queen that is placed in the respective column, and which are subject to certain constraints.

In fact, let us now generalize the task to the so-called N queens puzzle, which is obtained by replacing 8 by N everywhere it occurs in the above description. We implement the above considerations in the core relation n_queens/2, where the first argument is the number of queens (which is identical to the number of rows and columns of the generalized chessboard), and the second argument is a list of N integers that represents a solution in the form described above.

n_queens(N, Qs) :-
        length(Qs, N),
        Qs ins 1..N,

safe_queens([Q|Qs]) :- safe_queens(Qs, Q, 1), safe_queens(Qs).

safe_queens([], _, _).
safe_queens([Q|Qs], Q0, D0) :-
        Q0 #\= Q,
        abs(Q0 - Q) #\= D0,
        D1 #= D0 + 1,
        safe_queens(Qs, Q0, D1).

Note that all these predicates can be used in all directions: We can use them to find solutions, test solutions and complete partially instantiated solutions.

The original task can be readily solved with the following query:

?- n_queens(8, Qs), label(Qs).
Qs = [1, 5, 8, 6, 3, 7, 2, 4] .

Using suitable labeling strategies, we can easily find solutions with 80 queens and more:

?- n_queens(80, Qs), labeling([ff], Qs).
Qs = [1, 3, 5, 44, 42, 4, 50, 7, 68|...] .

?- time((n_queens(90, Qs), labeling([ff], Qs))).
% 5,904,401 inferences, 0.722 CPU in 0.737 seconds (98% CPU)
Qs = [1, 3, 5, 50, 42, 4, 49, 7, 59|...] .

Experimenting with different search strategies is easy because we have separated the core relation from the actual search.


We can use labeling/2 to minimize or maximize the value of a CLP(FD) expression, and generate solutions in increasing or decreasing order of the value. See the labeling options min(Expr) and max(Expr), respectively.

Again, to easily try different labeling options in connection with optimisation, we recommend to introduce a dedicated predicate for posting constraints, and to use labeling/2 in a separate goal. This way, we can observe properties of the core relation in isolation, and try different labeling options without recompiling our code.

If necessary, we can use once/1 to commit to the first optimal solution. However, it is often very valuable to see alternative solutions that are also optimal, so that we can choose among optimal solutions by other criteria. For the sake of purity and completeness, we recommend to avoid once/1 and other constructs that lead to impurities in CLP(FD) programs.

Related to optimisation with CLP(FD) constraints are library(simplex) and CLP(Q) which reason about linear constraints over rational numbers.


The constraints in/2, #=/2, #\=/2, #</2, #>/2, #=</2, and #>=/2 can be reified, which means reflecting their truth values into Boolean values represented by the integers 0 and 1. Let P and Q denote reifiable constraints or Boolean variables, then:

#\ QTrue iff Q is false
P #\/ QTrue iff either P or Q
P #/\ QTrue iff both P and Q
P #\ QTrue iff either P or Q, but not both
P #<==> QTrue iff P and Q are equivalent
P #==> QTrue iff P implies Q
P #<== QTrue iff Q implies P

The constraints of this table are reifiable as well.

When reasoning over Boolean variables, also consider using CLP(B) constraints as provided by library(clpb).

Enabling monotonic CLP(FD)

In the default execution mode, CLP(FD) constraints still exhibit some non-relational properties. For example, adding constraints can yield new solutions:

?-          X #= 2, X = 1+1.

?- X = 1+1, X #= 2, X = 1+1.
X = 1+1.

This behaviour is highly problematic from a logical point of view, and it may render declarative debugging techniques inapplicable.

Set the Prolog flag clpfd_monotonic to true to make CLP(FD) monotonic: This means that adding new constraints cannot yield new solutions. When this flag is true, we must wrap variables that occur in arithmetic expressions with the functor (?)/1 or (#)/1. For example:

?- set_prolog_flag(clpfd_monotonic, true).

?- #(X) #= #(Y) + #(Z).
#(Y)+ #(Z)#= #(X).

?-          X #= 2, X = 1+1.
ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated

The wrapper can be omitted for variables that are already constrained to integers.

Custom constraints

We can define custom constraints. The mechanism to do this is not yet finalised, and we welcome suggestions and descriptions of use cases that are important to you.

As an example of how it can be done currently, let us define a new custom constraint oneground(X,Y,Z), where Z shall be 1 if at least one of X and Y is instantiated:

:- multifile clpfd:run_propagator/2.

oneground(X, Y, Z) :-
        clpfd:make_propagator(oneground(X, Y, Z), Prop),
        clpfd:init_propagator(X, Prop),
        clpfd:init_propagator(Y, Prop),

clpfd:run_propagator(oneground(X, Y, Z), MState) :-
        (   integer(X) -> clpfd:kill(MState), Z = 1
        ;   integer(Y) -> clpfd:kill(MState), Z = 1
        ;   true

First, make_propagator/2 is used to transform a user-defined representation of the new constraint to an internal form. With init_propagator/2, this internal form is then attached to X and Y. From now on, the propagator will be invoked whenever the domains of X or Y are changed. Then, trigger_once/1 is used to give the propagator its first chance for propagation even though the variables' domains have not yet changed. Finally, run_propagator/2 is extended to define the actual propagator. As explained, this predicate is automatically called by the constraint solver. The first argument is the user-defined representation of the constraint as used in make_propagator/2, and the second argument is a mutable state that can be used to prevent further invocations of the propagator when the constraint has become entailed, by using kill/1. An example of using the new constraint:

?- oneground(X, Y, Z), Y = 5.
Y = 5,
Z = 1,
X in inf..sup.


CLP(FD) applications that we find particularly impressive and worth studying include:


This library gives you a glimpse of what SICStus Prolog can do. The API is intentionally mostly compatible with that of SICStus Prolog, so that you can easily switch to a much more feature-rich and much faster CLP(FD) system when you need it. I thank Mats Carlsson, the designer and main implementor of SICStus Prolog, for his elegant example. I first encountered his system as part of the excellent GUPU teaching environment by Ulrich Neumerkel. Ulrich was also the first and most determined tester of the present system, filing hundreds of comments and suggestions for improvement. Tom Schrijvers has contributed several constraint libraries to SWI-Prolog, and I learned a lot from his coding style and implementation examples. Bart Demoen was a driving force behind the implementation of attributed variables in SWI-Prolog, and this library could not even have started without his prior work and contributions. Thank you all!

CLP(FD) predicate index

In the following, each CLP(FD) predicate is described in more detail.

We recommend the following link to refer to this manual:

- Markus Triska */
  929:- create_prolog_flag(clpfd_monotonic, false, []).  930
  931/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  932   A bound is either:
  934   n(N):    integer N
  935   inf:     infimum of Z (= negative infinity)
  936   sup:     supremum of Z (= positive infinity)
  937- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
  939is_bound(n(N)) :- integer(N).
  943defaulty_to_bound(D, P) :- ( integer(D) -> P = n(D) ; P = D ).
  945/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  946   Compactified is/2 and predicates for several arithmetic expressions
  947   with infinities, tailored for the modes needed by this solver.
  948- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
  950goal_expansion(A cis B, Expansion) :-
  951        phrase(cis_goals(B, A), Goals),
  952        list_goal(Goals, Expansion).
  953goal_expansion(A cis_lt B, B cis_gt A).
  954goal_expansion(A cis_leq B, B cis_geq A).
  955goal_expansion(A cis_geq B, cis_leq_numeric(B, N)) :- nonvar(A), A = n(N).
  956goal_expansion(A cis_geq B, cis_geq_numeric(A, N)) :- nonvar(B), B = n(N).
  957goal_expansion(A cis_gt B, cis_lt_numeric(B, N))   :- nonvar(A), A = n(N).
  958goal_expansion(A cis_gt B, cis_gt_numeric(A, N))   :- nonvar(B), B = n(N).
  960% cis_gt only works for terms of depth 0 on both sides
  961cis_gt(sup, B0) :- B0 \== sup.
  962cis_gt(n(N), B) :- cis_lt_numeric(B, N).
  964cis_lt_numeric(inf, _).
  965cis_lt_numeric(n(B), A) :- B < A.
  967cis_gt_numeric(sup, _).
  968cis_gt_numeric(n(B), A) :- B > A.
  970cis_geq(inf, inf).
  971cis_geq(sup, _).
  972cis_geq(n(N), B) :- cis_leq_numeric(B, N).
  974cis_leq_numeric(inf, _).
  975cis_leq_numeric(n(B), A) :- B =< A.
  977cis_geq_numeric(sup, _).
  978cis_geq_numeric(n(B), A) :- B >= A.
  980cis_min(inf, _, inf).
  981cis_min(sup, B, B).
  982cis_min(n(N), B, Min) :- cis_min_(B, N, Min).
  984cis_min_(inf, _, inf).
  985cis_min_(sup, N, n(N)).
  986cis_min_(n(B), A, n(M)) :- M is min(A,B).
  988cis_max(sup, _, sup).
  989cis_max(inf, B, B).
  990cis_max(n(N), B, Max) :- cis_max_(B, N, Max).
  992cis_max_(inf, N, n(N)).
  993cis_max_(sup, _, sup).
  994cis_max_(n(B), A, n(M)) :- M is max(A,B).
  996cis_plus(inf, _, inf).
  997cis_plus(sup, _, sup).
  998cis_plus(n(A), B, Plus) :- cis_plus_(B, A, Plus).
 1000cis_plus_(sup, _, sup).
 1001cis_plus_(inf, _, inf).
 1002cis_plus_(n(B), A, n(S)) :- S is A + B.
 1004cis_minus(inf, _, inf).
 1005cis_minus(sup, _, sup).
 1006cis_minus(n(A), B, M) :- cis_minus_(B, A, M).
 1008cis_minus_(inf, _, sup).
 1009cis_minus_(sup, _, inf).
 1010cis_minus_(n(B), A, n(M)) :- M is A - B.
 1012cis_uminus(inf, sup).
 1013cis_uminus(sup, inf).
 1014cis_uminus(n(A), n(B)) :- B is -A.
 1016cis_abs(inf, sup).
 1017cis_abs(sup, sup).
 1018cis_abs(n(A), n(B)) :- B is abs(A).
 1020cis_times(inf, B, P) :-
 1021        (   B cis_lt n(0) -> P = sup
 1022        ;   B cis_gt n(0) -> P = inf
 1023        ;   P = n(0)
 1024        ).
 1025cis_times(sup, B, P) :-
 1026        (   B cis_gt n(0) -> P = sup
 1027        ;   B cis_lt n(0) -> P = inf
 1028        ;   P = n(0)
 1029        ).
 1030cis_times(n(N), B, P) :- cis_times_(B, N, P).
 1032cis_times_(inf, A, P)     :- cis_times(inf, n(A), P).
 1033cis_times_(sup, A, P)     :- cis_times(sup, n(A), P).
 1034cis_times_(n(B), A, n(P)) :- P is A * B.
 1036cis_exp(inf, n(Y), R) :-
 1037        (   even(Y) -> R = sup
 1038        ;   R = inf
 1039        ).
 1040cis_exp(sup, _, sup).
 1041cis_exp(n(N), Y, R) :- cis_exp_(Y, N, R).
 1043cis_exp_(n(Y), N, n(R)) :- R is N^Y.
 1044cis_exp_(sup, _, sup).
 1045cis_exp_(inf, _, inf).
 1047cis_goals(V, V)          --> { var(V) }, !.
 1048cis_goals(n(N), n(N))    --> [].
 1049cis_goals(inf, inf)      --> [].
 1050cis_goals(sup, sup)      --> [].
 1051cis_goals(sign(A0), R)   --> cis_goals(A0, A), [cis_sign(A, R)].
 1052cis_goals(abs(A0), R)    --> cis_goals(A0, A), [cis_abs(A, R)].
 1053cis_goals(-A0, R)        --> cis_goals(A0, A), [cis_uminus(A, R)].
 1054cis_goals(A0+B0, R)      -->
 1055        cis_goals(A0, A),
 1056        cis_goals(B0, B),
 1057        [cis_plus(A, B, R)].
 1058cis_goals(A0-B0, R)      -->
 1059        cis_goals(A0, A),
 1060        cis_goals(B0, B),
 1061        [cis_minus(A, B, R)].
 1062cis_goals(min(A0,B0), R) -->
 1063        cis_goals(A0, A),
 1064        cis_goals(B0, B),
 1065        [cis_min(A, B, R)].
 1066cis_goals(max(A0,B0), R) -->
 1067        cis_goals(A0, A),
 1068        cis_goals(B0, B),
 1069        [cis_max(A, B, R)].
 1070cis_goals(A0*B0, R)      -->
 1071        cis_goals(A0, A),
 1072        cis_goals(B0, B),
 1073        [cis_times(A, B, R)].
 1074cis_goals(div(A0,B0), R) -->
 1075        cis_goals(A0, A),
 1076        cis_goals(B0, B),
 1077        [cis_div(A, B, R)].
 1078cis_goals(A0//B0, R)     -->
 1079        cis_goals(A0, A),
 1080        cis_goals(B0, B),
 1081        [cis_slash(A, B, R)].
 1082cis_goals(A0^B0, R)      -->
 1083        cis_goals(A0, A),
 1084        cis_goals(B0, B),
 1085        [cis_exp(A, B, R)].
 1087list_goal([], true).
 1088list_goal([G|Gs], Goal) :- foldl(list_goal_, Gs, G, Goal).
 1090list_goal_(G, G0, (G0,G)).
 1092cis_sign(sup, n(1)).
 1093cis_sign(inf, n(-1)).
 1094cis_sign(n(N), n(S)) :- S is sign(N).
 1096cis_div(sup, Y, Z)  :- ( Y cis_geq n(0) -> Z = sup ; Z = inf ).
 1097cis_div(inf, Y, Z)  :- ( Y cis_geq n(0) -> Z = inf ; Z = sup ).
 1098cis_div(n(X), Y, Z) :- cis_div_(Y, X, Z).
 1100cis_div_(sup, _, n(0)).
 1101cis_div_(inf, _, n(0)).
 1102cis_div_(n(Y), X, Z) :-
 1103        (   Y =:= 0 -> (  X >= 0 -> Z = sup ; Z = inf )
 1104        ;   Z0 is X // Y, Z = n(Z0)
 1105        ).
 1107cis_slash(sup, _, sup).
 1108cis_slash(inf, _, inf).
 1109cis_slash(n(N), B, S) :- cis_slash_(B, N, S).
 1111cis_slash_(sup, _, n(0)).
 1112cis_slash_(inf, _, n(0)).
 1113cis_slash_(n(B), A, n(S)) :- S is A // B.
 1116/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1117   A domain is a finite set of disjoint intervals. Internally, domains
 1118   are represented as trees. Each node is one of:
 1120   empty: empty domain.
 1122   split(N, Left, Right)
 1123      - split on integer N, with Left and Right domains whose elements are
 1124        all less than and greater than N, respectively. The domain is the
 1125        union of Left and Right, i.e., N is a hole.
 1127   from_to(From, To)
 1128      - interval (From-1, To+1); From and To are bounds
 1130   Desiderata: rebalance domains; singleton intervals.
 1131- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1133/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1134   Type definition and inspection of domains.
 1135- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1137check_domain(D) :-
 1138        (   var(D) -> instantiation_error(D)
 1139        ;   is_domain(D) -> true
 1140        ;   domain_error(clpfd_domain, D)
 1141        ).
 1144is_domain(from_to(From,To)) :-
 1145        is_bound(From), is_bound(To),
 1146        From cis_leq To.
 1147is_domain(split(S, Left, Right)) :-
 1148        integer(S),
 1149        is_domain(Left), is_domain(Right),
 1150        all_less_than(Left, S),
 1151        all_greater_than(Right, S).
 1153all_less_than(empty, _).
 1154all_less_than(from_to(From,To), S) :-
 1155        From cis_lt n(S), To cis_lt n(S).
 1156all_less_than(split(S0,Left,Right), S) :-
 1157        S0 < S,
 1158        all_less_than(Left, S),
 1159        all_less_than(Right, S).
 1161all_greater_than(empty, _).
 1162all_greater_than(from_to(From,To), S) :-
 1163        From cis_gt n(S), To cis_gt n(S).
 1164all_greater_than(split(S0,Left,Right), S) :-
 1165        S0 > S,
 1166        all_greater_than(Left, S),
 1167        all_greater_than(Right, S).
 1171domain_infimum(from_to(I, _), I).
 1172domain_infimum(split(_, Left, _), I) :- domain_infimum(Left, I).
 1174domain_supremum(from_to(_, S), S).
 1175domain_supremum(split(_, _, Right), S) :- domain_supremum(Right, S).
 1177domain_num_elements(empty, n(0)).
 1178domain_num_elements(from_to(From,To), Num) :- Num cis To - From + n(1).
 1179domain_num_elements(split(_, Left, Right), Num) :-
 1180        domain_num_elements(Left, NL),
 1181        domain_num_elements(Right, NR),
 1182        Num cis NL + NR.
 1184domain_direction_element(from_to(n(From), n(To)), Dir, E) :-
 1185        (   Dir == up -> between(From, To, E)
 1186        ;   between(From, To, E0),
 1187            E is To - (E0 - From)
 1188        ).
 1189domain_direction_element(split(_, D1, D2), Dir, E) :-
 1190        (   Dir == up ->
 1191            (   domain_direction_element(D1, Dir, E)
 1192            ;   domain_direction_element(D2, Dir, E)
 1193            )
 1194        ;   (   domain_direction_element(D2, Dir, E)
 1195            ;   domain_direction_element(D1, Dir, E)
 1196            )
 1197        ).
 1199/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1200   Test whether domain contains a given integer.
 1201- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1203domain_contains(from_to(From,To), I) :- From cis_leq n(I), n(I) cis_leq To.
 1204domain_contains(split(S, Left, Right), I) :-
 1205        (   I < S -> domain_contains(Left, I)
 1206        ;   I > S -> domain_contains(Right, I)
 1207        ).
 1209/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1210   Test whether a domain contains another domain.
 1211- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1213domain_subdomain(Dom, Sub) :- domain_subdomain(Dom, Dom, Sub).
 1215domain_subdomain(from_to(_,_), Dom, Sub) :-
 1216        domain_subdomain_fromto(Sub, Dom).
 1217domain_subdomain(split(_, _, _), Dom, Sub) :-
 1218        domain_subdomain_split(Sub, Dom, Sub).
 1220domain_subdomain_split(empty, _, _).
 1221domain_subdomain_split(from_to(From,To), split(S,Left0,Right0), Sub) :-
 1222        (   To cis_lt n(S) -> domain_subdomain(Left0, Left0, Sub)
 1223        ;   From cis_gt n(S) -> domain_subdomain(Right0, Right0, Sub)
 1224        ).
 1225domain_subdomain_split(split(_,Left,Right), Dom, _) :-
 1226        domain_subdomain(Dom, Dom, Left),
 1227        domain_subdomain(Dom, Dom, Right).
 1229domain_subdomain_fromto(empty, _).
 1230domain_subdomain_fromto(from_to(From,To), from_to(From0,To0)) :-
 1231        From0 cis_leq From, To0 cis_geq To.
 1232domain_subdomain_fromto(split(_,Left,Right), Dom) :-
 1233        domain_subdomain_fromto(Left, Dom),
 1234        domain_subdomain_fromto(Right, Dom).
 1236/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1237   Remove an integer from a domain. The domain is traversed until an
 1238   interval is reached from which the element can be removed, or until
 1239   it is clear that no such interval exists.
 1240- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1242domain_remove(empty, _, empty).
 1243domain_remove(from_to(L0, U0), X, D) :- domain_remove_(L0, U0, X, D).
 1244domain_remove(split(S, Left0, Right0), X, D) :-
 1245        (   X =:= S -> D = split(S, Left0, Right0)
 1246        ;   X < S ->
 1247            domain_remove(Left0, X, Left1),
 1248            (   Left1 == empty -> D = Right0
 1249            ;   D = split(S, Left1, Right0)
 1250            )
 1251        ;   domain_remove(Right0, X, Right1),
 1252            (   Right1 == empty -> D = Left0
 1253            ;   D = split(S, Left0, Right1)
 1254            )
 1255        ).
 1257%?- domain_remove(from_to(n(0),n(5)), 3, D).
 1259domain_remove_(inf, U0, X, D) :-
 1260        (   U0 == n(X) -> U1 is X - 1, D = from_to(inf, n(U1))
 1261        ;   U0 cis_lt n(X) -> D = from_to(inf,U0)
 1262        ;   L1 is X + 1, U1 is X - 1,
 1263            D = split(X, from_to(inf, n(U1)), from_to(n(L1),U0))
 1264        ).
 1265domain_remove_(n(N), U0, X, D) :- domain_remove_upper(U0, N, X, D).
 1267domain_remove_upper(sup, L0, X, D) :-
 1268        (   L0 =:= X -> L1 is X + 1, D = from_to(n(L1),sup)
 1269        ;   L0 > X -> D = from_to(n(L0),sup)
 1270        ;   L1 is X + 1, U1 is X - 1,
 1271            D = split(X, from_to(n(L0),n(U1)), from_to(n(L1),sup))
 1272        ).
 1273domain_remove_upper(n(U0), L0, X, D) :-
 1274        (   L0 =:= U0, X =:= L0 -> D = empty
 1275        ;   L0 =:= X -> L1 is X + 1, D = from_to(n(L1), n(U0))
 1276        ;   U0 =:= X -> U1 is X - 1, D = from_to(n(L0), n(U1))
 1277        ;   between(L0, U0, X) ->
 1278            U1 is X - 1, L1 is X + 1,
 1279            D = split(X, from_to(n(L0), n(U1)), from_to(n(L1), n(U0)))
 1280        ;   D = from_to(n(L0),n(U0))
 1281        ).
 1283/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1284   Remove all elements greater than / less than a constant.
 1285- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1287domain_remove_greater_than(empty, _, empty).
 1288domain_remove_greater_than(from_to(From0,To0), G, D) :-
 1289        (   From0 cis_gt n(G) -> D = empty
 1290        ;   To cis min(To0,n(G)), D = from_to(From0,To)
 1291        ).
 1292domain_remove_greater_than(split(S,Left0,Right0), G, D) :-
 1293        (   S =< G ->
 1294            domain_remove_greater_than(Right0, G, Right),
 1295            (   Right == empty -> D = Left0
 1296            ;   D = split(S, Left0, Right)
 1297            )
 1298        ;   domain_remove_greater_than(Left0, G, D)
 1299        ).
 1301domain_remove_smaller_than(empty, _, empty).
 1302domain_remove_smaller_than(from_to(From0,To0), V, D) :-
 1303        (   To0 cis_lt n(V) -> D = empty
 1304        ;   From cis max(From0,n(V)), D = from_to(From,To0)
 1305        ).
 1306domain_remove_smaller_than(split(S,Left0,Right0), V, D) :-
 1307        (   S >= V ->
 1308            domain_remove_smaller_than(Left0, V, Left),
 1309            (   Left == empty -> D = Right0
 1310            ;   D = split(S, Left, Right0)
 1311            )
 1312        ;   domain_remove_smaller_than(Right0, V, D)
 1313        ).
 1316/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1317   Remove a whole domain from another domain. (Set difference.)
 1318- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1320domain_subtract(Dom0, Sub, Dom) :- domain_subtract(Dom0, Dom0, Sub, Dom).
 1322domain_subtract(empty, _, _, empty).
 1323domain_subtract(from_to(From0,To0), Dom, Sub, D) :-
 1324        (   Sub == empty -> D = Dom
 1325        ;   Sub = from_to(From,To) ->
 1326            (   From == To -> From = n(X), domain_remove(Dom, X, D)
 1327            ;   From cis_gt To0 -> D = Dom
 1328            ;   To cis_lt From0 -> D = Dom
 1329            ;   From cis_leq From0 ->
 1330                (   To cis_geq To0 -> D = empty
 1331                ;   From1 cis To + n(1),
 1332                    D = from_to(From1, To0)
 1333                )
 1334            ;   To1 cis From - n(1),
 1335                (   To cis_lt To0 ->
 1336                    From = n(S),
 1337                    From2 cis To + n(1),
 1338                    D = split(S,from_to(From0,To1),from_to(From2,To0))
 1339                ;   D = from_to(From0,To1)
 1340                )
 1341            )
 1342        ;   Sub = split(S, Left, Right) ->
 1343            (   n(S) cis_gt To0 -> domain_subtract(Dom, Dom, Left, D)
 1344            ;   n(S) cis_lt From0 -> domain_subtract(Dom, Dom, Right, D)
 1345            ;   domain_subtract(Dom, Dom, Left, D1),
 1346                domain_subtract(D1, D1, Right, D)
 1347            )
 1348        ).
 1349domain_subtract(split(S, Left0, Right0), _, Sub, D) :-
 1350        domain_subtract(Left0, Left0, Sub, Left),
 1351        domain_subtract(Right0, Right0, Sub, Right),
 1352        (   Left == empty -> D = Right
 1353        ;   Right == empty -> D = Left
 1354        ;   D = split(S, Left, Right)
 1355        ).
 1357/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1358   Complement of a domain
 1359- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1361domain_complement(D, C) :-
 1362        default_domain(Default),
 1363        domain_subtract(Default, D, C).
 1365/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1366   Convert domain to a list of disjoint intervals From-To.
 1367- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1369domain_intervals(D, Is) :- phrase(domain_intervals(D), Is).
 1371domain_intervals(split(_, Left, Right)) -->
 1372        domain_intervals(Left), domain_intervals(Right).
 1373domain_intervals(empty)                 --> [].
 1374domain_intervals(from_to(From,To))      --> [From-To].
 1376/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1377   To compute the intersection of two domains D1 and D2, we choose D1
 1378   as the reference domain. For each interval of D1, we compute how
 1379   far and to which values D2 lets us extend it.
 1380- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1382domains_intersection(D1, D2, Intersection) :-
 1383        domains_intersection_(D1, D2, Intersection),
 1384        Intersection \== empty.
 1386domains_intersection_(empty, _, empty).
 1387domains_intersection_(from_to(L0,U0), D2, Dom) :-
 1388        narrow(D2, L0, U0, Dom).
 1389domains_intersection_(split(S,Left0,Right0), D2, Dom) :-
 1390        domains_intersection_(Left0, D2, Left1),
 1391        domains_intersection_(Right0, D2, Right1),
 1392        (   Left1 == empty -> Dom = Right1
 1393        ;   Right1 == empty -> Dom = Left1
 1394        ;   Dom = split(S, Left1, Right1)
 1395        ).
 1397narrow(empty, _, _, empty).
 1398narrow(from_to(L0,U0), From0, To0, Dom) :-
 1399        From1 cis max(From0,L0), To1 cis min(To0,U0),
 1400        (   From1 cis_gt To1 -> Dom = empty
 1401        ;   Dom = from_to(From1,To1)
 1402        ).
 1403narrow(split(S, Left0, Right0), From0, To0, Dom) :-
 1404        (   To0 cis_lt n(S) -> narrow(Left0, From0, To0, Dom)
 1405        ;   From0 cis_gt n(S) -> narrow(Right0, From0, To0, Dom)
 1406        ;   narrow(Left0, From0, To0, Left1),
 1407            narrow(Right0, From0, To0, Right1),
 1408            (   Left1 == empty -> Dom = Right1
 1409            ;   Right1 == empty -> Dom = Left1
 1410            ;   Dom = split(S, Left1, Right1)
 1411            )
 1412        ).
 1414/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1415   Union of 2 domains.
 1416- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1418domains_union(D1, D2, Union) :-
 1419        domain_intervals(D1, Is1),
 1420        domain_intervals(D2, Is2),
 1421        append(Is1, Is2, IsU0),
 1422        merge_intervals(IsU0, IsU1),
 1423        intervals_to_domain(IsU1, Union).
 1425/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1426   Shift the domain by an offset.
 1427- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1429domain_shift(empty, _, empty).
 1430domain_shift(from_to(From0,To0), O, from_to(From,To)) :-
 1431        From cis From0 + n(O), To cis To0 + n(O).
 1432domain_shift(split(S0, Left0, Right0), O, split(S, Left, Right)) :-
 1433        S is S0 + O,
 1434        domain_shift(Left0, O, Left),
 1435        domain_shift(Right0, O, Right).
 1437/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1438   The new domain contains all values of the old domain,
 1439   multiplied by a constant multiplier.
 1440- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1442domain_expand(D0, M, D) :-
 1443        (   M < 0 ->
 1444            domain_negate(D0, D1),
 1445            M1 is abs(M),
 1446            domain_expand_(D1, M1, D)
 1447        ;   M =:= 1 -> D = D0
 1448        ;   domain_expand_(D0, M, D)
 1449        ).
 1451domain_expand_(empty, _, empty).
 1452domain_expand_(from_to(From0, To0), M, from_to(From,To)) :-
 1453        From cis From0*n(M),
 1454        To cis To0*n(M).
 1455domain_expand_(split(S0, Left0, Right0), M, split(S, Left, Right)) :-
 1456        S is M*S0,
 1457        domain_expand_(Left0, M, Left),
 1458        domain_expand_(Right0, M, Right).
 1460/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1461   similar to domain_expand/3, tailored for truncated division: an
 1462   interval [From,To] is extended to [From*M, ((To+1)*M - 1)], i.e.,
 1463   to all values that truncated integer-divided by M yield a value
 1464   from interval.
 1465- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1467domain_expand_more(D0, M, D) :-
 1468        %format("expanding ~w by ~w\n", [D0,M]),
 1469        (   M < 0 -> domain_negate(D0, D1), M1 is abs(M)
 1470        ;   D1 = D0, M1 = M
 1471        ),
 1472        domain_expand_more_(D1, M1, D).
 1473        %format("yield: ~w\n", [D]).
 1475domain_expand_more_(empty, _, empty).
 1476domain_expand_more_(from_to(From0, To0), M, from_to(From,To)) :-
 1477        (   From0 cis_leq n(0) ->
 1478            From cis (From0-n(1))*n(M) + n(1)
 1479        ;   From cis From0*n(M)
 1480        ),
 1481        (   To0 cis_lt n(0) ->
 1482            To cis To0*n(M)
 1483        ;   To cis (To0+n(1))*n(M) - n(1)
 1484        ).
 1485domain_expand_more_(split(S0, Left0, Right0), M, split(S, Left, Right)) :-
 1486        S is M*S0,
 1487        domain_expand_more_(Left0, M, Left),
 1488        domain_expand_more_(Right0, M, Right).
 1490/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1491   Scale a domain down by a constant multiplier. Assuming (//)/2.
 1492- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1494domain_contract(D0, M, D) :-
 1495        %format("contracting ~w by ~w\n", [D0,M]),
 1496        (   M < 0 -> domain_negate(D0, D1), M1 is abs(M)
 1497        ;   D1 = D0, M1 = M
 1498        ),
 1499        domain_contract_(D1, M1, D).
 1501domain_contract_(empty, _, empty).
 1502domain_contract_(from_to(From0, To0), M, from_to(From,To)) :-
 1503        (   From0 cis_geq n(0) ->
 1504            From cis (From0 + n(M) - n(1)) // n(M)
 1505        ;   From cis From0 // n(M)
 1506        ),
 1507        (   To0 cis_geq n(0) ->
 1508            To cis To0 // n(M)
 1509        ;   To cis (To0 - n(M) + n(1)) // n(M)
 1510        ).
 1511domain_contract_(split(_,Left0,Right0), M, D) :-
 1512        %  Scaled down domains do not necessarily retain any holes of
 1513        %  the original domain.
 1514        domain_contract_(Left0, M, Left),
 1515        domain_contract_(Right0, M, Right),
 1516        domains_union(Left, Right, D).
 1518/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1519   Similar to domain_contract, tailored for division, i.e.,
 1520   {21,23} contracted by 4 is 5. It contracts "less".
 1521- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1523domain_contract_less(D0, M, D) :-
 1524        (   M < 0 -> domain_negate(D0, D1), M1 is abs(M)
 1525        ;   D1 = D0, M1 = M
 1526        ),
 1527        domain_contract_less_(D1, M1, D).
 1529domain_contract_less_(empty, _, empty).
 1530domain_contract_less_(from_to(From0, To0), M, from_to(From,To)) :-
 1531        From cis From0 // n(M), To cis To0 // n(M).
 1532domain_contract_less_(split(_,Left0,Right0), M, D) :-
 1533        %  Scaled down domains do not necessarily retain any holes of
 1534        %  the original domain.
 1535        domain_contract_less_(Left0, M, Left),
 1536        domain_contract_less_(Right0, M, Right),
 1537        domains_union(Left, Right, D).
 1539/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1540   Negate the domain. Left and Right sub-domains and bounds switch sides.
 1541- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1543domain_negate(empty, empty).
 1544domain_negate(from_to(From0, To0), from_to(From, To)) :-
 1545        From cis -To0, To cis -From0.
 1546domain_negate(split(S0, Left0, Right0), split(S, Left, Right)) :-
 1547        S is -S0,
 1548        domain_negate(Left0, Right),
 1549        domain_negate(Right0, Left).
 1551/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1552   Construct a domain from a list of integers. Try to balance it.
 1553- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1555list_to_disjoint_intervals([], []).
 1556list_to_disjoint_intervals([N|Ns], Is) :-
 1557        list_to_disjoint_intervals(Ns, N, N, Is).
 1559list_to_disjoint_intervals([], M, N, [n(M)-n(N)]).
 1560list_to_disjoint_intervals([B|Bs], M, N, Is) :-
 1561        (   B =:= N + 1 ->
 1562            list_to_disjoint_intervals(Bs, M, B, Is)
 1563        ;   Is = [n(M)-n(N)|Rest],
 1564            list_to_disjoint_intervals(Bs, B, B, Rest)
 1565        ).
 1567list_to_domain(List0, D) :-
 1568        (   List0 == [] -> D = empty
 1569        ;   sort(List0, List),
 1570            list_to_disjoint_intervals(List, Is),
 1571            intervals_to_domain(Is, D)
 1572        ).
 1574intervals_to_domain([], empty) :- !.
 1575intervals_to_domain([M-N], from_to(M,N)) :- !.
 1576intervals_to_domain(Is, D) :-
 1577        length(Is, L),
 1578        FL is L // 2,
 1579        length(Front, FL),
 1580        append(Front, Tail, Is),
 1581        Tail = [n(Start)-_|_],
 1582        Hole is Start - 1,
 1583        intervals_to_domain(Front, Left),
 1584        intervals_to_domain(Tail, Right),
 1585        D = split(Hole, Left, Right).
 in(?Var, +Domain)
Var is an element of Domain. Domain is one of:
Singleton set consisting only of Integer.
..(Lower, Upper)
All integers I such that Lower =< I =< Upper. Lower must be an integer or the atom inf, which denotes negative infinity. Upper must be an integer or the atom sup, which denotes positive infinity.
Domain1 \/ Domain2
The union of Domain1 and Domain2.
 1604Var in Dom :- clpfd_in(Var, Dom).
 1606clpfd_in(V, D) :-
 1607        fd_variable(V),
 1608        drep_to_domain(D, Dom),
 1609        domain(V, Dom).
 1611fd_variable(V) :-
 1612        (   var(V) -> true
 1613        ;   integer(V) -> true
 1614        ;   type_error(integer, V)
 1615        ).
 ins(+Vars, +Domain)
The variables in the list Vars are elements of Domain. See in/2 for the syntax of Domain.
 1622Vs ins D :-
 1623        fd_must_be_list(Vs),
 1624        maplist(fd_variable, Vs),
 1625        drep_to_domain(D, Dom),
 1626        domains(Vs, Dom).
 1628fd_must_be_list(Ls) :-
 1629        (   fd_var(Ls) -> type_error(list, Ls)
 1630        ;   must_be(list, Ls)
 1631        ).
Bind Var to all feasible values of its domain on backtracking. The domain of Var must be finite.
 1638indomain(Var) :- label([Var]).
 1640order_dom_next(up, Dom, Next)   :- domain_infimum(Dom, n(Next)).
 1641order_dom_next(down, Dom, Next) :- domain_supremum(Dom, n(Next)).
 1642order_dom_next(random_value(_), Dom, Next) :-
 1643        phrase(domain_to_intervals(Dom), Is),
 1644        length(Is, L),
 1645        R is random(L),
 1646        nth0(R, Is, From-To),
 1647        random_between(From, To, Next).
 1649domain_to_intervals(from_to(n(From),n(To))) --> [From-To].
 1650domain_to_intervals(split(_, Left, Right)) -->
 1651        domain_to_intervals(Left),
 1652        domain_to_intervals(Right).
Equivalent to labeling([], Vars). See labeling/2.
 1658label(Vs) :- labeling([], Vs).
 labeling(+Options, +Vars)
Assign a value to each variable in Vars. Labeling means systematically trying out values for the finite domain variables Vars until all of them are ground. The domain of each variable in Vars must be finite. Options is a list of options that let you exhibit some control over the search process. Several categories of options exist:

The variable selection strategy lets you specify which variable of Vars is labeled next and is one of:

Label the variables in the order they occur in Vars. This is the default.
First fail. Label the leftmost variable with smallest domain next, in order to detect infeasibility early. This is often a good strategy.
Of the variables with smallest domains, the leftmost one participating in most constraints is labeled next.
Label the leftmost variable whose lower bound is the lowest next.
Label the leftmost variable whose upper bound is the highest next.

The value order is one of:

Try the elements of the chosen variable's domain in ascending order. This is the default.
Try the domain elements in descending order.

The branching strategy is one of:

For each variable X, a choice is made between X = V and X #\= V, where V is determined by the value ordering options. This is the default.
For each variable X, a choice is made between X = V_1, X = V_2 etc., for all values V_i of the domain of X. The order is determined by the value ordering options.
For each variable X, a choice is made between X #=< M and X #> M, where M is the midpoint of the domain of X.

At most one option of each category can be specified, and an option must not occur repeatedly.

The order of solutions can be influenced with:

This generates solutions in ascending/descending order with respect to the evaluation of the arithmetic expression Expr. Labeling Vars must make Expr ground. If several such options are specified, they are interpreted from left to right, e.g.:

?- [X,Y] ins 10..20, labeling([max(X),min(Y)],[X,Y]).

This generates solutions in descending order of X, and for each binding of X, solutions are generated in ascending order of Y. To obtain the incomplete behaviour that other systems exhibit with "maximize(Expr)" and "minimize(Expr)", use once/1, e.g.:

once(labeling([max(Expr)], Vars))

Labeling is always complete, always terminates, and yields no redundant solutions. See core relations and search for usage advice.

 1745labeling(Options, Vars) :-
 1746        must_be(list, Options),
 1747        fd_must_be_list(Vars),
 1748        maplist(must_be_finite_fdvar, Vars),
 1749        label(Options, Options, default(leftmost), default(up), default(step), [], upto_ground, Vars).
 1751finite_domain(Dom) :-
 1752        domain_infimum(Dom, n(_)),
 1753        domain_supremum(Dom, n(_)).
 1755must_be_finite_fdvar(Var) :-
 1756        (   fd_get(Var, Dom, _) ->
 1757            (   finite_domain(Dom) -> true
 1758            ;   instantiation_error(Var)
 1759            )
 1760        ;   integer(Var) -> true
 1761        ;   must_be(integer, Var)
 1762        ).
 1765label([O|Os], Options, Selection, Order, Choice, Optim, Consistency, Vars) :-
 1766        (   var(O)-> instantiation_error(O)
 1767        ;   override(selection, Selection, O, Options, S1) ->
 1768            label(Os, Options, S1, Order, Choice, Optim, Consistency, Vars)
 1769        ;   override(order, Order, O, Options, O1) ->
 1770            label(Os, Options, Selection, O1, Choice, Optim, Consistency, Vars)
 1771        ;   override(choice, Choice, O, Options, C1) ->
 1772            label(Os, Options, Selection, Order, C1, Optim, Consistency, Vars)
 1773        ;   optimisation(O) ->
 1774            label(Os, Options, Selection, Order, Choice, [O|Optim], Consistency, Vars)
 1775        ;   consistency(O, O1) ->
 1776            label(Os, Options, Selection, Order, Choice, Optim, O1, Vars)
 1777        ;   domain_error(labeling_option, O)
 1778        ).
 1779label([], _, Selection, Order, Choice, Optim0, Consistency, Vars) :-
 1780        maplist(arg(1), [Selection,Order,Choice], [S,O,C]),
 1781        (   Optim0 == [] ->
 1782            label(Vars, S, O, C, Consistency)
 1783        ;   reverse(Optim0, Optim),
 1784            exprs_singlevars(Optim, SVs),
 1785            optimise(Vars, [S,O,C], SVs)
 1786        ).
 1788% Introduce new variables for each min/max expression to avoid
 1789% reparsing expressions during optimisation.
 1791exprs_singlevars([], []).
 1792exprs_singlevars([E|Es], [SV|SVs]) :-
 1793        E =.. [F,Expr],
 1794        ?(Single) #= Expr,
 1795        SV =.. [F,Single],
 1796        exprs_singlevars(Es, SVs).
 1798all_dead(fd_props(Bs,Gs,Os)) :-
 1799        all_dead_(Bs),
 1800        all_dead_(Gs),
 1801        all_dead_(Os).
 1804all_dead_([propagator(_, S)|Ps]) :- S == dead, all_dead_(Ps).
 1806label([], _, _, _, Consistency) :- !,
 1807        (   Consistency = upto_in(I0,I) -> I0 = I
 1808        ;   true
 1809        ).
 1810label(Vars, Selection, Order, Choice, Consistency) :-
 1811        (   Vars = [V|Vs], nonvar(V) -> label(Vs, Selection, Order, Choice, Consistency)
 1812        ;   select_var(Selection, Vars, Var, RVars),
 1813            (   var(Var) ->
 1814                (   Consistency = upto_in(I0,I), fd_get(Var, _, Ps), all_dead(Ps) ->
 1815                    fd_size(Var, Size),
 1816                    I1 is I0*Size,
 1817                    label(RVars, Selection, Order, Choice, upto_in(I1,I))
 1818                ;   Consistency = upto_in, fd_get(Var, _, Ps), all_dead(Ps) ->
 1819                    label(RVars, Selection, Order, Choice, Consistency)
 1820                ;   choice_order_variable(Choice, Order, Var, RVars, Vars, Selection, Consistency)
 1821                )
 1822            ;   label(RVars, Selection, Order, Choice, Consistency)
 1823            )
 1824        ).
 1826choice_order_variable(step, Order, Var, Vars, Vars0, Selection, Consistency) :-
 1827        fd_get(Var, Dom, _),
 1828        order_dom_next(Order, Dom, Next),
 1829        (   Var = Next,
 1830            label(Vars, Selection, Order, step, Consistency)
 1831        ;   neq_num(Var, Next),
 1832            do_queue,
 1833            label(Vars0, Selection, Order, step, Consistency)
 1834        ).
 1835choice_order_variable(enum, Order, Var, Vars, _, Selection, Consistency) :-
 1836        fd_get(Var, Dom0, _),
 1837        domain_direction_element(Dom0, Order, Var),
 1838        label(Vars, Selection, Order, enum, Consistency).
 1839choice_order_variable(bisect, Order, Var, _, Vars0, Selection, Consistency) :-
 1840        fd_get(Var, Dom, _),
 1841        domain_infimum(Dom, n(I)),
 1842        domain_supremum(Dom, n(S)),
 1843        Mid0 is (I + S) // 2,
 1844        (   Mid0 =:= S -> Mid is Mid0 - 1 ; Mid = Mid0 ),
 1845        (   Order == up -> ( Var #=< Mid ; Var #> Mid )
 1846        ;   Order == down -> ( Var #> Mid ; Var #=< Mid )
 1847        ;   domain_error(bisect_up_or_down, Order)
 1848        ),
 1849        label(Vars0, Selection, Order, bisect, Consistency).
 1851override(What, Prev, Value, Options, Result) :-
 1852        call(What, Value),
 1853        override_(Prev, Value, Options, Result).
 1855override_(default(_), Value, _, user(Value)).
 1856override_(user(Prev), Value, Options, _) :-
 1857        (   Value == Prev ->
 1858            domain_error(nonrepeating_labeling_options, Options)
 1859        ;   domain_error(consistent_labeling_options, Options)
 1860        ).
 1867selection(random_variable(Seed)) :-
 1868        must_be(integer, Seed),
 1869        set_random(seed(Seed)).
 1877% TODO: random_variable and random_value currently both set the seed,
 1878% so exchanging the options can yield different results.
 1879order(random_value(Seed)) :-
 1880        must_be(integer, Seed),
 1881        set_random(seed(Seed)).
 1883consistency(upto_in(I), upto_in(1, I)).
 1884consistency(upto_in, upto_in).
 1885consistency(upto_ground, upto_ground).
 1890select_var(leftmost, [Var|Vars], Var, Vars).
 1891select_var(min, [V|Vs], Var, RVars) :-
 1892        find_min(Vs, V, Var),
 1893        delete_eq([V|Vs], Var, RVars).
 1894select_var(max, [V|Vs], Var, RVars) :-
 1895        find_max(Vs, V, Var),
 1896        delete_eq([V|Vs], Var, RVars).
 1897select_var(ff, [V|Vs], Var, RVars) :-
 1898        fd_size_(V, n(S)),
 1899        find_ff(Vs, V, S, Var),
 1900        delete_eq([V|Vs], Var, RVars).
 1901select_var(ffc, [V|Vs], Var, RVars) :-
 1902        find_ffc(Vs, V, Var),
 1903        delete_eq([V|Vs], Var, RVars).
 1904select_var(random_variable(_), Vars0, Var, Vars) :-
 1905        length(Vars0, L),
 1906        I is random(L),
 1907        nth0(I, Vars0, Var),
 1908        delete_eq(Vars0, Var, Vars).
 1910find_min([], Var, Var).
 1911find_min([V|Vs], CM, Min) :-
 1912        (   min_lt(V, CM) ->
 1913            find_min(Vs, V, Min)
 1914        ;   find_min(Vs, CM, Min)
 1915        ).
 1917find_max([], Var, Var).
 1918find_max([V|Vs], CM, Max) :-
 1919        (   max_gt(V, CM) ->
 1920            find_max(Vs, V, Max)
 1921        ;   find_max(Vs, CM, Max)
 1922        ).
 1924find_ff([], Var, _, Var).
 1925find_ff([V|Vs], CM, S0, FF) :-
 1926        (   nonvar(V) -> find_ff(Vs, CM, S0, FF)
 1927        ;   (   fd_size_(V, n(S1)), S1 < S0 ->
 1928                find_ff(Vs, V, S1, FF)
 1929            ;   find_ff(Vs, CM, S0, FF)
 1930            )
 1931        ).
 1933find_ffc([], Var, Var).
 1934find_ffc([V|Vs], Prev, FFC) :-
 1935        (   ffc_lt(V, Prev) ->
 1936            find_ffc(Vs, V, FFC)
 1937        ;   find_ffc(Vs, Prev, FFC)
 1938        ).
 1941ffc_lt(X, Y) :-
 1942        (   fd_get(X, XD, XPs) ->
 1943            domain_num_elements(XD, n(NXD))
 1944        ;   NXD = 1, XPs = []
 1945        ),
 1946        (   fd_get(Y, YD, YPs) ->
 1947            domain_num_elements(YD, n(NYD))
 1948        ;   NYD = 1, YPs = []
 1949        ),
 1950        (   NXD < NYD -> true
 1951        ;   NXD =:= NYD,
 1952            props_number(XPs, NXPs),
 1953            props_number(YPs, NYPs),
 1954            NXPs > NYPs
 1955        ).
 1957min_lt(X,Y) :- bounds(X,LX,_), bounds(Y,LY,_), LX < LY.
 1959max_gt(X,Y) :- bounds(X,_,UX), bounds(Y,_,UY), UX > UY.
 1961bounds(X, L, U) :-
 1962        (   fd_get(X, Dom, _) ->
 1963            domain_infimum(Dom, n(L)),
 1964            domain_supremum(Dom, n(U))
 1965        ;   L = X, U = L
 1966        ).
 1968delete_eq([], _, []).
 1969delete_eq([X|Xs], Y, List) :-
 1970        (   nonvar(X) -> delete_eq(Xs, Y, List)
 1971        ;   X == Y -> List = Xs
 1972        ;   List = [X|Tail],
 1973            delete_eq(Xs, Y, Tail)
 1974        ).
 1976/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 1977   contracting/1 -- subject to change
 1979   This can remove additional domain elements from the boundaries.
 1980- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 1982contracting(Vs) :-
 1983        must_be(list, Vs),
 1984        maplist(must_be_finite_fdvar, Vs),
 1985        contracting(Vs, false, Vs).
 1987contracting([], Repeat, Vars) :-
 1988        (   Repeat -> contracting(Vars, false, Vars)
 1989        ;   true
 1990        ).
 1991contracting([V|Vs], Repeat, Vars) :-
 1992        fd_inf(V, Min),
 1993        (   \+ \+ (V = Min) ->
 1994            fd_sup(V, Max),
 1995            (   \+ \+ (V = Max) ->
 1996                contracting(Vs, Repeat, Vars)
 1997            ;   V #\= Max,
 1998                contracting(Vs, true, Vars)
 1999            )
 2000        ;   V #\= Min,
 2001            contracting(Vs, true, Vars)
 2002        ).
 2004/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2005   fds_sespsize(Vs, S).
 2007   S is an upper bound on the search space size with respect to finite
 2008   domain variables Vs.
 2009- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 2011fds_sespsize(Vs, S) :-
 2012        must_be(list, Vs),
 2013        maplist(fd_variable, Vs),
 2014        fds_sespsize(Vs, n(1), S1),
 2015        bound_portray(S1, S).
 2017fd_size_(V, S) :-
 2018        (   fd_get(V, D, _) ->
 2019            domain_num_elements(D, S)
 2020        ;   S = n(1)
 2021        ).
 2023fds_sespsize([], S, S).
 2024fds_sespsize([V|Vs], S0, S) :-
 2025        fd_size_(V, S1),
 2026        S2 cis S0*S1,
 2027        fds_sespsize(Vs, S2, S).
 2029/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2030   Optimisation uses destructive assignment to save the computed
 2031   extremum over backtracking. Failure is used to get rid of copies of
 2032   attributed variables that are created in intermediate steps. At
 2033   least that's the intention - it currently doesn't work in SWI:
 2035   %?- X in 0..3, call_residue_vars(labeling([min(X)], [X]), Vs).
 2036   %@ X = 0,
 2037   %@ Vs = [_G6174, _G6177],
 2038   %@ _G6174 in 0..3
 2040- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 2042optimise(Vars, Options, Whats) :-
 2043        Whats = [What|WhatsRest],
 2044        Extremum = extremum(none),
 2045        (   catch(store_extremum(Vars, Options, What, Extremum),
 2046                  time_limit_exceeded,
 2047                  false)
 2048        ;   Extremum = extremum(n(Val)),
 2049            arg(1, What, Expr),
 2050            append(WhatsRest, Options, Options1),
 2051            (   Expr #= Val,
 2052                labeling(Options1, Vars)
 2053            ;   Expr #\= Val,
 2054                optimise(Vars, Options, Whats)
 2055            )
 2056        ).
 2058store_extremum(Vars, Options, What, Extremum) :-
 2059        catch((labeling(Options, Vars), throw(w(What))), w(What1), true),
 2060        functor(What, Direction, _),
 2061        maplist(arg(1), [What,What1], [Expr,Expr1]),
 2062        optimise(Direction, Options, Vars, Expr1, Expr, Extremum).
 2064optimise(Direction, Options, Vars, Expr0, Expr, Extremum) :-
 2065        must_be(ground, Expr0),
 2066        nb_setarg(1, Extremum, n(Expr0)),
 2067        catch((tighten(Direction, Expr, Expr0),
 2068               labeling(Options, Vars),
 2069               throw(v(Expr))), v(Expr1), true),
 2070        optimise(Direction, Options, Vars, Expr1, Expr, Extremum).
 2072tighten(min, E, V) :- E #< V.
 2073tighten(max, E, V) :- E #> V.
Like all_distinct/1, but with weaker propagation. Consider using all_distinct/1 instead, since all_distinct/1 is typically acceptably efficient and propagates much more strongly.
 2083all_different(Ls) :-
 2084        fd_must_be_list(Ls),
 2085        maplist(fd_variable, Ls),
 2086        Orig = original_goal(_, all_different(Ls)),
 2087        all_different(Ls, [], Orig),
 2088        do_queue.
 2090all_different([], _, _).
 2091all_different([X|Right], Left, Orig) :-
 2092        (   var(X) ->
 2093            make_propagator(pdifferent(Left,Right,X,Orig), Prop),
 2094            init_propagator(X, Prop),
 2095            trigger_prop(Prop)
 2096        ;   exclude_fire(Left, Right, X)
 2097        ),
 2098        all_different(Right, [X|Left], Orig).
True iff Vars are pairwise distinct. For example, all_distinct/1 can detect that not all variables can assume distinct values given the following domains:
?- maplist(in, Vs,
           [1\/3..4, 1..2\/4, 1..2\/4, 1..3, 1..3, 1..6]),
 2113all_distinct(Ls) :-
 2114        fd_must_be_list(Ls),
 2115        maplist(fd_variable, Ls),
 2116        make_propagator(pdistinct(Ls), Prop),
 2117        distinct_attach(Ls, Prop, []),
 2118        trigger_once(Prop).
 sum(+Vars, +Rel, ?Expr)
The sum of elements of the list Vars is in relation Rel to Expr. Rel is one of #=, #\=, #<, #>, #=< or #>=. For example:
?- [A,B,C] ins 0..sup, sum([A,B,C], #=, 100).
A in 0..100,
B in 0..100,
C in 0..100.
 2133sum(Vs, Op, Value) :-
 2134        must_be(list, Vs),
 2135        same_length(Vs, Ones),
 2136        maplist(=(1), Ones),
 2137        scalar_product(Ones, Vs, Op, Value).
 scalar_product(+Cs, +Vs, +Rel, ?Expr)
True iff the scalar product of Cs and Vs is in relation Rel to Expr. Cs is a list of integers, Vs is a list of variables and integers. Rel is #=, #\=, #<, #>, #=< or #>=.
 2145scalar_product(Cs, Vs, Op, Value) :-
 2146        must_be(list(integer), Cs),
 2147        must_be(list, Vs),
 2148        maplist(fd_variable, Vs),
 2149        (   Op = (#=), single_value(Value, Right), ground(Vs) ->
 2150            foldl(coeff_int_linsum, Cs, Vs, 0, Right)
 2151        ;   must_be(callable, Op),
 2152            (   memberchk(Op, [#=,#\=,#<,#>,#=<,#>=]) -> true
 2153            ;   domain_error(scalar_product_relation, Op)
 2154            ),
 2155            must_be(acyclic, Value),
 2156            foldl(coeff_var_plusterm, Cs, Vs, 0, Left),
 2157            (   left_right_linsum_const(Left, Value, Cs1, Vs1, Const) ->
 2158                scalar_product_(Op, Cs1, Vs1, Const)
 2159            ;   sum(Cs, Vs, 0, Op, Value)
 2160            )
 2161        ).
 2163single_value(V, V)    :- var(V), !, non_monotonic(V).
 2164single_value(V, V)    :- integer(V).
 2165single_value(?(V), V) :- fd_variable(V).
 2167coeff_var_plusterm(C, V, T0, T0+(C* ?(V))).
 2169coeff_int_linsum(C, I, S0, S) :- S is S0 + C*I.
 2171sum([], _, Sum, Op, Value) :- call(Op, Sum, Value).
 2172sum([C|Cs], [X|Xs], Acc, Op, Value) :-
 2173        ?(NAcc) #= Acc + C* ?(X),
 2174        sum(Cs, Xs, NAcc, Op, Value).
 2176multiples([], [], _).
 2177multiples([C|Cs], [V|Vs], Left) :-
 2178        (   (   Cs = [N|_] ; Left = [N|_] ) ->
 2179            (   N =\= 1, gcd(C,N) =:= 1 ->
 2180                gcd(Cs, N, GCD0),
 2181                gcd(Left, GCD0, GCD),
 2182                (   GCD > 1 -> ?(V) #= GCD * ?(_)
 2183                ;   true
 2184                )
 2185            ;   true
 2186            )
 2187        ;   true
 2188        ),
 2189        multiples(Cs, Vs, [C|Left]).
 2191abs(N, A) :- A is abs(N).
 2193divide(D, N, R) :- R is N // D.
 2195scalar_product_(#=, Cs0, Vs, S0) :-
 2196        (   Cs0 = [C|Rest] ->
 2197            gcd(Rest, C, GCD),
 2198            S0 mod GCD =:= 0,
 2199            maplist(divide(GCD), [S0|Cs0], [S|Cs])
 2200        ;   S0 =:= 0, S = S0, Cs = Cs0
 2201        ),
 2202        (   S0 =:= 0 ->
 2203            maplist(abs, Cs, As),
 2204            multiples(As, Vs, [])
 2205        ;   true
 2206        ),
 2207        propagator_init_trigger(Vs, scalar_product_eq(Cs, Vs, S)).
 2208scalar_product_(#\=, Cs, Vs, C) :-
 2209        propagator_init_trigger(Vs, scalar_product_neq(Cs, Vs, C)).
 2210scalar_product_(#=<, Cs, Vs, C) :-
 2211        propagator_init_trigger(Vs, scalar_product_leq(Cs, Vs, C)).
 2212scalar_product_(#<, Cs, Vs, C) :-
 2213        C1 is C - 1,
 2214        scalar_product_(#=<, Cs, Vs, C1).
 2215scalar_product_(#>, Cs, Vs, C) :-
 2216        C1 is C + 1,
 2217        scalar_product_(#>=, Cs, Vs, C1).
 2218scalar_product_(#>=, Cs, Vs, C) :-
 2219        maplist(negative, Cs, Cs1),
 2220        C1 is -C,
 2221        scalar_product_(#=<, Cs1, Vs, C1).
 2223negative(X0, X) :- X is -X0.
 2225coeffs_variables_const([], [], [], [], I, I).
 2226coeffs_variables_const([C|Cs], [V|Vs], Cs1, Vs1, I0, I) :-
 2227        (   var(V) ->
 2228            Cs1 = [C|CRest], Vs1 = [V|VRest], I1 = I0
 2229        ;   I1 is I0 + C*V,
 2230            Cs1 = CRest, Vs1 = VRest
 2231        ),
 2232        coeffs_variables_const(Cs, Vs, CRest, VRest, I1, I).
 2234sum_finite_domains([], [], [], [], Inf, Sup, Inf, Sup).
 2235sum_finite_domains([C|Cs], [V|Vs], Infs, Sups, Inf0, Sup0, Inf, Sup) :-
 2236        fd_get(V, _, Inf1, Sup1, _),
 2237        (   Inf1 = n(NInf) ->
 2238            (   C < 0 ->
 2239                Sup2 is Sup0 + C*NInf
 2240            ;   Inf2 is Inf0 + C*NInf
 2241            ),
 2242            Sups = Sups1,
 2243            Infs = Infs1
 2244        ;   (   C < 0 ->
 2245                Sup2 = Sup0,
 2246                Sups = [C*V|Sups1],
 2247                Infs = Infs1
 2248            ;   Inf2 = Inf0,
 2249                Infs = [C*V|Infs1],
 2250                Sups = Sups1
 2251            )
 2252        ),
 2253        (   Sup1 = n(NSup) ->
 2254            (   C < 0 ->
 2255                Inf2 is Inf0 + C*NSup
 2256            ;   Sup2 is Sup0 + C*NSup
 2257            ),
 2258            Sups1 = Sups2,
 2259            Infs1 = Infs2
 2260        ;   (   C < 0 ->
 2261                Inf2 = Inf0,
 2262                Infs1 = [C*V|Infs2],
 2263                Sups1 = Sups2
 2264            ;   Sup2 = Sup0,
 2265                Sups1 = [C*V|Sups2],
 2266                Infs1 = Infs2
 2267            )
 2268        ),
 2269        sum_finite_domains(Cs, Vs, Infs2, Sups2, Inf2, Sup2, Inf, Sup).
 2271remove_dist_upper_lower([], _, _, _).
 2272remove_dist_upper_lower([C|Cs], [V|Vs], D1, D2) :-
 2273        (   fd_get(V, VD, VPs) ->
 2274            (   C < 0 ->
 2275                domain_supremum(VD, n(Sup)),
 2276                L is Sup + D1//C,
 2277                domain_remove_smaller_than(VD, L, VD1),
 2278                domain_infimum(VD1, n(Inf)),
 2279                G is Inf - D2//C,
 2280                domain_remove_greater_than(VD1, G, VD2)
 2281            ;   domain_infimum(VD, n(Inf)),
 2282                G is Inf + D1//C,
 2283                domain_remove_greater_than(VD, G, VD1),
 2284                domain_supremum(VD1, n(Sup)),
 2285                L is Sup - D2//C,
 2286                domain_remove_smaller_than(VD1, L, VD2)
 2287            ),
 2288            fd_put(V, VD2, VPs)
 2289        ;   true
 2290        ),
 2291        remove_dist_upper_lower(Cs, Vs, D1, D2).
 2294remove_dist_upper_leq([], _, _).
 2295remove_dist_upper_leq([C|Cs], [V|Vs], D1) :-
 2296        (   fd_get(V, VD, VPs) ->
 2297            (   C < 0 ->
 2298                domain_supremum(VD, n(Sup)),
 2299                L is Sup + D1//C,
 2300                domain_remove_smaller_than(VD, L, VD1)
 2301            ;   domain_infimum(VD, n(Inf)),
 2302                G is Inf + D1//C,
 2303                domain_remove_greater_than(VD, G, VD1)
 2304            ),
 2305            fd_put(V, VD1, VPs)
 2306        ;   true
 2307        ),
 2308        remove_dist_upper_leq(Cs, Vs, D1).
 2311remove_dist_upper([], _).
 2312remove_dist_upper([C*V|CVs], D) :-
 2313        (   fd_get(V, VD, VPs) ->
 2314            (   C < 0 ->
 2315                (   domain_supremum(VD, n(Sup)) ->
 2316                    L is Sup + D//C,
 2317                    domain_remove_smaller_than(VD, L, VD1)
 2318                ;   VD1 = VD
 2319                )
 2320            ;   (   domain_infimum(VD, n(Inf)) ->
 2321                    G is Inf + D//C,
 2322                    domain_remove_greater_than(VD, G, VD1)
 2323                ;   VD1 = VD
 2324                )
 2325            ),
 2326            fd_put(V, VD1, VPs)
 2327        ;   true
 2328        ),
 2329        remove_dist_upper(CVs, D).
 2331remove_dist_lower([], _).
 2332remove_dist_lower([C*V|CVs], D) :-
 2333        (   fd_get(V, VD, VPs) ->
 2334            (   C < 0 ->
 2335                (   domain_infimum(VD, n(Inf)) ->
 2336                    G is Inf - D//C,
 2337                    domain_remove_greater_than(VD, G, VD1)
 2338                ;   VD1 = VD
 2339                )
 2340            ;   (   domain_supremum(VD, n(Sup)) ->
 2341                    L is Sup - D//C,
 2342                    domain_remove_smaller_than(VD, L, VD1)
 2343                ;   VD1 = VD
 2344                )
 2345            ),
 2346            fd_put(V, VD1, VPs)
 2347        ;   true
 2348        ),
 2349        remove_dist_lower(CVs, D).
 2351remove_upper([], _).
 2352remove_upper([C*X|CXs], Max) :-
 2353        (   fd_get(X, XD, XPs) ->
 2354            D is Max//C,
 2355            (   C < 0 ->
 2356                domain_remove_smaller_than(XD, D, XD1)
 2357            ;   domain_remove_greater_than(XD, D, XD1)
 2358            ),
 2359            fd_put(X, XD1, XPs)
 2360        ;   true
 2361        ),
 2362        remove_upper(CXs, Max).
 2364remove_lower([], _).
 2365remove_lower([C*X|CXs], Min) :-
 2366        (   fd_get(X, XD, XPs) ->
 2367            D is -Min//C,
 2368            (   C < 0 ->
 2369                domain_remove_greater_than(XD, D, XD1)
 2370            ;   domain_remove_smaller_than(XD, D, XD1)
 2371            ),
 2372            fd_put(X, XD1, XPs)
 2373        ;   true
 2374        ),
 2375        remove_lower(CXs, Min).
 2379/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2380   Constraint propagation proceeds as follows: Each CLP(FD) variable
 2381   has an attribute that stores its associated domain and constraints.
 2382   Constraints are triggered when the event they are registered for
 2383   occurs (for example: variable is instantiated, bounds change etc.).
 2384   do_queue/0 works off all triggered constraints, possibly triggering
 2385   new ones, until fixpoint.
 2386- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 2388% FIFO queue
 2390make_queue :- nb_setval('$clpfd_queue', fast_slow([], [])).
 2392push_queue(E, Which) :-
 2393        nb_getval('$clpfd_queue', Qs),
 2394        arg(Which, Qs, Q),
 2395        (   Q == [] ->
 2396            setarg(Which, Qs, [E|T]-T)
 2397        ;   Q = H-[E|T],
 2398            setarg(Which, Qs, H-T)
 2399        ).
 2401pop_queue(E) :-
 2402        nb_getval('$clpfd_queue', Qs),
 2403        (   pop_queue(E, Qs, 1) ->  true
 2404        ;   pop_queue(E, Qs, 2)
 2405        ).
 2407pop_queue(E, Qs, Which) :-
 2408        arg(Which, Qs, [E|NH]-T),
 2409        (   var(NH) ->
 2410            setarg(Which, Qs, [])
 2411        ;   setarg(Which, Qs, NH-T)
 2412        ).
 2414fetch_propagator(Prop) :-
 2415        pop_queue(P),
 2416        (   propagator_state(P, S), S == dead -> fetch_propagator(Prop)
 2417        ;   Prop = P
 2418        ).
 2420/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2421   Parsing a CLP(FD) expression has two important side-effects: First,
 2422   it constrains the variables occurring in the expression to
 2423   integers. Second, it constrains some of them even more: For
 2424   example, in X/Y and X mod Y, Y is constrained to be #\= 0.
 2425- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 2427constrain_to_integer(Var) :-
 2428        (   integer(Var) -> true
 2429        ;   fd_get(Var, D, Ps),
 2430            fd_put(Var, D, Ps)
 2431        ).
 2433power_var_num(P, X, N) :-
 2434        (   var(P) -> X = P, N = 1
 2435        ;   P = Left*Right,
 2436            power_var_num(Left, XL, L),
 2437            power_var_num(Right, XR, R),
 2438            XL == XR,
 2439            X = XL,
 2440            N is L + R
 2441        ).
 2443/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2444   Given expression E, we obtain the finite domain variable R by
 2445   interpreting a simple committed-choice language that is a list of
 2446   conditions and bodies. In conditions, g(Goal) means literally Goal,
 2447   and m(Match) means that E can be decomposed as stated. The
 2448   variables are to be understood as the result of parsing the
 2449   subexpressions recursively. In the body, g(Goal) means again Goal,
 2450   and p(Propagator) means to attach and trigger once a propagator.
 2451- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 2453:- op(800, xfx, =>). 2454
 2455parse_clpfd(E, R,
 2456            [g(cyclic_term(E)) => [g(domain_error(clpfd_expression, E))],
 2457             g(var(E))         => [g(non_monotonic(E)),
 2458                                   g(constrain_to_integer(E)), g(E = R)],
 2459             g(integer(E))     => [g(R = E)],
 2460             ?(E)              => [g(must_be_fd_integer(E)), g(R = E)],
 2461             #(E)              => [g(must_be_fd_integer(E)), g(R = E)],
 2462             m(A+B)            => [p(pplus(A, B, R))],
 2463             % power_var_num/3 must occur before */2 to be useful
 2464             g(power_var_num(E, V, N)) => [p(pexp(V, N, R))],
 2465             m(A*B)            => [p(ptimes(A, B, R))],
 2466             m(A-B)            => [p(pplus(R,B,A))],
 2467             m(-A)             => [p(ptimes(-1,A,R))],
 2468             m(max(A,B))       => [g(A #=< ?(R)), g(B #=< R), p(pmax(A, B, R))],
 2469             m(min(A,B))       => [g(A #>= ?(R)), g(B #>= R), p(pmin(A, B, R))],
 2470             m(A mod B)        => [g(B #\= 0), p(pmod(A, B, R))],
 2471             m(A rem B)        => [g(B #\= 0), p(prem(A, B, R))],
 2472             m(abs(A))         => [g(?(R) #>= 0), p(pabs(A, R))],
 2473%             m(A/B)            => [g(B #\= 0), p(ptzdiv(A, B, R))],
 2474             m(A//B)           => [g(B #\= 0), p(ptzdiv(A, B, R))],
 2475             m(A div B)        => [g(?(R) #= (A - (A mod B)) // B)],
 2476             m(A rdiv B)       => [g(B #\= 0), p(prdiv(A, B, R))],
 2477             m(A^B)            => [p(pexp(A, B, R))],
 2478             % bitwise operations
 2479             m(\A)             => [p(pfunction(\, A, R))],
 2480             m(msb(A))         => [p(pfunction(msb, A, R))],
 2481             m(lsb(A))         => [p(pfunction(lsb, A, R))],
 2482             m(popcount(A))    => [p(pfunction(popcount, A, R))],
 2483             m(A<<B)           => [p(pfunction(<<, A, B, R))],
 2484             m(A>>B)           => [p(pfunction(>>, A, B, R))],
 2485             m(A/\B)           => [p(pfunction(/\, A, B, R))],
 2486             m(A\/B)           => [p(pfunction(\/, A, B, R))],
 2487             m(A xor B)        => [p(pfunction(xor, A, B, R))],
 2488             g(true)           => [g(domain_error(clpfd_expression, E))]
 2489            ]).
 2491non_monotonic(X) :-
 2492        (   \+ fd_var(X), current_prolog_flag(clpfd_monotonic, true) ->
 2493            instantiation_error(X)
 2494        ;   true
 2495        ).
 2497% Here, we compile the committed choice language to a single
 2498% predicate, parse_clpfd/2.
 2500make_parse_clpfd(Clauses) :-
 2501        parse_clpfd_clauses(Clauses0),
 2502        maplist(goals_goal, Clauses0, Clauses).
 2504goals_goal((Head :- Goals), (Head :- Body)) :-
 2505        list_goal(Goals, Body).
 2507parse_clpfd_clauses(Clauses) :-
 2508        parse_clpfd(E, R, Matchers),
 2509        maplist(parse_matcher(E, R), Matchers, Clauses).
 2511parse_matcher(E, R, Matcher, Clause) :-
 2512        Matcher = (Condition0 => Goals0),
 2513        phrase((parse_condition(Condition0, E, Head),
 2514                parse_goals(Goals0)), Goals),
 2515        Clause = (parse_clpfd(Head, R) :- Goals).
 2517parse_condition(g(Goal), E, E)       --> [Goal, !].
 2518parse_condition(?(E), _, ?(E))       --> [!].
 2519parse_condition(#(E), _, #(E))       --> [!].
 2520parse_condition(m(Match), _, Match0) -->
 2521        [!],
 2522        { copy_term(Match, Match0),
 2523          term_variables(Match0, Vs0),
 2524          term_variables(Match, Vs)
 2525        },
 2526        parse_match_variables(Vs0, Vs).
 2528parse_match_variables([], []) --> [].
 2529parse_match_variables([V0|Vs0], [V|Vs]) -->
 2530        [parse_clpfd(V0, V)],
 2531        parse_match_variables(Vs0, Vs).
 2533parse_goals([]) --> [].
 2534parse_goals([G|Gs]) --> parse_goal(G), parse_goals(Gs).
 2536parse_goal(g(Goal)) --> [Goal].
 2537parse_goal(p(Prop)) -->
 2538        [make_propagator(Prop, P)],
 2539        { term_variables(Prop, Vs) },
 2540        parse_init(Vs, P),
 2541        [trigger_once(P)].
 2543parse_init([], _)     --> [].
 2544parse_init([V|Vs], P) --> [init_propagator(V, P)], parse_init(Vs, P).
 2546%?- set_prolog_flag(answer_write_options, [portray(true)]),
 2547%   clpfd:parse_clpfd_clauses(Clauses), maplist(portray_clause, Clauses).
 2553trigger_once(Prop) :- trigger_prop(Prop), do_queue.
 2555neq(A, B) :- propagator_init_trigger(pneq(A, B)).
 2557propagator_init_trigger(P) -->
 2558        { term_variables(P, Vs) },
 2559        propagator_init_trigger(Vs, P).
 2561propagator_init_trigger(Vs, P) -->
 2562        [p(Prop)],
 2563        { make_propagator(P, Prop),
 2564          maplist(prop_init(Prop), Vs),
 2565          trigger_once(Prop) }.
 2567propagator_init_trigger(P) :-
 2568        phrase(propagator_init_trigger(P), _).
 2570propagator_init_trigger(Vs, P) :-
 2571        phrase(propagator_init_trigger(Vs, P), _).
 2573prop_init(Prop, V) :- init_propagator(V, Prop).
 2575geq(A, B) :-
 2576        (   fd_get(A, AD, APs) ->
 2577            domain_infimum(AD, AI),
 2578            (   fd_get(B, BD, _) ->
 2579                domain_supremum(BD, BS),
 2580                (   AI cis_geq BS -> true
 2581                ;   propagator_init_trigger(pgeq(A,B))
 2582                )
 2583            ;   (   AI cis_geq n(B) -> true
 2584                ;   domain_remove_smaller_than(AD, B, AD1),
 2585                    fd_put(A, AD1, APs),
 2586                    do_queue
 2587                )
 2588            )
 2589        ;   fd_get(B, BD, BPs) ->
 2590            domain_remove_greater_than(BD, A, BD1),
 2591            fd_put(B, BD1, BPs),
 2592            do_queue
 2593        ;   A >= B
 2594        ).
 2596/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2597   Naive parsing of inequalities and disequalities can result in a lot
 2598   of unnecessary work if expressions of non-trivial depth are
 2599   involved: Auxiliary variables are introduced for sub-expressions,
 2600   and propagation proceeds on them as if they were involved in a
 2601   tighter constraint (like equality), whereas eventually only very
 2602   little of the propagated information is actually used. For example,
 2603   only extremal values are of interest in inequalities. Introducing
 2604   auxiliary variables should be avoided when possible, and
 2605   specialised propagators should be used for common constraints.
 2607   We again use a simple committed-choice language for matching
 2608   special cases of constraints. m_c(M,C) means that M matches and C
 2609   holds. d(X, Y) means decomposition, i.e., it is short for
 2610   g(parse_clpfd(X, Y)). r(X, Y) means to rematch with X and Y.
 2612   Two things are important: First, although the actual constraint
 2613   functors (#\=2, #=/2 etc.) are used in the description, they must
 2614   expand to the respective auxiliary predicates (match_expand/2)
 2615   because the actual constraints are subject to goal expansion.
 2616   Second, when specialised constraints (like scalar product) post
 2617   simpler constraints on their own, these simpler versions must be
 2618   handled separately and must occur before.
 2619- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 2621match_expand(#>=, clpfd_geq_).
 2622match_expand(#=, clpfd_equal_).
 2623match_expand(#\=, clpfd_neq).
 2629         m_c(any(X) #>= any(Y), left_right_linsum_const(X, Y, Cs, Vs, Const)) =>
 2630            [g((   Cs = [1], Vs = [A] -> geq(A, Const)
 2631               ;   Cs = [-1], Vs = [A] -> Const1 is -Const, geq(Const1, A)
 2632               ;   Cs = [1,1], Vs = [A,B] -> ?(A) + ?(B) #= ?(S), geq(S, Const)
 2633               ;   Cs = [1,-1], Vs = [A,B] ->
 2634                   (   Const =:= 0 -> geq(A, B)
 2635                   ;   C1 is -Const,
 2636                       propagator_init_trigger(x_leq_y_plus_c(B, A, C1))
 2637                   )
 2638               ;   Cs = [-1,1], Vs = [A,B] ->
 2639                   (   Const =:= 0 -> geq(B, A)
 2640                   ;   C1 is -Const,
 2641                       propagator_init_trigger(x_leq_y_plus_c(A, B, C1))
 2642                   )
 2643               ;   Cs = [-1,-1], Vs = [A,B] ->
 2644                   ?(A) + ?(B) #= ?(S), Const1 is -Const, geq(Const1, S)
 2645               ;   scalar_product_(#>=, Cs, Vs, Const)
 2646               ))],
 2647         m(any(X) - any(Y) #>= integer(C))     => [d(X, X1), d(Y, Y1), g(C1 is -C), p(x_leq_y_plus_c(Y1, X1, C1))],
 2648         m(integer(X) #>= any(Z) + integer(A)) => [g(C is X - A), r(C, Z)],
 2649         m(abs(any(X)-any(Y)) #>= integer(I))  => [d(X, X1), d(Y, Y1), p(absdiff_geq(X1, Y1, I))],
 2650         m(abs(any(X)) #>= integer(I))         => [d(X, RX), g((I>0 -> I1 is -I, RX in inf..I1 \/ I..sup; true))],
 2651         m(integer(I) #>= abs(any(X)))         => [d(X, RX), g(I>=0), g(I1 is -I), g(RX in I1..I)],
 2652         m(any(X) #>= any(Y))                  => [d(X, RX), d(Y, RY), g(geq(RX, RY))],
 2654         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 2655         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 2657         m(var(X) #= var(Y))        => [g(constrain_to_integer(X)), g(X=Y)],
 2658         m(var(X) #= var(Y)+var(Z)) => [p(pplus(Y,Z,X))],
 2659         m(var(X) #= var(Y)-var(Z)) => [p(pplus(X,Z,Y))],
 2660         m(var(X) #= var(Y)*var(Z)) => [p(ptimes(Y,Z,X))],
 2661         m(var(X) #= -var(Z))       => [p(ptimes(-1, Z, X))],
 2662         m_c(any(X) #= any(Y), left_right_linsum_const(X, Y, Cs, Vs, S)) =>
 2663            [g(scalar_product_(#=, Cs, Vs, S))],
 2664         m(var(X) #= any(Y))       => [d(Y,X)],
 2665         m(any(X) #= any(Y))       => [d(X, RX), d(Y, RX)],
 2667         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 2668         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 2670         m(var(X) #\= integer(Y))             => [g(neq_num(X, Y))],
 2671         m(var(X) #\= var(Y))                 => [g(neq(X,Y))],
 2672         m(var(X) #\= var(Y) + var(Z))        => [p(x_neq_y_plus_z(X, Y, Z))],
 2673         m(var(X) #\= var(Y) - var(Z))        => [p(x_neq_y_plus_z(Y, X, Z))],
 2674         m(var(X) #\= var(Y)*var(Z))          => [p(ptimes(Y,Z,P)), g(neq(X,P))],
 2675         m(integer(X) #\= abs(any(Y)-any(Z))) => [d(Y, Y1), d(Z, Z1), p(absdiff_neq(Y1, Z1, X))],
 2676         m_c(any(X) #\= any(Y), left_right_linsum_const(X, Y, Cs, Vs, S)) =>
 2677            [g(scalar_product_(#\=, Cs, Vs, S))],
 2678         m(any(X) #\= any(Y) + any(Z))        => [d(X, X1), d(Y, Y1), d(Z, Z1), p(x_neq_y_plus_z(X1, Y1, Z1))],
 2679         m(any(X) #\= any(Y) - any(Z))        => [d(X, X1), d(Y, Y1), d(Z, Z1), p(x_neq_y_plus_z(Y1, X1, Z1))],
 2680         m(any(X) #\= any(Y)) => [d(X, RX), d(Y, RY), g(neq(RX, RY))]
 2681        ]).
 2683/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2684   We again compile the committed-choice matching language to the
 2685   intended auxiliary predicates. We now must take care not to
 2686   unintentionally unify a variable with a complex term.
 2687- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 2689make_matches(Clauses) :-
 2690        matches(Ms),
 2691        findall(F, (member(M=>_, Ms), arg(1, M, M1), functor(M1, F, _)), Fs0),
 2692        sort(Fs0, Fs),
 2693        maplist(prevent_cyclic_argument, Fs, PrevCyclicClauses),
 2694        phrase(matchers(Ms), Clauses0),
 2695        maplist(goals_goal, Clauses0, MatcherClauses),
 2696        append(PrevCyclicClauses, MatcherClauses, Clauses1),
 2697        sort_by_predicate(Clauses1, Clauses).
 2699sort_by_predicate(Clauses, ByPred) :-
 2700        map_list_to_pairs(predname, Clauses, Keyed),
 2701        keysort(Keyed, KeyedByPred),
 2702        pairs_values(KeyedByPred, ByPred).
 2704predname((H:-_), Key)   :- !, predname(H, Key).
 2705predname(M:H, M:Key)    :- !, predname(H, Key).
 2706predname(H, Name/Arity) :- !, functor(H, Name, Arity).
 2708prevent_cyclic_argument(F0, Clause) :-
 2709        match_expand(F0, F),
 2710        Head =.. [F,X,Y],
 2711        Clause = (Head :- (   cyclic_term(X) ->
 2712                              domain_error(clpfd_expression, X)
 2713                          ;   cyclic_term(Y) ->
 2714                              domain_error(clpfd_expression, Y)
 2715                          ;   false
 2716                          )).
 2718matchers([]) --> [].
 2719matchers([Condition => Goals|Ms]) -->
 2720        matcher(Condition, Goals),
 2721        matchers(Ms).
 2723matcher(m(M), Gs) --> matcher(m_c(M,true), Gs).
 2724matcher(m_c(Matcher,Cond), Gs) -->
 2725        [(Head :- Goals0)],
 2726        { Matcher =.. [F,A,B],
 2727          match_expand(F, Expand),
 2728          Head =.. [Expand,X,Y],
 2729          phrase((match(A, X), match(B, Y)), Goals0, [Cond,!|Goals1]),
 2730          phrase(match_goals(Gs, Expand), Goals1) },
 2731        (   { symmetric(F), \+ (subsumes_term(A, B), subsumes_term(B, A)) } ->
 2732            { Head1 =.. [Expand,Y,X] },
 2733            [(Head1 :- Goals0)]
 2734        ;   []
 2735        ).
 2737match(any(A), T)     --> [A = T].
 2738match(var(V), T)     --> [( nonvar(T), ( T = ?(Var) ; T = #(Var) ) ->
 2739                            must_be_fd_integer(Var), V = Var
 2740                          ; v_or_i(T), V = T
 2741                          )].
 2742match(integer(I), T) --> [integer(T), I = T].
 2743match(-X, T)         --> [nonvar(T), T = -A], match(X, A).
 2744match(abs(X), T)     --> [nonvar(T), T = abs(A)], match(X, A).
 2745match(Binary, T)     -->
 2746        { Binary =.. [Op,X,Y], Term =.. [Op,A,B] },
 2747        [nonvar(T), T = Term],
 2748        match(X, A), match(Y, B).
 2750match_goals([], _)     --> [].
 2751match_goals([G|Gs], F) --> match_goal(G, F), match_goals(Gs, F).
 2753match_goal(r(X,Y), F)  --> { G =.. [F,X,Y] }, [G].
 2754match_goal(d(X,Y), _)  --> [parse_clpfd(X, Y)].
 2755match_goal(g(Goal), _) --> [Goal].
 2756match_goal(p(Prop), _) -->
 2757        [make_propagator(Prop, P)],
 2758        { term_variables(Prop, Vs) },
 2759        parse_init(Vs, P),
 2760        [trigger_once(P)].
 #>=(?X, ?Y)
Same as Y #=< X. When reasoning over integers, replace (>=)/2 by #>=/2 to obtain more general relations. See declarative integer arithmetic.
 2773X #>= Y :- clpfd_geq(X, Y).
 2775clpfd_geq(X, Y) :- clpfd_geq_(X, Y), reinforce(X), reinforce(Y).
 #=<(?X, ?Y)
The arithmetic expression X is less than or equal to Y. When reasoning over integers, replace (=<)/2 by #=</2 to obtain more general relations. See declarative integer arithmetic.
 2784X #=< Y :- Y #>= X.
 #=(?X, ?Y)
The arithmetic expression X equals Y. This is the most important arithmetic constraint, subsuming and replacing both (is)/2 and (=:=)/2 over integers. See declarative integer arithmetic.
 2793X #= Y :- clpfd_equal(X, Y).
 2795clpfd_equal(X, Y) :- clpfd_equal_(X, Y), reinforce(X).
 2797/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 2798   Conditions under which an equality can be compiled to built-in
 2799   arithmetic. Their order is significant. (/)/2 becomes (//)/2.
 2800- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 2802expr_conds(E, E)                 --> [integer(E)],
 2803        { var(E), !, \+ current_prolog_flag(clpfd_monotonic, true) }.
 2804expr_conds(E, E)                 --> { integer(E) }.
 2805expr_conds(?(E), E)              --> [integer(E)].
 2806expr_conds(#(E), E)              --> [integer(E)].
 2807expr_conds(-E0, -E)              --> expr_conds(E0, E).
 2808expr_conds(abs(E0), abs(E))      --> expr_conds(E0, E).
 2809expr_conds(A0+B0, A+B)           --> expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B).
 2810expr_conds(A0*B0, A*B)           --> expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B).
 2811expr_conds(A0-B0, A-B)           --> expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B).
 2812expr_conds(A0//B0, A//B)         -->
 2813        expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B),
 2814        [B =\= 0].
 2815%expr_conds(A0/B0, AB)            --> expr_conds(A0//B0, AB).
 2816expr_conds(min(A0,B0), min(A,B)) --> expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B).
 2817expr_conds(max(A0,B0), max(A,B)) --> expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B).
 2818expr_conds(A0 mod B0, A mod B)   -->
 2819        expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B),
 2820        [B =\= 0].
 2821expr_conds(A0^B0, A^B)           -->
 2822        expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B),
 2823        [(B >= 0 ; A =:= -1)].
 2824% Bitwise operations, added to make CLP(FD) usable in more cases
 2825expr_conds(\ A0, \ A) --> expr_conds(A0, A).
 2826expr_conds(A0<<B0, A<<B) --> expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B).
 2827expr_conds(A0>>B0, A>>B) --> expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B).
 2828expr_conds(A0/\B0, A/\B) --> expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B).
 2829expr_conds(A0\/B0, A\/B) --> expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B).
 2830expr_conds(A0 xor B0, A xor B) --> expr_conds(A0, A), expr_conds(B0, B).
 2831expr_conds(lsb(A0), lsb(A)) --> expr_conds(A0, A).
 2832expr_conds(msb(A0), msb(A)) --> expr_conds(A0, A).
 2833expr_conds(popcount(A0), popcount(A)) --> expr_conds(A0, A).
 2835:- multifile
 2836        system:goal_expansion/2. 2837:- dynamic
 2838        system:goal_expansion/2. 2839
 2840system:goal_expansion(Goal, Expansion) :-
 2841        \+ current_prolog_flag(clpfd_goal_expansion, false),
 2842        clpfd_expandable(Goal),
 2843        prolog_load_context(module, M),
 2844	(   M == clpfd
 2845	->  true
 2846	;   predicate_property(M:Goal, imported_from(clpfd))
 2847	),
 2848        clpfd_expansion(Goal, Expansion).
 2850clpfd_expandable(_ in _).
 2851clpfd_expandable(_ #= _).
 2852clpfd_expandable(_ #>= _).
 2853clpfd_expandable(_ #=< _).
 2854clpfd_expandable(_ #> _).
 2855clpfd_expandable(_ #< _).
 2857clpfd_expansion(Var in Dom, In) :-
 2858        (   ground(Dom), Dom = L..U, integer(L), integer(U) ->
 2859            expansion_simpler(
 2860                (   integer(Var) ->
 2861                    between(L, U, Var)
 2862                ;   clpfd:clpfd_in(Var, Dom)
 2863                ), In)
 2864        ;   In = clpfd:clpfd_in(Var, Dom)
 2865        ).
 2866clpfd_expansion(X0 #= Y0, Equal) :-
 2867        phrase(expr_conds(X0, X), CsX),
 2868        phrase(expr_conds(Y0, Y), CsY),
 2869        list_goal(CsX, CondX),
 2870        list_goal(CsY, CondY),
 2871        expansion_simpler(
 2872                (   CondX ->
 2873                    (   var(Y) -> Y is X
 2874                    ;   CondY -> X =:= Y
 2875                    ;   T is X, clpfd:clpfd_equal(T, Y0)
 2876                    )
 2877                ;   CondY ->
 2878                    (   var(X) -> X is Y
 2879                    ;   T is Y, clpfd:clpfd_equal(X0, T)
 2880                    )
 2881                ;   clpfd:clpfd_equal(X0, Y0)
 2882                ), Equal).
 2883clpfd_expansion(X0 #>= Y0, Geq) :-
 2884        phrase(expr_conds(X0, X), CsX),
 2885        phrase(expr_conds(Y0, Y), CsY),
 2886        list_goal(CsX, CondX),
 2887        list_goal(CsY, CondY),
 2888        expansion_simpler(
 2889              (   CondX ->
 2890                  (   CondY -> X >= Y
 2891                  ;   T is X, clpfd:clpfd_geq(T, Y0)
 2892                  )
 2893              ;   CondY -> T is Y, clpfd:clpfd_geq(X0, T)
 2894              ;   clpfd:clpfd_geq(X0, Y0)
 2895              ), Geq).
 2896clpfd_expansion(X #=< Y,  Leq) :- clpfd_expansion(Y #>= X, Leq).
 2897clpfd_expansion(X #> Y, Gt)    :- clpfd_expansion(X #>= Y+1, Gt).
 2898clpfd_expansion(X #< Y, Lt)    :- clpfd_expansion(Y #> X, Lt).
 2900expansion_simpler((True->Then0;_), Then) :-
 2901        is_true(True), !,
 2902        expansion_simpler(Then0, Then).
 2903expansion_simpler((False->_;Else0), Else) :-
 2904        is_false(False), !,
 2905        expansion_simpler(Else0, Else).
 2906expansion_simpler((If->Then0;Else0), (If->Then;Else)) :- !,
 2907        expansion_simpler(Then0, Then),
 2908        expansion_simpler(Else0, Else).
 2909expansion_simpler((A0,B0), (A,B)) :-
 2910        expansion_simpler(A0, A),
 2911        expansion_simpler(B0, B).
 2912expansion_simpler(Var is Expr0, Goal) :-
 2913        ground(Expr0), !,
 2914        phrase(expr_conds(Expr0, Expr), Gs),
 2915        (   maplist(call, Gs) -> Value is Expr, Goal = (Var = Value)
 2916        ;   Goal = false
 2917        ).
 2918expansion_simpler(Var =:= Expr0, Goal) :-
 2919        ground(Expr0), !,
 2920        phrase(expr_conds(Expr0, Expr), Gs),
 2921        (   maplist(call, Gs) -> Value is Expr, Goal = (Var =:= Value)
 2922        ;   Goal = false
 2923        ).
 2924expansion_simpler(Var is Expr, Var = Expr) :- var(Expr), !.
 2925expansion_simpler(Var is Expr, Goal) :- !,
 2926        (   var(Var), nonvar(Expr),
 2927            Expr = E mod M, nonvar(E), E = A^B ->
 2928            Goal = ( ( integer(A), integer(B), integer(M),
 2929                       A >= 0, B >= 0, M > 0 ->
 2930                       Var is powm(A, B, M)
 2931                     ; Var is Expr
 2932                     ) )
 2933        ;   Goal = ( Var is Expr )
 2934        ).
 2935expansion_simpler(between(L,U,V), Goal) :- maplist(integer, [L,U,V]), !,
 2936        (   between(L,U,V) -> Goal = true
 2937        ;   Goal = false
 2938        ).
 2939expansion_simpler(Goal, Goal).
 2942is_true(integer(I))  :- integer(I).
 2943:- if(current_predicate(var_property/2)). 2944is_true(var(X))      :- var(X), var_property(X, fresh(true)).
 2945is_false(integer(X)) :- var(X), var_property(X, fresh(true)).
 2946is_false((A,B))      :- is_false(A) ; is_false(B).
 2947:- endif. 2948is_false(var(X)) :- nonvar(X).
 2953linsum(X, S, S)    --> { var(X), !, non_monotonic(X) }, [vn(X,1)].
 2954linsum(I, S0, S)   --> { integer(I), S is S0 + I }.
 2955linsum(?(X), S, S) --> { must_be_fd_integer(X) }, [vn(X,1)].
 2956linsum(#(X), S, S) --> { must_be_fd_integer(X) }, [vn(X,1)].
 2957linsum(-A, S0, S)  --> mulsum(A, -1, S0, S).
 2958linsum(N*A, S0, S) --> { integer(N) }, !, mulsum(A, N, S0, S).
 2959linsum(A*N, S0, S) --> { integer(N) }, !, mulsum(A, N, S0, S).
 2960linsum(A+B, S0, S) --> linsum(A, S0, S1), linsum(B, S1, S).
 2961linsum(A-B, S0, S) --> linsum(A, S0, S1), mulsum(B, -1, S1, S).
 2963mulsum(A, M, S0, S) -->
 2964        { phrase(linsum(A, 0, CA), As), S is S0 + M*CA },
 2965        lin_mul(As, M).
 2967lin_mul([], _)             --> [].
 2968lin_mul([vn(X,N0)|VNs], M) --> { N is N0*M }, [vn(X,N)], lin_mul(VNs, M).
 2970v_or_i(V) :- var(V), !, non_monotonic(V).
 2971v_or_i(I) :- integer(I).
 2973must_be_fd_integer(X) :-
 2974        (   var(X) -> constrain_to_integer(X)
 2975        ;   must_be(integer, X)
 2976        ).
 2978left_right_linsum_const(Left, Right, Cs, Vs, Const) :-
 2979        phrase(linsum(Left, 0, CL), Lefts0, Rights),
 2980        phrase(linsum(Right, 0, CR), Rights0),
 2981        maplist(linterm_negate, Rights0, Rights),
 2982        msort(Lefts0, Lefts),
 2983        Lefts = [vn(First,N)|LeftsRest],
 2984        vns_coeffs_variables(LeftsRest, N, First, Cs0, Vs0),
 2985        filter_linsum(Cs0, Vs0, Cs, Vs),
 2986        Const is CR - CL.
 2987        %format("linear sum: ~w ~w ~w\n", [Cs,Vs,Const]).
 2989linterm_negate(vn(V,N0), vn(V,N)) :- N is -N0.
 2991vns_coeffs_variables([], N, V, [N], [V]).
 2992vns_coeffs_variables([vn(V,N)|VNs], N0, V0, Ns, Vs) :-
 2993        (   V == V0 ->
 2994            N1 is N0 + N,
 2995            vns_coeffs_variables(VNs, N1, V0, Ns, Vs)
 2996        ;   Ns = [N0|NRest],
 2997            Vs = [V0|VRest],
 2998            vns_coeffs_variables(VNs, N, V, NRest, VRest)
 2999        ).
 3001filter_linsum([], [], [], []).
 3002filter_linsum([C0|Cs0], [V0|Vs0], Cs, Vs) :-
 3003        (   C0 =:= 0 ->
 3004            constrain_to_integer(V0),
 3005            filter_linsum(Cs0, Vs0, Cs, Vs)
 3006        ;   Cs = [C0|Cs1], Vs = [V0|Vs1],
 3007            filter_linsum(Cs0, Vs0, Cs1, Vs1)
 3008        ).
 3010gcd([], G, G).
 3011gcd([N|Ns], G0, G) :-
 3012        G1 is gcd(N, G0),
 3013        gcd(Ns, G1, G).
 3015even(N) :- N mod 2 =:= 0.
 3017odd(N) :- \+ even(N).
 3019/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3020   k-th root of N, if N is a k-th power.
 3022   TODO: Replace this when the GMP function becomes available.
 3023- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 3025integer_kth_root(N, K, R) :-
 3026        (   even(K) ->
 3027            N >= 0
 3028        ;   true
 3029        ),
 3030        (   N < 0 ->
 3031            odd(K),
 3032            integer_kroot(N, 0, N, K, R)
 3033        ;   integer_kroot(0, N, N, K, R)
 3034        ).
 3036integer_kroot(L, U, N, K, R) :-
 3037        (   L =:= U -> N =:= L^K, R = L
 3038        ;   L + 1 =:= U ->
 3039            (   L^K =:= N -> R = L
 3040            ;   U^K =:= N -> R = U
 3041            ;   false
 3042            )
 3043        ;   Mid is (L + U)//2,
 3044            (   Mid^K > N ->
 3045                integer_kroot(L, Mid, N, K, R)
 3046            ;   integer_kroot(Mid, U, N, K, R)
 3047            )
 3048        ).
 3050integer_log_b(N, B, Log0, Log) :-
 3051        T is B^Log0,
 3052        (   T =:= N -> Log = Log0
 3053        ;   T < N,
 3054            Log1 is Log0 + 1,
 3055            integer_log_b(N, B, Log1, Log)
 3056        ).
 3058floor_integer_log_b(N, B, Log0, Log) :-
 3059        T is B^Log0,
 3060        (   T > N -> Log is Log0 - 1
 3061        ;   T =:= N -> Log = Log0
 3062        ;   T < N,
 3063            Log1 is Log0 + 1,
 3064            floor_integer_log_b(N, B, Log1, Log)
 3065        ).
 3068/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3069   Largest R such that R^K =< N.
 3070- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 3072:- if(current_predicate(nth_integer_root_and_remainder/4)). 3073
 3074% This currently only works for K >= 1, which is all that is needed for now.
 3075integer_kth_root_leq(N, K, R) :-
 3076        nth_integer_root_and_remainder(K, N, R, _).
 3078:- else. 3079
 3080integer_kth_root_leq(N, K, R) :-
 3081        (   even(K) ->
 3082            N >= 0
 3083        ;   true
 3084        ),
 3085        (   N < 0 ->
 3086            odd(K),
 3087            integer_kroot_leq(N, 0, N, K, R)
 3088        ;   integer_kroot_leq(0, N, N, K, R)
 3089        ).
 3091integer_kroot_leq(L, U, N, K, R) :-
 3092        (   L =:= U -> R = L
 3093        ;   L + 1 =:= U ->
 3094            (   U^K =< N -> R = U
 3095            ;   R = L
 3096            )
 3097        ;   Mid is (L + U)//2,
 3098            (   Mid^K > N ->
 3099                integer_kroot_leq(L, Mid, N, K, R)
 3100            ;   integer_kroot_leq(Mid, U, N, K, R)
 3101            )
 3102        ).
 3104:- endif.
 #\=(?X, ?Y)
The arithmetic expressions X and Y evaluate to distinct integers. When reasoning over integers, replace (=\=)/2 by #\=/2 to obtain more general relations. See declarative integer arithmetic.
 3113X #\= Y :- clpfd_neq(X, Y), do_queue.
 3115% X #\= Y + Z
 3117x_neq_y_plus_z(X, Y, Z) :-
 3118        propagator_init_trigger(x_neq_y_plus_z(X,Y,Z)).
 3120% X is distinct from the number N. This is used internally, and does
 3121% not reinforce other constraints.
 3123neq_num(X, N) :-
 3124        (   fd_get(X, XD, XPs) ->
 3125            domain_remove(XD, N, XD1),
 3126            fd_put(X, XD1, XPs)
 3127        ;   X =\= N
 3128        ).
 #>(?X, ?Y)
Same as Y #< X. When reasoning over integers, replace (>)/2 by #>/2 to obtain more general relations See declarative integer arithmetic.
 3136X #> Y  :- X #>= Y + 1.
 #<(?X, ?Y)
The arithmetic expression X is less than Y. When reasoning over integers, replace (<)/2 by #</2 to obtain more general relations. See declarative integer arithmetic.

In addition to its regular use in tasks that require it, this constraint can also be useful to eliminate uninteresting symmetries from a problem. For example, all possible matches between pairs built from four players in total:

?- Vs = [A,B,C,D], Vs ins 1..4,
        A #< B, C #< D, A #< C,
   findall(pair(A,B)-pair(C,D), label(Vs), Ms).
Ms = [ pair(1, 2)-pair(3, 4),
       pair(1, 3)-pair(2, 4),
       pair(1, 4)-pair(2, 3)].
 3159X #< Y  :- Y #> X.
Q does not hold. See reification.

For example, to obtain the complement of a domain:

?- #\ X in -3..0\/10..80.
X in inf.. -4\/1..9\/81..sup.
 3172#\ Q       :- reify(Q, 0), do_queue.
 #<==>(?P, ?Q)
P and Q are equivalent. See reification.

For example:

?- X #= 4 #<==> B, X #\= 4.
B = 0,
X in inf..3\/5..sup.

The following example uses reified constraints to relate a list of finite domain variables to the number of occurrences of a given value:

vs_n_num(Vs, N, Num) :-
        maplist(eq_b(N), Vs, Bs),
        sum(Bs, #=, Num).

eq_b(X, Y, B) :- X #= Y #<==> B.

Sample queries and their results:

?- Vs = [X,Y,Z], Vs ins 0..1, vs_n_num(Vs, 4, Num).
Vs = [X, Y, Z],
Num = 0,
X in 0..1,
Y in 0..1,
Z in 0..1.

?- vs_n_num([X,Y,Z], 2, 3).
X = 2,
Y = 2,
Z = 2.
 3212L #<==> R  :- reify(L, B), reify(R, B), do_queue.
 #==>(?P, ?Q)
P implies Q. See reification.
 3218/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3219   Implication is special in that created auxiliary constraints can be
 3220   retracted when the implication becomes entailed, for example:
 3222   %?- X + 1 #= Y #==> Z, Z #= 1.
 3223   %@ Z = 1,
 3224   %@ X in inf..sup,
 3225   %@ Y in inf..sup.
 3227   We cannot use propagator_init_trigger/1 here because the states of
 3228   auxiliary propagators are themselves part of the propagator.
 3229- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 3231L #==> R   :-
 3232        reify(L, LB, LPs),
 3233        reify(R, RB, RPs),
 3234        append(LPs, RPs, Ps),
 3235        propagator_init_trigger([LB,RB], pimpl(LB,RB,Ps)).
 #<==(?P, ?Q)
Q implies P. See reification.
 3241L #<== R   :- R #==> L.
 #/\(?P, ?Q)
P and Q hold. See reification.
 3247L #/\ R    :- reify(L, 1), reify(R, 1), do_queue.
 3249conjunctive_neqs_var_drep(Eqs, Var, Drep) :-
 3250        conjunctive_neqs_var(Eqs, Var),
 3251        phrase(conjunctive_neqs_vals(Eqs), Vals),
 3252        list_to_domain(Vals, Dom),
 3253        domain_complement(Dom, C),
 3254        domain_to_drep(C, Drep).
 3256conjunctive_neqs_var(V, _) :- var(V), !, false.
 3257conjunctive_neqs_var(L #\= R, Var) :-
 3258        (   var(L), integer(R) -> Var = L
 3259        ;   integer(L), var(R) -> Var = R
 3260        ;   false
 3261        ).
 3262conjunctive_neqs_var(A #/\ B, VA) :-
 3263        conjunctive_neqs_var(A, VA),
 3264        conjunctive_neqs_var(B, VB),
 3265        VA == VB.
 3267conjunctive_neqs_vals(L #\= R) --> ( { integer(L) } -> [L] ; [R] ).
 3268conjunctive_neqs_vals(A #/\ B) -->
 3269        conjunctive_neqs_vals(A),
 3270        conjunctive_neqs_vals(B).
 #\/(?P, ?Q)
P or Q holds. See reification.

For example, the sum of natural numbers below 1000 that are multiples of 3 or 5:

?- findall(N, (N mod 3 #= 0 #\/ N mod 5 #= 0, N in 0..999,
   sum(Ns, #=, Sum).
Ns = [0, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18|...],
Sum = 233168.
 3288L #\/ R :-
 3289        (   disjunctive_eqs_var_drep(L #\/ R, Var, Drep) -> Var in Drep
 3290        ;   reify(L, X, Ps1),
 3291            reify(R, Y, Ps2),
 3292            propagator_init_trigger([X,Y], reified_or(X,Ps1,Y,Ps2,1))
 3293        ).
 3295disjunctive_eqs_var_drep(Eqs, Var, Drep) :-
 3296        disjunctive_eqs_var(Eqs, Var),
 3297        phrase(disjunctive_eqs_vals(Eqs), Vals),
 3298        list_to_drep(Vals, Drep).
 3300disjunctive_eqs_var(V, _) :- var(V), !, false.
 3301disjunctive_eqs_var(V in I, V) :- var(V), integer(I).
 3302disjunctive_eqs_var(L #= R, Var) :-
 3303        (   var(L), integer(R) -> Var = L
 3304        ;   integer(L), var(R) -> Var = R
 3305        ;   false
 3306        ).
 3307disjunctive_eqs_var(A #\/ B, VA) :-
 3308        disjunctive_eqs_var(A, VA),
 3309        disjunctive_eqs_var(B, VB),
 3310        VA == VB.
 3312disjunctive_eqs_vals(L #= R)  --> ( { integer(L) } -> [L] ; [R] ).
 3313disjunctive_eqs_vals(_ in I)  --> [I].
 3314disjunctive_eqs_vals(A #\/ B) -->
 3315        disjunctive_eqs_vals(A),
 3316        disjunctive_eqs_vals(B).
 #\(?P, ?Q)
Either P holds or Q holds, but not both. See reification.
 3323L #\ R :- (L #\/ R) #/\ #\ (L #/\ R).
 3325/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3326   A constraint that is being reified need not hold. Therefore, in
 3327   X/Y, Y can as well be 0, for example. Note that it is OK to
 3328   constrain the *result* of an expression (which does not appear
 3329   explicitly in the expression and is not visible to the outside),
 3330   but not the operands, except for requiring that they be integers.
 3332   In contrast to parse_clpfd/2, the result of an expression can now
 3333   also be undefined, in which case the constraint cannot hold.
 3334   Therefore, the committed-choice language is extended by an element
 3335   d(D) that states D is 1 iff all subexpressions are defined. a(V)
 3336   means that V is an auxiliary variable that was introduced while
 3337   parsing a compound expression. a(X,V) means V is auxiliary unless
 3338   it is ==/2 X, and a(X,Y,V) means V is auxiliary unless it is ==/2 X
 3339   or Y. l(L) means the literal L occurs in the described list.
 3341   When a constraint becomes entailed or subexpressions become
 3342   undefined, created auxiliary constraints are killed, and the
 3343   "clpfd" attribute is removed from auxiliary variables.
 3345   For (/)/2, mod/2 and rem/2, we create a skeleton propagator and
 3346   remember it as an auxiliary constraint. The pskeleton propagator
 3347   can use the skeleton when the constraint is defined.
 3348- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 3350parse_reified(E, R, D,
 3351              [g(cyclic_term(E)) => [g(domain_error(clpfd_expression, E))],
 3352               g(var(E))     => [g(non_monotonic(E)),
 3353                                 g(constrain_to_integer(E)), g(R = E), g(D=1)],
 3354               g(integer(E)) => [g(R=E), g(D=1)],
 3355               ?(E)          => [g(must_be_fd_integer(E)), g(R=E), g(D=1)],
 3356               #(E)          => [g(must_be_fd_integer(E)), g(R=E), g(D=1)],
 3357               m(A+B)        => [d(D), p(pplus(A,B,R)), a(A,B,R)],
 3358               m(A*B)        => [d(D), p(ptimes(A,B,R)), a(A,B,R)],
 3359               m(A-B)        => [d(D), p(pplus(R,B,A)), a(A,B,R)],
 3360               m(-A)         => [d(D), p(ptimes(-1,A,R)), a(R)],
 3361               m(max(A,B))   => [d(D), p(pgeq(R, A)), p(pgeq(R, B)), p(pmax(A,B,R)), a(A,B,R)],
 3362               m(min(A,B))   => [d(D), p(pgeq(A, R)), p(pgeq(B, R)), p(pmin(A,B,R)), a(A,B,R)],
 3363               m(abs(A))     => [g(?(R)#>=0), d(D), p(pabs(A, R)), a(A,R)],
 3364%               m(A/B)        => [skeleton(A,B,D,R,ptzdiv)],
 3365               m(A//B)       => [skeleton(A,B,D,R,ptzdiv)],
 3366               m(A div B)    => [skeleton(A,B,D,R,pdiv)],
 3367               m(A rdiv B)   => [skeleton(A,B,D,R,prdiv)],
 3368               m(A mod B)    => [skeleton(A,B,D,R,pmod)],
 3369               m(A rem B)    => [skeleton(A,B,D,R,prem)],
 3370               m(A^B)        => [d(D), p(pexp(A,B,R)), a(A,B,R)],
 3371               % bitwise operations
 3372               m(\A)         => [function(D,\,A,R)],
 3373               m(msb(A))     => [function(D,msb,A,R)],
 3374               m(lsb(A))     => [function(D,lsb,A,R)],
 3375               m(popcount(A)) => [function(D,popcount,A,R)],
 3376               m(A<<B)       => [function(D,<<,A,B,R)],
 3377               m(A>>B)       => [function(D,>>,A,B,R)],
 3378               m(A/\B)       => [function(D,/\,A,B,R)],
 3379               m(A\/B)       => [function(D,\/,A,B,R)],
 3380               m(A xor B)    => [function(D,xor,A,B,R)],
 3381               g(true)       => [g(domain_error(clpfd_expression, E))]]
 3382             ).
 3384% Again, we compile this to a predicate, parse_reified_clpfd//3. This
 3385% time, it is a DCG that describes the list of auxiliary variables and
 3386% propagators for the given expression, in addition to relating it to
 3387% its reified (Boolean) finite domain variable and its Boolean
 3388% definedness.
 3390make_parse_reified(Clauses) :-
 3391        parse_reified_clauses(Clauses0),
 3392        maplist(goals_goal_dcg, Clauses0, Clauses).
 3394goals_goal_dcg((Head --> Goals), Clause) :-
 3395        list_goal(Goals, Body),
 3396        expand_term((Head --> Body), Clause).
 3398parse_reified_clauses(Clauses) :-
 3399        parse_reified(E, R, D, Matchers),
 3400        maplist(parse_reified(E, R, D), Matchers, Clauses).
 3402parse_reified(E, R, D, Matcher, Clause) :-
 3403        Matcher = (Condition0 => Goals0),
 3404        phrase((reified_condition(Condition0, E, Head, Ds),
 3405                reified_goals(Goals0, Ds)), Goals, [a(D)]),
 3406        Clause = (parse_reified_clpfd(Head, R, D) --> Goals).
 3408reified_condition(g(Goal), E, E, []) --> [{Goal}, !].
 3409reified_condition(?(E), _, ?(E), []) --> [!].
 3410reified_condition(#(E), _, #(E), []) --> [!].
 3411reified_condition(m(Match), _, Match0, Ds) -->
 3412        [!],
 3413        { copy_term(Match, Match0),
 3414          term_variables(Match0, Vs0),
 3415          term_variables(Match, Vs)
 3416        },
 3417        reified_variables(Vs0, Vs, Ds).
 3419reified_variables([], [], []) --> [].
 3420reified_variables([V0|Vs0], [V|Vs], [D|Ds]) -->
 3421        [parse_reified_clpfd(V0, V, D)],
 3422        reified_variables(Vs0, Vs, Ds).
 3424reified_goals([], _) --> [].
 3425reified_goals([G|Gs], Ds) --> reified_goal(G, Ds), reified_goals(Gs, Ds).
 3427reified_goal(d(D), Ds) -->
 3428        (   { Ds = [X] } -> [{D=X}]
 3429        ;   { Ds = [X,Y] } ->
 3430            { phrase(reified_goal(p(reified_and(X,[],Y,[],D)), _), Gs),
 3431              list_goal(Gs, Goal) },
 3432            [( {X==1, Y==1} -> {D = 1} ; Goal )]
 3433        ;   { domain_error(one_or_two_element_list, Ds) }
 3434        ).
 3435reified_goal(g(Goal), _) --> [{Goal}].
 3436reified_goal(p(Vs, Prop), _) -->
 3437        [{make_propagator(Prop, P)}],
 3438        parse_init_dcg(Vs, P),
 3439        [{trigger_once(P)}],
 3440        [( { propagator_state(P, S), S == dead } -> [] ; [p(P)])].
 3441reified_goal(p(Prop), Ds) -->
 3442        { term_variables(Prop, Vs) },
 3443        reified_goal(p(Vs,Prop), Ds).
 3444reified_goal(function(D,Op,A,B,R), Ds) -->
 3445        reified_goals([d(D),p(pfunction(Op,A,B,R)),a(A,B,R)], Ds).
 3446reified_goal(function(D,Op,A,R), Ds) -->
 3447        reified_goals([d(D),p(pfunction(Op,A,R)),a(A,R)], Ds).
 3448reified_goal(skeleton(A,B,D,R,F), Ds) -->
 3449        { Prop =.. [F,X,Y,Z] },
 3450        reified_goals([d(D1),l(p(P)),g(make_propagator(Prop, P)),
 3451                       p([A,B,D2,R], pskeleton(A,B,D2,[X,Y,Z]-P,R,F)),
 3452                       p(reified_and(D1,[],D2,[],D)),a(D2),a(A,B,R)], Ds).
 3453reified_goal(a(V), _)     --> [a(V)].
 3454reified_goal(a(X,V), _)   --> [a(X,V)].
 3455reified_goal(a(X,Y,V), _) --> [a(X,Y,V)].
 3456reified_goal(l(L), _)     --> [[L]].
 3458parse_init_dcg([], _)     --> [].
 3459parse_init_dcg([V|Vs], P) --> [{init_propagator(V, P)}], parse_init_dcg(Vs, P).
 3461%?- set_prolog_flag(answer_write_options, [portray(true)]),
 3462%   clpfd:parse_reified_clauses(Cs), maplist(portray_clause, Cs).
 3464reify(E, B) :- reify(E, B, _).
 3466reify(Expr, B, Ps) :-
 3467        (   acyclic_term(Expr), reifiable(Expr) -> phrase(reify(Expr, B), Ps)
 3468        ;   domain_error(clpfd_reifiable_expression, Expr)
 3469        ).
 3471reifiable(E)      :- var(E), non_monotonic(E).
 3472reifiable(E)      :- integer(E), E in 0..1.
 3473reifiable(?(E))   :- must_be_fd_integer(E).
 3474reifiable(#(E))   :- must_be_fd_integer(E).
 3475reifiable(V in _) :- fd_variable(V).
 3476reifiable(Expr)   :-
 3477        Expr =.. [Op,Left,Right],
 3478        (   memberchk(Op, [#>=,#>,#=<,#<,#=,#\=])
 3479        ;   memberchk(Op, [#==>,#<==,#<==>,#/\,#\/,#\]),
 3480            reifiable(Left),
 3481            reifiable(Right)
 3482        ).
 3483reifiable(#\ E) :- reifiable(E).
 3484reifiable(tuples_in(Tuples, Relation)) :-
 3485        must_be(list(list), Tuples),
 3486        maplist(maplist(fd_variable), Tuples),
 3487        must_be(list(list(integer)), Relation).
 3488reifiable(finite_domain(V)) :- fd_variable(V).
 3490reify(E, B) --> { B in 0..1 }, reify_(E, B).
 3492reify_(E, B) --> { var(E), !, E = B }.
 3493reify_(E, B) --> { integer(E), E = B }.
 3494reify_(?(B), B) --> [].
 3495reify_(#(B), B) --> [].
 3496reify_(V in Drep, B) -->
 3497        { drep_to_domain(Drep, Dom) },
 3498        propagator_init_trigger(reified_in(V,Dom,B)),
 3499        a(B).
 3500reify_(tuples_in(Tuples, Relation), B) -->
 3501        { maplist(relation_tuple_b_prop(Relation), Tuples, Bs, Ps),
 3502          maplist(monotonic, Bs, Bs1),
 3503          fold_statement(conjunction, Bs1, And),
 3504          ?(B) #<==> And },
 3505        propagator_init_trigger([B], tuples_not_in(Tuples, Relation, B)),
 3506        kill_reified_tuples(Bs, Ps, Bs),
 3507        list(Ps),
 3508        as([B|Bs]).
 3509reify_(finite_domain(V), B) -->
 3510        propagator_init_trigger(reified_fd(V,B)),
 3511        a(B).
 3512reify_(L #>= R, B) --> arithmetic(L, R, B, reified_geq).
 3513reify_(L #= R, B)  --> arithmetic(L, R, B, reified_eq).
 3514reify_(L #\= R, B) --> arithmetic(L, R, B, reified_neq).
 3515reify_(L #> R, B)  --> reify_(L #>= (R+1), B).
 3516reify_(L #=< R, B) --> reify_(R #>= L, B).
 3517reify_(L #< R, B)  --> reify_(R #>= (L+1), B).
 3518reify_(L #==> R, B)  --> reify_((#\ L) #\/ R, B).
 3519reify_(L #<== R, B)  --> reify_(R #==> L, B).
 3520reify_(L #<==> R, B) --> reify_((L #==> R) #/\ (R #==> L), B).
 3521reify_(L #\ R, B) --> reify_((L #\/ R) #/\ #\ (L #/\ R), B).
 3522reify_(L #/\ R, B)   -->
 3523        (   { conjunctive_neqs_var_drep(L #/\ R, V, D) } -> reify_(V in D, B)
 3524        ;   boolean(L, R, B, reified_and)
 3525        ).
 3526reify_(L #\/ R, B) -->
 3527        (   { disjunctive_eqs_var_drep(L #\/ R, V, D) } -> reify_(V in D, B)
 3528        ;   boolean(L, R, B, reified_or)
 3529        ).
 3530reify_(#\ Q, B) -->
 3531        reify(Q, QR),
 3532        propagator_init_trigger(reified_not(QR,B)),
 3533        a(B).
 3535arithmetic(L, R, B, Functor) -->
 3536        { phrase((parse_reified_clpfd(L, LR, LD),
 3537                  parse_reified_clpfd(R, RR, RD)), Ps),
 3538          Prop =.. [Functor,LD,LR,RD,RR,Ps,B] },
 3539        list(Ps),
 3540        propagator_init_trigger([LD,LR,RD,RR,B], Prop),
 3541        a(B).
 3543boolean(L, R, B, Functor) -->
 3544        { reify(L, LR, Ps1), reify(R, RR, Ps2),
 3545          Prop =.. [Functor,LR,Ps1,RR,Ps2,B] },
 3546        list(Ps1), list(Ps2),
 3547        propagator_init_trigger([LR,RR,B], Prop),
 3548        a(LR, RR, B).
 3550list([])     --> [].
 3551list([L|Ls]) --> [L], list(Ls).
 3553a(X,Y,B) -->
 3554        (   { nonvar(X) } -> a(Y, B)
 3555        ;   { nonvar(Y) } -> a(X, B)
 3556        ;   [a(X,Y,B)]
 3557        ).
 3559a(X, B) -->
 3560        (   { var(X) } -> [a(X, B)]
 3561        ;   a(B)
 3562        ).
 3564a(B) -->
 3565        (   { var(B) } -> [a(B)]
 3566        ;   []
 3567        ).
 3569as([])     --> [].
 3570as([B|Bs]) --> a(B), as(Bs).
 3572kill_reified_tuples([], _, _) --> [].
 3573kill_reified_tuples([B|Bs], Ps, All) -->
 3574        propagator_init_trigger([B], kill_reified_tuples(B, Ps, All)),
 3575        kill_reified_tuples(Bs, Ps, All).
 3577relation_tuple_b_prop(Relation, Tuple, B, p(Prop)) :-
 3578        put_attr(R, clpfd_relation, Relation),
 3579        make_propagator(reified_tuple_in(Tuple, R, B), Prop),
 3580        tuple_freeze_(Tuple, Prop),
 3581        init_propagator(B, Prop).
 3584tuples_in_conjunction(Tuples, Relation, Conj) :-
 3585        maplist(tuple_in_disjunction(Relation), Tuples, Disjs),
 3586        fold_statement(conjunction, Disjs, Conj).
 3588tuple_in_disjunction(Relation, Tuple, Disj) :-
 3589        maplist(tuple_in_conjunction(Tuple), Relation, Conjs),
 3590        fold_statement(disjunction, Conjs, Disj).
 3592tuple_in_conjunction(Tuple, Element, Conj) :-
 3593        maplist(var_eq, Tuple, Element, Eqs),
 3594        fold_statement(conjunction, Eqs, Conj).
 3596fold_statement(Operation, List, Statement) :-
 3597        (   List = [] -> Statement = 1
 3598        ;   List = [First|Rest],
 3599            foldl(Operation, Rest, First, Statement)
 3600        ).
 3602conjunction(E, Conj, Conj #/\ E).
 3604disjunction(E, Disj, Disj #\/ E).
 3606var_eq(V, N, ?(V) #= N).
 3608% Match variables to created skeleton.
 3610skeleton(Vs, Vs-Prop) :-
 3611        maplist(prop_init(Prop), Vs),
 3612        trigger_once(Prop).
 3614/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3615   A drep is a user-accessible and visible domain representation. N,
 3616   N..M, and D1 \/ D2 are dreps, if D1 and D2 are dreps.
 3617- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 3619is_drep(N)      :- integer(N).
 3620is_drep(N..M)   :- drep_bound(N), drep_bound(M), N \== sup, M \== inf.
 3621is_drep(D1\/D2) :- is_drep(D1), is_drep(D2).
 3622is_drep({AI})   :- is_and_integers(AI).
 3623is_drep(\D)     :- is_drep(D).
 3625is_and_integers(I)     :- integer(I).
 3626is_and_integers((A,B)) :- is_and_integers(A), is_and_integers(B).
 3628drep_bound(I)   :- integer(I).
 3632drep_to_intervals(I)        --> { integer(I) }, [n(I)-n(I)].
 3633drep_to_intervals(N..M)     -->
 3634        (   { defaulty_to_bound(N, N1), defaulty_to_bound(M, M1),
 3635              N1 cis_leq M1} -> [N1-M1]
 3636        ;   []
 3637        ).
 3638drep_to_intervals(D1 \/ D2) -->
 3639        drep_to_intervals(D1), drep_to_intervals(D2).
 3640drep_to_intervals(\D0) -->
 3641        { drep_to_domain(D0, D1),
 3642          domain_complement(D1, D),
 3643          domain_to_drep(D, Drep) },
 3644        drep_to_intervals(Drep).
 3645drep_to_intervals({AI}) -->
 3646        and_integers_(AI).
 3648and_integers_(I)     --> { integer(I) }, [n(I)-n(I)].
 3649and_integers_((A,B)) --> and_integers_(A), and_integers_(B).
 3651drep_to_domain(DR, D) :-
 3652        must_be(ground, DR),
 3653        (   is_drep(DR) -> true
 3654        ;   domain_error(clpfd_domain, DR)
 3655        ),
 3656        phrase(drep_to_intervals(DR), Is0),
 3657        merge_intervals(Is0, Is1),
 3658        intervals_to_domain(Is1, D).
 3660merge_intervals(Is0, Is) :-
 3661        keysort(Is0, Is1),
 3662        merge_overlapping(Is1, Is).
 3664merge_overlapping([], []).
 3665merge_overlapping([A-B0|ABs0], [A-B|ABs]) :-
 3666        merge_remaining(ABs0, B0, B, Rest),
 3667        merge_overlapping(Rest, ABs).
 3669merge_remaining([], B, B, []).
 3670merge_remaining([N-M|NMs], B0, B, Rest) :-
 3671        Next cis B0 + n(1),
 3672        (   N cis_gt Next -> B = B0, Rest = [N-M|NMs]
 3673        ;   B1 cis max(B0,M),
 3674            merge_remaining(NMs, B1, B, Rest)
 3675        ).
 3677domain(V, Dom) :-
 3678        (   fd_get(V, Dom0, VPs) ->
 3679            domains_intersection(Dom, Dom0, Dom1),
 3680            %format("intersected\n: ~w\n ~w\n==> ~w\n\n", [Dom,Dom0,Dom1]),
 3681            fd_put(V, Dom1, VPs),
 3682            do_queue,
 3683            reinforce(V)
 3684        ;   domain_contains(Dom, V)
 3685        ).
 3687domains([], _).
 3688domains([V|Vs], D) :- domain(V, D), domains(Vs, D).
 3690props_number(fd_props(Gs,Bs,Os), N) :-
 3691        length(Gs, N1),
 3692        length(Bs, N2),
 3693        length(Os, N3),
 3694        N is N1 + N2 + N3.
 3696fd_get(X, Dom, Ps) :-
 3697        (   get_attr(X, clpfd, Attr) -> Attr = clpfd_attr(_,_,_,Dom,Ps)
 3698        ;   var(X) -> default_domain(Dom), Ps = fd_props([],[],[])
 3699        ).
 3701fd_get(X, Dom, Inf, Sup, Ps) :-
 3702        fd_get(X, Dom, Ps),
 3703        domain_infimum(Dom, Inf),
 3704        domain_supremum(Dom, Sup).
 3706/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3707   By default, propagation always terminates. Currently, this is
 3708   ensured by allowing the left and right boundaries, as well as the
 3709   distance between the smallest and largest number occurring in the
 3710   domain representation to be changed at most once after a constraint
 3711   is posted, unless the domain is bounded. Set the experimental
 3712   Prolog flag 'clpfd_propagation' to 'full' to make the solver
 3713   propagate as much as possible. This can make queries
 3714   non-terminating, like: X #> abs(X), or: X #> Y, Y #> X, X #> 0.
 3715   Importantly, it can also make labeling non-terminating, as in:
 3717   ?- B #==> X #> abs(X), indomain(B).
 3718- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 3720fd_put(X, Dom, Ps) :-
 3721        (   current_prolog_flag(clpfd_propagation, full) ->
 3722            put_full(X, Dom, Ps)
 3723        ;   put_terminating(X, Dom, Ps)
 3724        ).
 3726put_terminating(X, Dom, Ps) :-
 3727        Dom \== empty,
 3728        (   Dom = from_to(F, F) -> F = n(X)
 3729        ;   (   get_attr(X, clpfd, Attr) ->
 3730                Attr = clpfd_attr(Left,Right,Spread,OldDom, _OldPs),
 3731                put_attr(X, clpfd, clpfd_attr(Left,Right,Spread,Dom,Ps)),
 3732                (   OldDom == Dom -> true
 3733                ;   (   Left == (.) -> Bounded = yes
 3734                    ;   domain_infimum(Dom, Inf), domain_supremum(Dom, Sup),
 3735                        (   Inf = n(_), Sup = n(_) ->
 3736                            Bounded = yes
 3737                        ;   Bounded = no
 3738                        )
 3739                    ),
 3740                    (   Bounded == yes ->
 3741                        put_attr(X, clpfd, clpfd_attr(.,.,.,Dom,Ps)),
 3742                        trigger_props(Ps, X, OldDom, Dom)
 3743                    ;   % infinite domain; consider border and spread changes
 3744                        domain_infimum(OldDom, OldInf),
 3745                        (   Inf == OldInf -> LeftP = Left
 3746                        ;   LeftP = yes
 3747                        ),
 3748                        domain_supremum(OldDom, OldSup),
 3749                        (   Sup == OldSup -> RightP = Right
 3750                        ;   RightP = yes
 3751                        ),
 3752                        domain_spread(OldDom, OldSpread),
 3753                        domain_spread(Dom, NewSpread),
 3754                        (   NewSpread == OldSpread -> SpreadP = Spread
 3755                        ;   NewSpread cis_lt OldSpread -> SpreadP = no
 3756                        ;   SpreadP = yes
 3757                        ),
 3758                        put_attr(X, clpfd, clpfd_attr(LeftP,RightP,SpreadP,Dom,Ps)),
 3759                        (   RightP == yes, Right = yes -> true
 3760                        ;   LeftP == yes, Left = yes -> true
 3761                        ;   SpreadP == yes, Spread = yes -> true
 3762                        ;   trigger_props(Ps, X, OldDom, Dom)
 3763                        )
 3764                    )
 3765                )
 3766            ;   var(X) ->
 3767                put_attr(X, clpfd, clpfd_attr(no,no,no,Dom, Ps))
 3768            ;   true
 3769            )
 3770        ).
 3772domain_spread(Dom, Spread) :-
 3773        domain_smallest_finite(Dom, S),
 3774        domain_largest_finite(Dom, L),
 3775        Spread cis L - S.
 3777smallest_finite(inf, Y, Y).
 3778smallest_finite(n(N), _, n(N)).
 3780domain_smallest_finite(from_to(F,T), S)   :- smallest_finite(F, T, S).
 3781domain_smallest_finite(split(_, L, _), S) :- domain_smallest_finite(L, S).
 3783largest_finite(sup, Y, Y).
 3784largest_finite(n(N), _, n(N)).
 3786domain_largest_finite(from_to(F,T), L)   :- largest_finite(T, F, L).
 3787domain_largest_finite(split(_, _, R), L) :- domain_largest_finite(R, L).
 3789/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3790   With terminating propagation, all relevant constraints get a
 3791   propagation opportunity whenever a new constraint is posted.
 3792- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 3794reinforce(X) :-
 3795        (   current_prolog_flag(clpfd_propagation, full) ->
 3796            % full propagation propagates everything in any case
 3797            true
 3798        ;   term_variables(X, Vs),
 3799            maplist(reinforce_, Vs),
 3800            do_queue
 3801        ).
 3803reinforce_(X) :-
 3804        (   fd_var(X), fd_get(X, Dom, Ps) ->
 3805            put_full(X, Dom, Ps)
 3806        ;   true
 3807        ).
 3809put_full(X, Dom, Ps) :-
 3810        Dom \== empty,
 3811        (   Dom = from_to(F, F) -> F = n(X)
 3812        ;   (   get_attr(X, clpfd, Attr) ->
 3813                Attr = clpfd_attr(_,_,_,OldDom, _OldPs),
 3814                put_attr(X, clpfd, clpfd_attr(no,no,no,Dom, Ps)),
 3815                %format("putting dom: ~w\n", [Dom]),
 3816                (   OldDom == Dom -> true
 3817                ;   trigger_props(Ps, X, OldDom, Dom)
 3818                )
 3819            ;   var(X) -> %format('\t~w in ~w .. ~w\n',[X,L,U]),
 3820                put_attr(X, clpfd, clpfd_attr(no,no,no,Dom, Ps))
 3821            ;   true
 3822            )
 3823        ).
 3825/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 3826   A propagator is a term of the form propagator(C, State), where C
 3827   represents a constraint, and State is a free variable that can be
 3828   used to destructively change the state of the propagator via
 3829   attributes. This can be used to avoid redundant invocation of the
 3830   same propagator, or to disable the propagator.
 3831- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 3833make_propagator(C, propagator(C, _)).
 3835propagator_state(propagator(_,S), S).
 3837trigger_props(fd_props(Gs,Bs,Os), X, D0, D) :-
 3838        (   ground(X) ->
 3839            trigger_props_(Gs),
 3840            trigger_props_(Bs)
 3841        ;   Bs \== [] ->
 3842            domain_infimum(D0, I0),
 3843            domain_infimum(D, I),
 3844            (   I == I0 ->
 3845                domain_supremum(D0, S0),
 3846                domain_supremum(D, S),
 3847                (   S == S0 -> true
 3848                ;   trigger_props_(Bs)
 3849                )
 3850            ;   trigger_props_(Bs)
 3851            )
 3852        ;   true
 3853        ),
 3854        trigger_props_(Os).
 3856trigger_props(fd_props(Gs,Bs,Os), X) :-
 3857        trigger_props_(Os),
 3858        trigger_props_(Bs),
 3859        (   ground(X) ->
 3860            trigger_props_(Gs)
 3861        ;   true
 3862        ).
 3864trigger_props(fd_props(Gs,Bs,Os)) :-
 3865        trigger_props_(Gs),
 3866        trigger_props_(Bs),
 3867        trigger_props_(Os).
 3870trigger_props_([P|Ps]) :- trigger_prop(P), trigger_props_(Ps).
 3872trigger_prop(Propagator) :-
 3873        propagator_state(Propagator, State),
 3874        (   State == dead -> true
 3875        ;   get_attr(State, clpfd_aux, queued) -> true
 3876        ;   b_getval('$clpfd_current_propagator', C), C == State -> true
 3877        ;   % passive
 3878            % format("triggering: ~w\n", [Propagator]),
 3879            put_attr(State, clpfd_aux, queued),
 3880            (   arg(1, Propagator, C), functor(C, F, _), global_constraint(F) ->
 3881                push_queue(Propagator, 2)
 3882            ;   push_queue(Propagator, 1)
 3883            )
 3884        ).
 3886kill(State) :- del_attr(State, clpfd_aux), State = dead.
 3888kill(State, Ps) :-
 3889        kill(State),
 3890        maplist(kill_entailed, Ps).
 3892kill_entailed(p(Prop)) :-
 3893        propagator_state(Prop, State),
 3894        kill(State).
 3895kill_entailed(a(V)) :-
 3896        del_attr(V, clpfd).
 3897kill_entailed(a(X,B)) :-
 3898        (   X == B -> true
 3899        ;   del_attr(B, clpfd)
 3900        ).
 3901kill_entailed(a(X,Y,B)) :-
 3902        (   X == B -> true
 3903        ;   Y == B -> true
 3904        ;   del_attr(B, clpfd)
 3905        ).
 3913activate_propagator(propagator(P,State)) :-
 3914        % format("running: ~w\n", [P]),
 3915        del_attr(State, clpfd_aux),
 3916        (   no_reactivation(P) ->
 3917            b_setval('$clpfd_current_propagator', State),
 3918            run_propagator(P, State),
 3919            b_setval('$clpfd_current_propagator', [])
 3920        ;   run_propagator(P, State)
 3921        ).
 3923disable_queue :- b_setval('$clpfd_queue_status', disabled).
 3924enable_queue  :- b_setval('$clpfd_queue_status', enabled).
 3926portray_propagator(propagator(P,_), F) :- functor(P, F, _).
 3928portray_queue(V, []) :- var(V), !.
 3929portray_queue([P|Ps], [F|Fs]) :-
 3930        portray_propagator(P, F),
 3931        portray_queue(Ps, Fs).
 3933do_queue :-
 3934        % b_getval('$clpfd_queue', H-_),
 3935        % portray_queue(H, Port),
 3936        % format("queue: ~w\n", [Port]),
 3937        (   b_getval('$clpfd_queue_status', enabled) ->
 3938            (   fetch_propagator(Propagator) ->
 3939                activate_propagator(Propagator),
 3940                do_queue
 3941            ;   true
 3942            )
 3943        ;   true
 3944        ).
 3946init_propagator(Var, Prop) :-
 3947        (   fd_get(Var, Dom, Ps0) ->
 3948            insert_propagator(Prop, Ps0, Ps),
 3949            fd_put(Var, Dom, Ps)
 3950        ;   true
 3951        ).
 3953constraint_wake(pneq, ground).
 3954constraint_wake(x_neq_y_plus_z, ground).
 3955constraint_wake(absdiff_neq, ground).
 3956constraint_wake(pdifferent, ground).
 3957constraint_wake(pexclude, ground).
 3958constraint_wake(scalar_product_neq, ground).
 3960constraint_wake(x_leq_y_plus_c, bounds).
 3961constraint_wake(scalar_product_eq, bounds).
 3962constraint_wake(scalar_product_leq, bounds).
 3963constraint_wake(pplus, bounds).
 3964constraint_wake(pgeq, bounds).
 3965constraint_wake(pgcc_single, bounds).
 3966constraint_wake(pgcc_check_single, bounds).
 3975insert_propagator(Prop, Ps0, Ps) :-
 3976        Ps0 = fd_props(Gs,Bs,Os),
 3977        arg(1, Prop, Constraint),
 3978        functor(Constraint, F, _),
 3979        (   constraint_wake(F, ground) ->
 3980            Ps = fd_props([Prop|Gs], Bs, Os)
 3981        ;   constraint_wake(F, bounds) ->
 3982            Ps = fd_props(Gs, [Prop|Bs], Os)
 3983        ;   Ps = fd_props(Gs, Bs, [Prop|Os])
 3984        ).
Lists are lexicographically non-decreasing.
 3992lex_chain(Lss) :-
 3993        must_be(list(list), Lss),
 3994        maplist(maplist(fd_variable), Lss),
 3995        (   Lss == [] -> true
 3996        ;   Lss = [First|Rest],
 3997            make_propagator(presidual(lex_chain(Lss)), Prop),
 3998            foldl(lex_chain_(Prop), Rest, First, _)
 3999        ).
 4001lex_chain_(Prop, Ls, Prev, Ls) :-
 4002        maplist(prop_init(Prop), Ls),
 4003        lex_le(Prev, Ls).
 4005lex_le([], []).
 4006lex_le([V1|V1s], [V2|V2s]) :-
 4007        ?(V1) #=< ?(V2),
 4008        (   integer(V1) ->
 4009            (   integer(V2) ->
 4010                (   V1 =:= V2 -> lex_le(V1s, V2s) ;  true )
 4011            ;   freeze(V2, lex_le([V1|V1s], [V2|V2s]))
 4012            )
 4013        ;   freeze(V1, lex_le([V1|V1s], [V2|V2s]))
 4014        ).
 tuples_in(+Tuples, +Relation)
True iff all Tuples are elements of Relation. Each element of the list Tuples is a list of integers or finite domain variables. Relation is a list of lists of integers. Arbitrary finite relations, such as compatibility tables, can be modeled in this way. For example, if 1 is compatible with 2 and 5, and 4 is compatible with 0 and 3:
?- tuples_in([[X,Y]], [[1,2],[1,5],[4,0],[4,3]]), X = 4.
X = 4,
Y in 0\/3.

As another example, consider a train schedule represented as a list of quadruples, denoting departure and arrival places and times for each train. In the following program, Ps is a feasible journey of length 3 from A to D via trains that are part of the given schedule.


threepath(A, D, Ps) :-
        Ps = [[A,B,_T0,T1],[B,C,T2,T3],[C,D,T4,_T5]],
        T2 #> T1,
        T4 #> T3,
        tuples_in(Ps, Ts).

In this example, the unique solution is found without labeling:

?- threepath(1, 4, Ps).
Ps = [[1, 2, 0, 1], [2, 3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 8, 9]].
 4062tuples_in(Tuples, Relation) :-
 4063        must_be(list(list), Tuples),
 4064        maplist(maplist(fd_variable), Tuples),
 4065        must_be(list(list(integer)), Relation),
 4066        maplist(relation_tuple(Relation), Tuples),
 4067        do_queue.
 4069relation_tuple(Relation, Tuple) :-
 4070        relation_unifiable(Relation, Tuple, Us, _, _),
 4071        (   ground(Tuple) -> memberchk(Tuple, Relation)
 4072        ;   tuple_domain(Tuple, Us),
 4073            (   Tuple = [_,_|_] -> tuple_freeze(Tuple, Us)
 4074            ;   true
 4075            )
 4076        ).
 4078tuple_domain([], _).
 4079tuple_domain([T|Ts], Relation0) :-
 4080        maplist(list_first_rest, Relation0, Firsts, Relation1),
 4081        (   var(T) ->
 4082            (   Firsts = [Unique] -> T = Unique
 4083            ;   list_to_domain(Firsts, FDom),
 4084                fd_get(T, TDom, TPs),
 4085                domains_intersection(TDom, FDom, TDom1),
 4086                fd_put(T, TDom1, TPs)
 4087            )
 4088        ;   true
 4089        ),
 4090        tuple_domain(Ts, Relation1).
 4092tuple_freeze(Tuple, Relation) :-
 4093        put_attr(R, clpfd_relation, Relation),
 4094        make_propagator(rel_tuple(R, Tuple), Prop),
 4095        tuple_freeze_(Tuple, Prop).
 4097tuple_freeze_([], _).
 4098tuple_freeze_([T|Ts], Prop) :-
 4099        (   var(T) ->
 4100            init_propagator(T, Prop),
 4101            trigger_prop(Prop)
 4102        ;   true
 4103        ),
 4104        tuple_freeze_(Ts, Prop).
 4106relation_unifiable([], _, [], Changed, Changed).
 4107relation_unifiable([R|Rs], Tuple, Us, Changed0, Changed) :-
 4108        (   all_in_domain(R, Tuple) ->
 4109            Us = [R|Rest],
 4110            relation_unifiable(Rs, Tuple, Rest, Changed0, Changed)
 4111        ;   relation_unifiable(Rs, Tuple, Us, true, Changed)
 4112        ).
 4114all_in_domain([], []).
 4115all_in_domain([A|As], [T|Ts]) :-
 4116        (   fd_get(T, Dom, _) ->
 4117            domain_contains(Dom, A)
 4118        ;   T =:= A
 4119        ),
 4120        all_in_domain(As, Ts).
 4124% trivial propagator, used only to remember pending constraints
 4125run_propagator(presidual(_), _).
 4128run_propagator(pdifferent(Left,Right,X,_), MState) :-
 4129        run_propagator(pexclude(Left,Right,X), MState).
 4131run_propagator(weak_distinct(Left,Right,X,_), _MState) :-
 4132        (   ground(X) ->
 4133            disable_queue,
 4134            exclude_fire(Left, Right, X),
 4135            enable_queue
 4136        ;   outof_reducer(Left, Right, X)
 4137            %(   var(X) -> kill_if_isolated(Left, Right, X, MState)
 4138            %;   true
 4139            %)
 4140        ).
 4142run_propagator(pexclude(Left,Right,X), _) :-
 4143        (   ground(X) ->
 4144            disable_queue,
 4145            exclude_fire(Left, Right, X),
 4146            enable_queue
 4147        ;   true
 4148        ).
 4150run_propagator(pdistinct(Ls), _MState) :-
 4151        distinct(Ls).
 4153run_propagator(check_distinct(Left,Right,X), _) :-
 4154        \+ list_contains(Left, X),
 4155        \+ list_contains(Right, X).
 4159run_propagator(pelement(N, Is, V), MState) :-
 4160        (   fd_get(N, NDom, _) ->
 4161            (   fd_get(V, VDom, VPs) ->
 4162                integers_remaining(Is, 1, NDom, empty, VDom1),
 4163                domains_intersection(VDom, VDom1, VDom2),
 4164                fd_put(V, VDom2, VPs)
 4165            ;   true
 4166            )
 4167        ;   kill(MState), nth1(N, Is, V)
 4168        ).
 4172run_propagator(pgcc_single(Vs, Pairs), _) :- gcc_global(Vs, Pairs).
 4174run_propagator(pgcc_check_single(Pairs), _) :- gcc_check(Pairs).
 4176run_propagator(pgcc_check(Pairs), _) :- gcc_check(Pairs).
 4178run_propagator(pgcc(Vs, _, Pairs), _) :- gcc_global(Vs, Pairs).
 4182run_propagator(pcircuit(Vs), _MState) :-
 4183        distinct(Vs),
 4184        propagate_circuit(Vs).
 4187run_propagator(pneq(A, B), MState) :-
 4188        (   nonvar(A) ->
 4189            (   nonvar(B) -> A =\= B, kill(MState)
 4190            ;   fd_get(B, BD0, BExp0),
 4191                domain_remove(BD0, A, BD1),
 4192                kill(MState),
 4193                fd_put(B, BD1, BExp0)
 4194            )
 4195        ;   nonvar(B) -> run_propagator(pneq(B, A), MState)
 4196        ;   A \== B,
 4197            fd_get(A, _, AI, AS, _), fd_get(B, _, BI, BS, _),
 4198            (   AS cis_lt BI -> kill(MState)
 4199            ;   AI cis_gt BS -> kill(MState)
 4200            ;   true
 4201            )
 4202        ).
 4205run_propagator(pgeq(A,B), MState) :-
 4206        (   A == B -> kill(MState)
 4207        ;   nonvar(A) ->
 4208            (   nonvar(B) -> kill(MState), A >= B
 4209            ;   fd_get(B, BD, BPs),
 4210                domain_remove_greater_than(BD, A, BD1),
 4211                kill(MState),
 4212                fd_put(B, BD1, BPs)
 4213            )
 4214        ;   nonvar(B) ->
 4215            fd_get(A, AD, APs),
 4216            domain_remove_smaller_than(AD, B, AD1),
 4217            kill(MState),
 4218            fd_put(A, AD1, APs)
 4219        ;   fd_get(A, AD, AL, AU, APs),
 4220            fd_get(B, _, BL, BU, _),
 4221            AU cis_geq BL,
 4222            (   AL cis_geq BU -> kill(MState)
 4223            ;   AU == BL -> kill(MState), A = B
 4224            ;   NAL cis max(AL,BL),
 4225                domains_intersection(AD, from_to(NAL,AU), NAD),
 4226                fd_put(A, NAD, APs),
 4227                (   fd_get(B, BD2, BL2, BU2, BPs2) ->
 4228                    NBU cis min(BU2, AU),
 4229                    domains_intersection(BD2, from_to(BL2,NBU), NBD),
 4230                    fd_put(B, NBD, BPs2)
 4231                ;   true
 4232                )
 4233            )
 4234        ).
 4238run_propagator(rel_tuple(R, Tuple), MState) :-
 4239        get_attr(R, clpfd_relation, Relation),
 4240        (   ground(Tuple) -> kill(MState), memberchk(Tuple, Relation)
 4241        ;   relation_unifiable(Relation, Tuple, Us, false, Changed),
 4242            Us = [_|_],
 4243            (   Tuple = [First,Second], ( ground(First) ; ground(Second) ) ->
 4244                kill(MState)
 4245            ;   true
 4246            ),
 4247            (   Us = [Single] -> kill(MState), Single = Tuple
 4248            ;   Changed ->
 4249                put_attr(R, clpfd_relation, Us),
 4250                disable_queue,
 4251                tuple_domain(Tuple, Us),
 4252                enable_queue
 4253            ;   true
 4254            )
 4255        ).
 4259run_propagator(pserialized(S_I, D_I, S_J, D_J, _), MState) :-
 4260        (   nonvar(S_I), nonvar(S_J) ->
 4261            kill(MState),
 4262            (   S_I + D_I =< S_J -> true
 4263            ;   S_J + D_J =< S_I -> true
 4264            ;   false
 4265            )
 4266        ;   serialize_lower_upper(S_I, D_I, S_J, D_J, MState),
 4267            serialize_lower_upper(S_J, D_J, S_I, D_I, MState)
 4268        ).
 4272% abs(X-Y) #\= C
 4273run_propagator(absdiff_neq(X,Y,C), MState) :-
 4274        (   C < 0 -> kill(MState)
 4275        ;   nonvar(X) ->
 4276            kill(MState),
 4277            (   nonvar(Y) -> abs(X - Y) =\= C
 4278            ;   V1 is X - C, neq_num(Y, V1),
 4279                V2 is C + X, neq_num(Y, V2)
 4280            )
 4281        ;   nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState),
 4282            V1 is C + Y, neq_num(X, V1),
 4283            V2 is Y - C, neq_num(X, V2)
 4284        ;   true
 4285        ).
 4287% abs(X-Y) #>= C
 4288run_propagator(absdiff_geq(X,Y,C), MState) :-
 4289        (   C =< 0 -> kill(MState)
 4290        ;   nonvar(X) ->
 4291            kill(MState),
 4292            (   nonvar(Y) -> abs(X-Y) >= C
 4293            ;   P1 is X - C, P2 is X + C,
 4294                Y in inf..P1 \/ P2..sup
 4295            )
 4296        ;   nonvar(Y) ->
 4297            kill(MState),
 4298            P1 is Y - C, P2 is Y + C,
 4299            X in inf..P1 \/ P2..sup
 4300        ;   true
 4301        ).
 4303% X #\= Y + Z
 4304run_propagator(x_neq_y_plus_z(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
 4305        (   nonvar(X) ->
 4306            (   nonvar(Y) ->
 4307                (   nonvar(Z) -> kill(MState), X =\= Y + Z
 4308                ;   kill(MState), XY is X - Y, neq_num(Z, XY)
 4309                )
 4310            ;   nonvar(Z) -> kill(MState), XZ is X - Z, neq_num(Y, XZ)
 4311            ;   true
 4312            )
 4313        ;   nonvar(Y) ->
 4314            (   nonvar(Z) ->
 4315                kill(MState), YZ is Y + Z, neq_num(X, YZ)
 4316            ;   Y =:= 0 -> kill(MState), neq(X, Z)
 4317            ;   true
 4318            )
 4319        ;   Z == 0 -> kill(MState), neq(X, Y)
 4320        ;   true
 4321        ).
 4323% X #=< Y + C
 4324run_propagator(x_leq_y_plus_c(X,Y,C), MState) :-
 4325        (   nonvar(X) ->
 4326            (   nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), X =< Y + C
 4327            ;   kill(MState),
 4328                R is X - C,
 4329                fd_get(Y, YD, YPs),
 4330                domain_remove_smaller_than(YD, R, YD1),
 4331                fd_put(Y, YD1, YPs)
 4332            )
 4333        ;   nonvar(Y) ->
 4334            kill(MState),
 4335            R is Y + C,
 4336            fd_get(X, XD, XPs),
 4337            domain_remove_greater_than(XD, R, XD1),
 4338            fd_put(X, XD1, XPs)
 4339        ;   (   X == Y -> C >= 0, kill(MState)
 4340            ;   fd_get(Y, YD, _),
 4341                (   domain_supremum(YD, n(YSup)) ->
 4342                    YS1 is YSup + C,
 4343                    fd_get(X, XD, XPs),
 4344                    domain_remove_greater_than(XD, YS1, XD1),
 4345                    fd_put(X, XD1, XPs)
 4346                ;   true
 4347                ),
 4348                (   fd_get(X, XD2, _), domain_infimum(XD2, n(XInf)) ->
 4349                    XI1 is XInf - C,
 4350                    (   fd_get(Y, YD1, YPs1) ->
 4351                        domain_remove_smaller_than(YD1, XI1, YD2),
 4352                        (   domain_infimum(YD2, n(YInf)),
 4353                            domain_supremum(XD2, n(XSup)),
 4354                            XSup =< YInf + C ->
 4355                            kill(MState)
 4356                        ;   true
 4357                        ),
 4358                        fd_put(Y, YD2, YPs1)
 4359                    ;   true
 4360                    )
 4361                ;   true
 4362                )
 4363            )
 4364        ).
 4366run_propagator(scalar_product_neq(Cs0,Vs0,P0), MState) :-
 4367        coeffs_variables_const(Cs0, Vs0, Cs, Vs, 0, I),
 4368        P is P0 - I,
 4369        (   Vs = [] -> kill(MState), P =\= 0
 4370        ;   Vs = [V], Cs = [C] ->
 4371            kill(MState),
 4372            (   C =:= 1 -> neq_num(V, P)
 4373            ;   C*V #\= P
 4374            )
 4375        ;   Cs == [1,-1] -> kill(MState), Vs = [A,B], x_neq_y_plus_z(A, B, P)
 4376        ;   Cs == [-1,1] -> kill(MState), Vs = [A,B], x_neq_y_plus_z(B, A, P)
 4377        ;   P =:= 0, Cs = [1,1,-1] ->
 4378            kill(MState), Vs = [A,B,C], x_neq_y_plus_z(C, A, B)
 4379        ;   P =:= 0, Cs = [1,-1,1] ->
 4380            kill(MState), Vs = [A,B,C], x_neq_y_plus_z(B, A, C)
 4381        ;   P =:= 0, Cs = [-1,1,1] ->
 4382            kill(MState), Vs = [A,B,C], x_neq_y_plus_z(A, B, C)
 4383        ;   true
 4384        ).
 4386run_propagator(scalar_product_leq(Cs0,Vs0,P0), MState) :-
 4387        coeffs_variables_const(Cs0, Vs0, Cs, Vs, 0, I),
 4388        P is P0 - I,
 4389        (   Vs = [] -> kill(MState), P >= 0
 4390        ;   sum_finite_domains(Cs, Vs, Infs, Sups, 0, 0, Inf, Sup),
 4391            D1 is P - Inf,
 4392            disable_queue,
 4393            (   Infs == [], Sups == [] ->
 4394                Inf =< P,
 4395                (   Sup =< P -> kill(MState)
 4396                ;   remove_dist_upper_leq(Cs, Vs, D1)
 4397                )
 4398            ;   Infs == [] -> Inf =< P, remove_dist_upper(Sups, D1)
 4399            ;   Sups = [_], Infs = [_] ->
 4400                remove_upper(Infs, D1)
 4401            ;   Infs = [_] -> remove_upper(Infs, D1)
 4402            ;   true
 4403            ),
 4404            enable_queue
 4405        ).
 4407run_propagator(scalar_product_eq(Cs0,Vs0,P0), MState) :-
 4408        coeffs_variables_const(Cs0, Vs0, Cs, Vs, 0, I),
 4409        P is P0 - I,
 4410        (   Vs = [] -> kill(MState), P =:= 0
 4411        ;   Vs = [V], Cs = [C] -> kill(MState), P mod C =:= 0, V is P // C
 4412        ;   Cs == [1,1] -> kill(MState), Vs = [A,B], A + B #= P
 4413        ;   Cs == [1,-1] -> kill(MState), Vs = [A,B], A #= P + B
 4414        ;   Cs == [-1,1] -> kill(MState), Vs = [A,B], B #= P + A
 4415        ;   Cs == [-1,-1] -> kill(MState), Vs = [A,B], P1 is -P, A + B #= P1
 4416        ;   P =:= 0, Cs == [1,1,-1] -> kill(MState), Vs = [A,B,C], A + B #= C
 4417        ;   P =:= 0, Cs == [1,-1,1] -> kill(MState), Vs = [A,B,C], A + C #= B
 4418        ;   P =:= 0, Cs == [-1,1,1] -> kill(MState), Vs = [A,B,C], B + C #= A
 4419        ;   sum_finite_domains(Cs, Vs, Infs, Sups, 0, 0, Inf, Sup),
 4420            % nl, writeln(Infs-Sups-Inf-Sup),
 4421            D1 is P - Inf,
 4422            D2 is Sup - P,
 4423            disable_queue,
 4424            (   Infs == [], Sups == [] ->
 4425                between(Inf, Sup, P),
 4426                remove_dist_upper_lower(Cs, Vs, D1, D2)
 4427            ;   Sups = [] -> P =< Sup, remove_dist_lower(Infs, D2)
 4428            ;   Infs = [] -> Inf =< P, remove_dist_upper(Sups, D1)
 4429            ;   Sups = [_], Infs = [_] ->
 4430                remove_lower(Sups, D2),
 4431                remove_upper(Infs, D1)
 4432            ;   Infs = [_] -> remove_upper(Infs, D1)
 4433            ;   Sups = [_] -> remove_lower(Sups, D2)
 4434            ;   true
 4435            ),
 4436            enable_queue
 4437        ).
 4439% X + Y = Z
 4440run_propagator(pplus(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
 4441        (   nonvar(X) ->
 4442            (   X =:= 0 -> kill(MState), Y = Z
 4443            ;   Y == Z -> kill(MState), X =:= 0
 4444            ;   nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), Z is X + Y
 4445            ;   nonvar(Z) -> kill(MState), Y is Z - X
 4446            ;   fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs),
 4447                fd_get(Y, YD, _),
 4448                domain_shift(YD, X, Shifted_YD),
 4449                domains_intersection(ZD, Shifted_YD, ZD1),
 4450                fd_put(Z, ZD1, ZPs),
 4451                (   fd_get(Y, YD1, YPs) ->
 4452                    O is -X,
 4453                    domain_shift(ZD1, O, YD2),
 4454                    domains_intersection(YD1, YD2, YD3),
 4455                    fd_put(Y, YD3, YPs)
 4456                ;   true
 4457                )
 4458            )
 4459        ;   nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(pplus(Y,X,Z), MState)
 4460        ;   nonvar(Z) ->
 4461            (   X == Y -> kill(MState), even(Z), X is Z // 2
 4462            ;   fd_get(X, XD, _),
 4463                fd_get(Y, YD, YPs),
 4464                domain_negate(XD, XDN),
 4465                domain_shift(XDN, Z, YD1),
 4466                domains_intersection(YD, YD1, YD2),
 4467                fd_put(Y, YD2, YPs),
 4468                (   fd_get(X, XD1, XPs) ->
 4469                    domain_negate(YD2, YD2N),
 4470                    domain_shift(YD2N, Z, XD2),
 4471                    domains_intersection(XD1, XD2, XD3),
 4472                    fd_put(X, XD3, XPs)
 4473                ;   true
 4474                )
 4475            )
 4476        ;   (   X == Y -> kill(MState), 2*X #= Z
 4477            ;   X == Z -> kill(MState), Y = 0
 4478            ;   Y == Z -> kill(MState), X = 0
 4479            ;   fd_get(X, XD, XL, XU, XPs),
 4480                fd_get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
 4481                fd_get(Z, _, ZL, ZU, _),
 4482                NXL cis max(XL, ZL-YU),
 4483                NXU cis min(XU, ZU-YL),
 4484                update_bounds(X, XD, XPs, XL, XU, NXL, NXU),
 4485                (   fd_get(Y, YD2, YL2, YU2, YPs2) ->
 4486                    NYL cis max(YL2, ZL-NXU),
 4487                    NYU cis min(YU2, ZU-NXL),
 4488                    update_bounds(Y, YD2, YPs2, YL2, YU2, NYL, NYU)
 4489                ;   NYL = n(Y), NYU = n(Y)
 4490                ),
 4491                (   fd_get(Z, ZD2, ZL2, ZU2, ZPs2) ->
 4492                    NZL cis max(ZL2,NXL+NYL),
 4493                    NZU cis min(ZU2,NXU+NYU),
 4494                    update_bounds(Z, ZD2, ZPs2, ZL2, ZU2, NZL, NZU)
 4495                ;   true
 4496                )
 4497            )
 4498        ).
 4502run_propagator(ptimes(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
 4503        (   nonvar(X) ->
 4504            (   nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), Z is X * Y
 4505            ;   X =:= 0 -> kill(MState), Z = 0
 4506            ;   X =:= 1 -> kill(MState), Z = Y
 4507            ;   nonvar(Z) -> kill(MState), 0 =:= Z mod X, Y is Z // X
 4508            ;   (   Y == Z -> kill(MState), Y = 0
 4509                ;   fd_get(Y, YD, _),
 4510                    fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs),
 4511                    domain_expand(YD, X, Scaled_YD),
 4512                    domains_intersection(ZD, Scaled_YD, ZD1),
 4513                    fd_put(Z, ZD1, ZPs),
 4514                    (   fd_get(Y, YDom2, YPs2) ->
 4515                        domain_contract(ZD1, X, Contract),
 4516                        domains_intersection(YDom2, Contract, NYDom),
 4517                        fd_put(Y, NYDom, YPs2)
 4518                    ;   kill(MState), Z is X * Y
 4519                    )
 4520                )
 4521            )
 4522        ;   nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(ptimes(Y,X,Z), MState)
 4523        ;   nonvar(Z) ->
 4524            (   X == Y ->
 4525                kill(MState),
 4526                integer_kth_root(Z, 2, R),
 4527                NR is -R,
 4528                X in NR \/ R
 4529            ;   fd_get(X, XD, XL, XU, XPs),
 4530                fd_get(Y, YD, YL, YU, _),
 4531                min_max_factor(n(Z), n(Z), YL, YU, XL, XU, NXL, NXU),
 4532                update_bounds(X, XD, XPs, XL, XU, NXL, NXU),
 4533                (   fd_get(Y, YD2, YL2, YU2, YPs2) ->
 4534                    min_max_factor(n(Z), n(Z), NXL, NXU, YL2, YU2, NYL, NYU),
 4535                    update_bounds(Y, YD2, YPs2, YL2, YU2, NYL, NYU)
 4536                ;   (   Y =\= 0 -> 0 =:= Z mod Y, kill(MState), X is Z // Y
 4537                    ;   kill(MState), Z = 0
 4538                    )
 4539                ),
 4540                (   Z =:= 0 ->
 4541                    (   \+ domain_contains(XD, 0) -> kill(MState), Y = 0
 4542                    ;   \+ domain_contains(YD, 0) -> kill(MState), X = 0
 4543                    ;   true
 4544                    )
 4545                ;  neq_num(X, 0), neq_num(Y, 0)
 4546                )
 4547            )
 4548        ;   (   X == Y -> kill(MState), X^2 #= Z
 4549            ;   fd_get(X, XD, XL, XU, XPs),
 4550                fd_get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
 4551                fd_get(Z, ZD, ZL, ZU, _),
 4552                (   Y == Z, \+ domain_contains(ZD, 0) -> kill(MState), X = 1
 4553                ;   X == Z, \+ domain_contains(ZD, 0) -> kill(MState), Y = 1
 4554                ;   min_max_factor(ZL, ZU, YL, YU, XL, XU, NXL, NXU),
 4555                    update_bounds(X, XD, XPs, XL, XU, NXL, NXU),
 4556                    (   fd_get(Y, YD2, YL2, YU2, YPs2) ->
 4557                        min_max_factor(ZL, ZU, NXL, NXU, YL2, YU2, NYL, NYU),
 4558                        update_bounds(Y, YD2, YPs2, YL2, YU2, NYL, NYU)
 4559                    ;   NYL = n(Y), NYU = n(Y)
 4560                    ),
 4561                    (   fd_get(Z, ZD2, ZL2, ZU2, ZPs2) ->
 4562                        min_product(NXL, NXU, NYL, NYU, NZL),
 4563                        max_product(NXL, NXU, NYL, NYU, NZU),
 4564                        (   NZL cis_leq ZL2, NZU cis_geq ZU2 -> ZD3 = ZD2
 4565                        ;   domains_intersection(ZD2, from_to(NZL,NZU), ZD3),
 4566                            fd_put(Z, ZD3, ZPs2)
 4567                        ),
 4568                        (   domain_contains(ZD3, 0) ->  true
 4569                        ;   neq_num(X, 0), neq_num(Y, 0)
 4570                        )
 4571                    ;   true
 4572                    )
 4573                )
 4574            )
 4575        ).
 4579% X div Y = Z
 4580run_propagator(pdiv(X,Y,Z), MState) :- kill(MState), Z #= (X-(X mod Y)) // Y.
 4582% X rdiv Y = Z
 4583run_propagator(prdiv(X,Y,Z), MState) :- kill(MState), Z*Y #= X.
 4585% X // Y = Z (round towards zero)
 4586run_propagator(ptzdiv(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
 4587        (   nonvar(X) ->
 4588            (   nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), Y =\= 0, Z is X // Y
 4589            ;   fd_get(Y, YD, YL, YU, YPs),
 4590                (   nonvar(Z) ->
 4591                    (   Z =:= 0 ->
 4592                        NYL is -abs(X) - 1,
 4593                        NYU is abs(X) + 1,
 4594                        domains_intersection(YD, split(0, from_to(inf,n(NYL)),
 4595                                                       from_to(n(NYU), sup)),
 4596                                             NYD),
 4597                        fd_put(Y, NYD, YPs)
 4598                    ;   (   sign(X) =:= sign(Z) ->
 4599                            NYL cis max(n(X) // (n(Z)+sign(n(Z))) + n(1), YL),
 4600                            NYU cis min(n(X) // n(Z), YU)
 4601                        ;   NYL cis max(n(X) // n(Z), YL),
 4602                            NYU cis min(n(X) // (n(Z)+sign(n(Z))) - n(1), YU)
 4603                        ),
 4604                        update_bounds(Y, YD, YPs, YL, YU, NYL, NYU)
 4605                    )
 4606                ;   fd_get(Z, ZD, ZL, ZU, ZPs),
 4607                    (   X >= 0, ( YL cis_gt n(0) ; YU cis_lt n(0) )->
 4608                        NZL cis max(n(X)//YU, ZL),
 4609                        NZU cis min(n(X)//YL, ZU)
 4610                    ;   X < 0, ( YL cis_gt n(0) ; YU cis_lt n(0) ) ->
 4611                        NZL cis max(n(X)//YL, ZL),
 4612                        NZU cis min(n(X)//YU, ZU)
 4613                    ;   % TODO: more stringent bounds, cover Y
 4614                        NZL cis max(-abs(n(X)), ZL),
 4615                        NZU cis min(abs(n(X)), ZU)
 4616                    ),
 4617                    update_bounds(Z, ZD, ZPs, ZL, ZU, NZL, NZU),
 4618                    (   X >= 0, NZL cis_gt n(0), fd_get(Y, YD1, YPs1) ->
 4619                        NYL cis n(X) // (NZU + n(1)) + n(1),
 4620                        NYU cis n(X) // NZL,
 4621                        domains_intersection(YD1, from_to(NYL, NYU), NYD1),
 4622                        fd_put(Y, NYD1, YPs1)
 4623                    ;   true
 4624                    )
 4625                )
 4626            )
 4627        ;   nonvar(Y) ->
 4628            Y =\= 0,
 4629            (   Y =:= 1 -> kill(MState), X = Z
 4630            ;   Y =:= -1 -> kill(MState), Z #= -X
 4631            ;   fd_get(X, XD, XL, XU, XPs),
 4632                (   nonvar(Z) ->
 4633                    kill(MState),
 4634                    (   sign(Z) =:= sign(Y) ->
 4635                        NXL cis max(n(Z)*n(Y), XL),
 4636                        NXU cis min((abs(n(Z))+n(1))*abs(n(Y))-n(1), XU)
 4637                    ;   Z =:= 0 ->
 4638                        NXL cis max(-abs(n(Y)) + n(1), XL),
 4639                        NXU cis min(abs(n(Y)) - n(1), XU)
 4640                    ;   NXL cis max((n(Z)+sign(n(Z)))*n(Y)+n(1), XL),
 4641                        NXU cis min(n(Z)*n(Y), XU)
 4642                    ),
 4643                    update_bounds(X, XD, XPs, XL, XU, NXL, NXU)
 4644                ;   fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs),
 4645                    domain_contract_less(XD, Y, Contracted),
 4646                    domains_intersection(ZD, Contracted, NZD),
 4647                    fd_put(Z, NZD, ZPs),
 4648                    (   fd_get(X, XD2, XPs2) ->
 4649                        domain_expand_more(NZD, Y, Expanded),
 4650                        domains_intersection(XD2, Expanded, NXD2),
 4651                        fd_put(X, NXD2, XPs2)
 4652                    ;   true
 4653                    )
 4654                )
 4655            )
 4656        ;   nonvar(Z) ->
 4657            fd_get(X, XD, XL, XU, XPs),
 4658            fd_get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
 4659            (   YL cis_geq n(0), XL cis_geq n(0) ->
 4660                NXL cis max(YL*n(Z), XL),
 4661                NXU cis min(YU*(n(Z)+n(1))-n(1), XU)
 4662            ;   %TODO: cover more cases
 4663                NXL = XL, NXU = XU
 4664            ),
 4665            update_bounds(X, XD, XPs, XL, XU, NXL, NXU)
 4666        ;   (   X == Y -> kill(MState), Z = 1
 4667            ;   fd_get(X, _, XL, XU, _),
 4668                fd_get(Y, _, YL, _, _),
 4669                fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs),
 4670                NZU cis max(abs(XL), XU),
 4671                NZL cis -NZU,
 4672                domains_intersection(ZD, from_to(NZL,NZU), NZD0),
 4673                (   XL cis_geq n(0), YL cis_geq n(0) ->
 4674                    domain_remove_smaller_than(NZD0, 0, NZD1)
 4675                ;   % TODO: cover more cases
 4676                    NZD1 = NZD0
 4677                ),
 4678                fd_put(Z, NZD1, ZPs)
 4679            )
 4680        ).
 4684% Y = abs(X)
 4686run_propagator(pabs(X,Y), MState) :-
 4687        (   nonvar(X) -> kill(MState), Y is abs(X)
 4688        ;   nonvar(Y) ->
 4689            kill(MState),
 4690            Y >= 0,
 4691            YN is -Y,
 4692            X in YN \/ Y
 4693        ;   fd_get(X, XD, XPs),
 4694            fd_get(Y, YD, _),
 4695            domain_negate(YD, YDNegative),
 4696            domains_union(YD, YDNegative, XD1),
 4697            domains_intersection(XD, XD1, XD2),
 4698            fd_put(X, XD2, XPs),
 4699            (   fd_get(Y, YD1, YPs1) ->
 4700                domain_negate(XD2, XD2Neg),
 4701                domains_union(XD2, XD2Neg, YD2),
 4702                domain_remove_smaller_than(YD2, 0, YD3),
 4703                domains_intersection(YD1, YD3, YD4),
 4704                fd_put(Y, YD4, YPs1)
 4705            ;   true
 4706            )
 4707        ).
 4709% Z = X mod Y
 4711run_propagator(pmod(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
 4712        (   nonvar(X) ->
 4713            (   nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), Y =\= 0, Z is X mod Y
 4714            ;   true
 4715            )
 4716        ;   nonvar(Y) ->
 4717            Y =\= 0,
 4718            (   abs(Y) =:= 1 -> kill(MState), Z = 0
 4719            ;   var(Z) ->
 4720                YP is abs(Y) - 1,
 4721                (   Y > 0, fd_get(X, _, n(XL), n(XU), _) ->
 4722                    (   XL >= 0, XU < Y ->
 4723                        kill(MState), Z = X, ZL = XL, ZU = XU
 4724                    ;   ZL = 0, ZU = YP
 4725                    )
 4726                ;   Y > 0 -> ZL = 0, ZU = YP
 4727                ;   YN is -YP, ZL = YN, ZU = 0
 4728                ),
 4729                (   fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs) ->
 4730                    domains_intersection(ZD, from_to(n(ZL), n(ZU)), ZD1),
 4731                    domain_infimum(ZD1, n(ZMin)),
 4732                    domain_supremum(ZD1, n(ZMax)),
 4733                    fd_put(Z, ZD1, ZPs)
 4734                ;   ZMin = Z, ZMax = Z
 4735                ),
 4736                (   fd_get(X, XD, XPs), domain_infimum(XD, n(XMin)) ->
 4737                    Z1 is XMin mod Y,
 4738                    (   between(ZMin, ZMax, Z1) -> true
 4739                    ;   Y > 0 ->
 4740                        Next is ((XMin - ZMin + Y - 1) div Y)*Y + ZMin,
 4741                        domain_remove_smaller_than(XD, Next, XD1),
 4742                        fd_put(X, XD1, XPs)
 4743                    ;   neq_num(X, XMin)
 4744                    )
 4745                ;   true
 4746                ),
 4747                (   fd_get(X, XD2, XPs2), domain_supremum(XD2, n(XMax)) ->
 4748                    Z2 is XMax mod Y,
 4749                    (   between(ZMin, ZMax, Z2) -> true
 4750                    ;   Y > 0 ->
 4751                        Prev is ((XMax - ZMin) div Y)*Y + ZMax,
 4752                        domain_remove_greater_than(XD2, Prev, XD3),
 4753                        fd_put(X, XD3, XPs2)
 4754                    ;   neq_num(X, XMax)
 4755                    )
 4756                ;   true
 4757                )
 4758            ;   fd_get(X, XD, XPs),
 4759                % if possible, propagate at the boundaries
 4760                (   domain_infimum(XD, n(Min)) ->
 4761                    (   Min mod Y =:= Z -> true
 4762                    ;   Y > 0 ->
 4763                        Next is ((Min - Z + Y - 1) div Y)*Y + Z,
 4764                        domain_remove_smaller_than(XD, Next, XD1),
 4765                        fd_put(X, XD1, XPs)
 4766                    ;   neq_num(X, Min)
 4767                    )
 4768                ;   true
 4769                ),
 4770                (   fd_get(X, XD2, XPs2) ->
 4771                    (   domain_supremum(XD2, n(Max)) ->
 4772                        (   Max mod Y =:= Z -> true
 4773                        ;   Y > 0 ->
 4774                            Prev is ((Max - Z) div Y)*Y + Z,
 4775                            domain_remove_greater_than(XD2, Prev, XD3),
 4776                            fd_put(X, XD3, XPs2)
 4777                        ;   neq_num(X, Max)
 4778                        )
 4779                    ;   true
 4780                    )
 4781                ;   true
 4782                )
 4783            )
 4784        ;   X == Y -> kill(MState), Z = 0
 4785        ;   true % TODO: propagate more
 4786        ).
 4789% Z = X rem Y
 4791run_propagator(prem(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
 4792        (   nonvar(X) ->
 4793            (   nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), Y =\= 0, Z is X rem Y
 4794            ;   U is abs(X),
 4795                fd_get(Y, YD, _),
 4796                (   X >=0, domain_infimum(YD, n(Min)), Min >= 0 -> L = 0
 4797                ;   L is -U
 4798                ),
 4799                Z in L..U
 4800            )
 4801        ;   nonvar(Y) ->
 4802            Y =\= 0,
 4803            (   abs(Y) =:= 1 -> kill(MState), Z = 0
 4804            ;   var(Z) ->
 4805                YP is abs(Y) - 1,
 4806                YN is -YP,
 4807                (   Y > 0, fd_get(X, _, n(XL), n(XU), _) ->
 4808                    (   abs(XL) < Y, XU < Y -> kill(MState), Z = X, ZL = XL
 4809                    ;   XL < 0, abs(XL) < Y -> ZL = XL
 4810                    ;   XL >= 0 -> ZL = 0
 4811                    ;   ZL = YN
 4812                    ),
 4813                    (   XU > 0, XU < Y -> ZU = XU
 4814                    ;   XU < 0 -> ZU = 0
 4815                    ;   ZU = YP
 4816                    )
 4817                ;   ZL = YN, ZU = YP
 4818                ),
 4819                (   fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs) ->
 4820                    domains_intersection(ZD, from_to(n(ZL), n(ZU)), ZD1),
 4821                    fd_put(Z, ZD1, ZPs)
 4822                ;   ZD1 = from_to(n(Z), n(Z))
 4823                ),
 4824                (   fd_get(X, XD, _), domain_infimum(XD, n(Min)) ->
 4825                    Z1 is Min rem Y,
 4826                    (   domain_contains(ZD1, Z1) -> true
 4827                    ;   neq_num(X, Min)
 4828                    )
 4829                ;   true
 4830                ),
 4831                (   fd_get(X, XD1, _), domain_supremum(XD1, n(Max)) ->
 4832                    Z2 is Max rem Y,
 4833                    (   domain_contains(ZD1, Z2) -> true
 4834                    ;   neq_num(X, Max)
 4835                    )
 4836                ;   true
 4837                )
 4838            ;   fd_get(X, XD1, XPs1),
 4839                % if possible, propagate at the boundaries
 4840                (   domain_infimum(XD1, n(Min)) ->
 4841                    (   Min rem Y =:= Z -> true
 4842                    ;   Y > 0, Min > 0 ->
 4843                        Next is ((Min - Z + Y - 1) div Y)*Y + Z,
 4844                        domain_remove_smaller_than(XD1, Next, XD2),
 4845                        fd_put(X, XD2, XPs1)
 4846                    ;   % TODO: bigger steps in other cases as well
 4847                        neq_num(X, Min)
 4848                    )
 4849                ;   true
 4850                ),
 4851                (   fd_get(X, XD3, XPs3) ->
 4852                    (   domain_supremum(XD3, n(Max)) ->
 4853                        (   Max rem Y =:= Z -> true
 4854                        ;   Y > 0, Max > 0  ->
 4855                            Prev is ((Max - Z) div Y)*Y + Z,
 4856                            domain_remove_greater_than(XD3, Prev, XD4),
 4857                            fd_put(X, XD4, XPs3)
 4858                        ;   % TODO: bigger steps in other cases as well
 4859                            neq_num(X, Max)
 4860                        )
 4861                    ;   true
 4862                    )
 4863                ;   true
 4864                )
 4865            )
 4866        ;   X == Y -> kill(MState), Z = 0
 4867        ;   fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs) ->
 4868            fd_get(Y, _, YInf, YSup, _),
 4869            fd_get(X, _, XInf, XSup, _),
 4870            M cis max(abs(YInf),YSup),
 4871            (   XInf cis_geq n(0) -> Inf0 = n(0)
 4872            ;   Inf0 = XInf
 4873            ),
 4874            (   XSup cis_leq n(0) -> Sup0 = n(0)
 4875            ;   Sup0 = XSup
 4876            ),
 4877            NInf cis max(max(Inf0, -M + n(1)), min(XInf,-XSup)),
 4878            NSup cis min(min(Sup0, M - n(1)), max(abs(XInf),XSup)),
 4879            domains_intersection(ZD, from_to(NInf,NSup), ZD1),
 4880            fd_put(Z, ZD1, ZPs)
 4881        ;   true % TODO: propagate more
 4882        ).
 4885% Z = max(X,Y)
 4887run_propagator(pmax(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
 4888        (   nonvar(X) ->
 4889            (   nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), Z is max(X,Y)
 4890            ;   nonvar(Z) ->
 4891                (   Z =:= X -> kill(MState), X #>= Y
 4892                ;   Z > X -> Z = Y
 4893                ;   false % Z < X
 4894                )
 4895            ;   fd_get(Y, _, YInf, YSup, _),
 4896                (   YInf cis_gt n(X) -> Z = Y
 4897                ;   YSup cis_lt n(X) -> Z = X
 4898                ;   YSup = n(M) ->
 4899                    fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs),
 4900                    domain_remove_greater_than(ZD, M, ZD1),
 4901                    fd_put(Z, ZD1, ZPs)
 4902                ;   true
 4903                )
 4904            )
 4905        ;   nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(pmax(Y,X,Z), MState)
 4906        ;   fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs) ->
 4907            fd_get(X, _, XInf, XSup, _),
 4908            fd_get(Y, _, YInf, YSup, _),
 4909            (   YInf cis_gt YSup -> kill(MState), Z = Y
 4910            ;   YSup cis_lt XInf -> kill(MState), Z = X
 4911            ;   n(M) cis max(XSup, YSup) ->
 4912                domain_remove_greater_than(ZD, M, ZD1),
 4913                fd_put(Z, ZD1, ZPs)
 4914            ;   true
 4915            )
 4916        ;   true
 4917        ).
 4920% Z = min(X,Y)
 4922run_propagator(pmin(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
 4923        (   nonvar(X) ->
 4924            (   nonvar(Y) -> kill(MState), Z is min(X,Y)
 4925            ;   nonvar(Z) ->
 4926                (   Z =:= X -> kill(MState), X #=< Y
 4927                ;   Z < X -> Z = Y
 4928                ;   false % Z > X
 4929                )
 4930            ;   fd_get(Y, _, YInf, YSup, _),
 4931                (   YSup cis_lt n(X) -> Z = Y
 4932                ;   YInf cis_gt n(X) -> Z = X
 4933                ;   YInf = n(M) ->
 4934                    fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs),
 4935                    domain_remove_smaller_than(ZD, M, ZD1),
 4936                    fd_put(Z, ZD1, ZPs)
 4937                ;   true
 4938                )
 4939            )
 4940        ;   nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(pmin(Y,X,Z), MState)
 4941        ;   fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs) ->
 4942            fd_get(X, _, XInf, XSup, _),
 4943            fd_get(Y, _, YInf, YSup, _),
 4944            (   YSup cis_lt YInf -> kill(MState), Z = Y
 4945            ;   YInf cis_gt XSup -> kill(MState), Z = X
 4946            ;   n(M) cis min(XInf, YInf) ->
 4947                domain_remove_smaller_than(ZD, M, ZD1),
 4948                fd_put(Z, ZD1, ZPs)
 4949            ;   true
 4950            )
 4951        ;   true
 4952        ).
 4954% Z = X ^ Y
 4956run_propagator(pexp(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
 4957        (   X == 1 -> kill(MState), Z = 1
 4958        ;   X == 0 -> kill(MState), Z in 0..1, Z #<==> Y #= 0
 4959        ;   Y == 0 -> kill(MState), Z = 1
 4960        ;   Y == 1 -> kill(MState), Z = X
 4961        ;   nonvar(X) ->
 4962            (   nonvar(Y) ->
 4963                (   Y >= 0 -> true ; X =:= -1 ),
 4964                kill(MState),
 4965                Z is X^Y
 4966            ;   nonvar(Z) ->
 4967                (   Z > 1 ->
 4968                    kill(MState),
 4969                    integer_log_b(Z, X, 1, Y)
 4970                ;   true
 4971                )
 4972            ;   fd_get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
 4973                fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs),
 4974                (   X > 0, YL cis_geq n(0) ->
 4975                    NZL cis n(X)^YL,
 4976                    NZU cis n(X)^YU,
 4977                    domains_intersection(ZD, from_to(NZL,NZU), NZD),
 4978                    fd_put(Z, NZD, ZPs)
 4979                ;   true
 4980                ),
 4981                (   X > 0,
 4982                    fd_get(Z, _, _, n(ZMax), _),
 4983                    ZMax > 0 ->
 4984                    floor_integer_log_b(ZMax, X, 1, YCeil),
 4985                    Y in inf..YCeil
 4986                ;   true
 4987                )
 4988            )
 4989        ;   nonvar(Z) ->
 4990            (   nonvar(Y) ->
 4991                integer_kth_root(Z, Y, R),
 4992                kill(MState),
 4993                (   even(Y) ->
 4994                    N is -R,
 4995                    X in N \/ R
 4996                ;   X = R
 4997                )
 4998            ;   fd_get(X, _, n(NXL), _, _), NXL > 1 ->
 4999                (   Z > 1, between(NXL, Z, Exp), NXL^Exp > Z ->
 5000                    Exp1 is Exp - 1,
 5001                    fd_get(Y, YD, YPs),
 5002                    domains_intersection(YD, from_to(n(1),n(Exp1)), YD1),
 5003                    fd_put(Y, YD1, YPs),
 5004                    (   fd_get(X, XD, XPs) ->
 5005                        domain_infimum(YD1, n(YL)),
 5006                        integer_kth_root_leq(Z, YL, RU),
 5007                        domains_intersection(XD, from_to(n(NXL),n(RU)), XD1),
 5008                        fd_put(X, XD1, XPs)
 5009                    ;   true
 5010                    )
 5011                ;   true
 5012                )
 5013            ;   true
 5014            )
 5015        ;   nonvar(Y), Y > 0 ->
 5016            (   even(Y) ->
 5017                geq(Z, 0)
 5018            ;   true
 5019            ),
 5020            (   fd_get(X, XD, XL, XU, _), fd_get(Z, ZD, ZL, ZU, ZPs) ->
 5021                (   domain_contains(ZD, 0) -> XD1 = XD
 5022                ;   domain_remove(XD, 0, XD1)
 5023                ),
 5024                (   domain_contains(XD, 0) -> ZD1 = ZD
 5025                ;   domain_remove(ZD, 0, ZD1)
 5026                ),
 5027                (   even(Y) ->
 5028                    (   XL cis_geq n(0) ->
 5029                        NZL cis XL^n(Y)
 5030                    ;   XU cis_leq n(0) ->
 5031                        NZL cis XU^n(Y)
 5032                    ;   NZL = n(0)
 5033                    ),
 5034                    NZU cis max(abs(XL),abs(XU))^n(Y),
 5035                    domains_intersection(ZD1, from_to(NZL,NZU), ZD2)
 5036                ;   (   finite(XL) ->
 5037                        NZL cis XL^n(Y),
 5038                        NZU cis XU^n(Y),
 5039                        domains_intersection(ZD1, from_to(NZL,NZU), ZD2)
 5040                    ;   ZD2 = ZD1
 5041                    )
 5042                ),
 5043                fd_put(Z, ZD2, ZPs),
 5044                (   even(Y), ZU = n(Num) ->
 5045                    integer_kth_root_leq(Num, Y, RU),
 5046                    (   XL cis_geq n(0), ZL = n(Num1) ->
 5047                        integer_kth_root_leq(Num1, Y, RL0),
 5048                        (   RL0^Y < Num1 -> RL is RL0 + 1
 5049                        ;   RL = RL0
 5050                        )
 5051                    ;   RL is -RU
 5052                    ),
 5053                    RL =< RU,
 5054                    NXD = from_to(n(RL),n(RU))
 5055                ;   odd(Y), ZL cis_geq n(0), ZU = n(Num) ->
 5056                    integer_kth_root_leq(Num, Y, RU),
 5057                    ZL = n(Num1),
 5058                    integer_kth_root_leq(Num1, Y, RL0),
 5059                    (   RL0^Y < Num1 -> RL is RL0 + 1
 5060                    ;   RL = RL0
 5061                    ),
 5062                    RL =< RU,
 5063                    NXD = from_to(n(RL),n(RU))
 5064                ;   NXD = XD1   % TODO: propagate more
 5065                ),
 5066                (   fd_get(X, XD2, XPs) ->
 5067                    domains_intersection(XD2, XD1, XD3),
 5068                    domains_intersection(XD3, NXD, XD4),
 5069                    fd_put(X, XD4, XPs)
 5070                ;   true
 5071                )
 5072            ;   true
 5073            )
 5074        ;   fd_get(X, _, XL, _, _),
 5075            XL cis_gt n(0),
 5076            fd_get(Y, _, YL, _, _),
 5077            YL cis_gt n(0),
 5078            fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs) ->
 5079            n(NZL) cis XL^YL,
 5080            domain_remove_smaller_than(ZD, NZL, ZD1),
 5081            fd_put(Z, ZD1, ZPs)
 5082        ;   true
 5083        ).
 5086run_propagator(pzcompare(Order, A, B), MState) :-
 5087        (   A == B -> kill(MState), Order = (=)
 5088        ;   (   nonvar(A) ->
 5089                (   nonvar(B) ->
 5090                    kill(MState),
 5091                    (   A > B -> Order = (>)
 5092                    ;   Order = (<)
 5093                    )
 5094                ;   fd_get(B, _, BL, BU, _),
 5095                    (   BL cis_gt n(A) -> kill(MState), Order = (<)
 5096                    ;   BU cis_lt n(A) -> kill(MState), Order = (>)
 5097                    ;   true
 5098                    )
 5099                )
 5100            ;   nonvar(B) ->
 5101                fd_get(A, _, AL, AU, _),
 5102                (   AL cis_gt n(B) -> kill(MState), Order = (>)
 5103                ;   AU cis_lt n(B) -> kill(MState), Order = (<)
 5104                ;   true
 5105                )
 5106            ;   fd_get(A, _, AL, AU, _),
 5107                fd_get(B, _, BL, BU, _),
 5108                (   AL cis_gt BU -> kill(MState), Order = (>)
 5109                ;   AU cis_lt BL -> kill(MState), Order = (<)
 5110                ;   true
 5111                )
 5112            )
 5113        ).
 5117% reified constraints
 5121run_propagator(reified_in(V,Dom,B), MState) :-
 5122        (   integer(V) ->
 5123            kill(MState),
 5124            (   domain_contains(Dom, V) -> B = 1
 5125            ;   B = 0
 5126            )
 5127        ;   B == 1 -> kill(MState), domain(V, Dom)
 5128        ;   B == 0 -> kill(MState), domain_complement(Dom, C), domain(V, C)
 5129        ;   fd_get(V, VD, _),
 5130            (   domains_intersection(VD, Dom, I) ->
 5131                (   I == VD -> kill(MState), B = 1
 5132                ;   true
 5133                )
 5134            ;   kill(MState), B = 0
 5135            )
 5136        ).
 5138run_propagator(reified_tuple_in(Tuple, R, B), MState) :-
 5139        get_attr(R, clpfd_relation, Relation),
 5140        (   B == 1 -> kill(MState), tuples_in([Tuple], Relation)
 5141        ;   (   ground(Tuple) ->
 5142                kill(MState),
 5143                (   memberchk(Tuple, Relation) -> B = 1
 5144                ;   B = 0
 5145                )
 5146            ;   relation_unifiable(Relation, Tuple, Us, _, _),
 5147                (   Us = [] -> kill(MState), B = 0
 5148                ;   true
 5149                )
 5150            )
 5151        ).
 5153run_propagator(tuples_not_in(Tuples, Relation, B), MState) :-
 5154        (   B == 0 ->
 5155            kill(MState),
 5156            tuples_in_conjunction(Tuples, Relation, Conj),
 5157            #\ Conj
 5158        ;   true
 5159        ).
 5161run_propagator(kill_reified_tuples(B, Ps, Bs), _) :-
 5162        (   B == 0 ->
 5163            maplist(kill_entailed, Ps),
 5164            phrase(as(Bs), As),
 5165            maplist(kill_entailed, As)
 5166        ;   true
 5167        ).
 5169run_propagator(reified_fd(V,B), MState) :-
 5170        (   fd_inf(V, I), I \== inf, fd_sup(V, S), S \== sup ->
 5171            kill(MState),
 5172            B = 1
 5173        ;   B == 0 ->
 5174            (   fd_inf(V, inf) -> true
 5175            ;   fd_sup(V, sup) -> true
 5176            ;   false
 5177            )
 5178        ;   true
 5179        ).
 5181% The result of X/Y, X mod Y, and X rem Y is undefined iff Y is 0.
 5183run_propagator(pskeleton(X,Y,D,Skel,Z,_), MState) :-
 5184        (   Y == 0 -> kill(MState), D = 0
 5185        ;   D == 1 -> kill(MState), neq_num(Y, 0), skeleton([X,Y,Z], Skel)
 5186        ;   integer(Y), Y =\= 0 -> kill(MState), D = 1, skeleton([X,Y,Z], Skel)
 5187        ;   fd_get(Y, YD, _), \+ domain_contains(YD, 0) ->
 5188            kill(MState),
 5189            D = 1, skeleton([X,Y,Z], Skel)
 5190        ;   true
 5191        ).
 5193/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 5194   Propagators for arithmetic functions that only propagate
 5195   functionally. These are currently the bitwise operations.
 5196- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 5198run_propagator(pfunction(Op,A,B,R), MState) :-
 5199        (   integer(A), integer(B) ->
 5200            kill(MState),
 5201            Expr =.. [Op,A,B],
 5202            R is Expr
 5203        ;   true
 5204        ).
 5205run_propagator(pfunction(Op,A,R), MState) :-
 5206        (   integer(A) ->
 5207            kill(MState),
 5208            Expr =.. [Op,A],
 5209            R is Expr
 5210        ;   true
 5211        ).
 5215run_propagator(reified_geq(DX,X,DY,Y,Ps,B), MState) :-
 5216        (   DX == 0 -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
 5217        ;   DY == 0 -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
 5218        ;   B == 1 -> kill(MState), DX = 1, DY = 1, geq(X, Y)
 5219        ;   DX == 1, DY == 1 ->
 5220            (   var(B) ->
 5221                (   nonvar(X) ->
 5222                    (   nonvar(Y) ->
 5223                        kill(MState),
 5224                        (   X >= Y -> B = 1 ; B = 0 )
 5225                    ;   fd_get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
 5226                        (   n(X) cis_geq YU -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 1
 5227                        ;   n(X) cis_lt YL -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
 5228                        ;   true
 5229                        )
 5230                    )
 5231                ;   nonvar(Y) ->
 5232                    fd_get(X, _, XL, XU, _),
 5233                    (   XL cis_geq n(Y) -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 1
 5234                    ;   XU cis_lt n(Y) -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
 5235                    ;   true
 5236                    )
 5237                ;   X == Y -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 1
 5238                ;   fd_get(X, _, XL, XU, _),
 5239                    fd_get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
 5240                    (   XL cis_geq YU -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 1
 5241                    ;   XU cis_lt YL -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
 5242                    ;   true
 5243                    )
 5244                )
 5245            ;   B =:= 0 -> kill(MState), X #< Y
 5246            ;   true
 5247            )
 5248        ;   true
 5249        ).
 5252run_propagator(reified_eq(DX,X,DY,Y,Ps,B), MState) :-
 5253        (   DX == 0 -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
 5254        ;   DY == 0 -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
 5255        ;   B == 1 -> kill(MState), DX = 1, DY = 1, X = Y
 5256        ;   DX == 1, DY == 1 ->
 5257            (   var(B) ->
 5258                (   nonvar(X) ->
 5259                    (   nonvar(Y) ->
 5260                        kill(MState),
 5261                        (   X =:= Y -> B = 1 ; B = 0)
 5262                    ;   fd_get(Y, YD, _),
 5263                        (   domain_contains(YD, X) -> true
 5264                        ;   kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
 5265                        )
 5266                    )
 5267                ;   nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(reified_eq(DY,Y,DX,X,Ps,B), MState)
 5268                ;   X == Y -> kill(MState), B = 1
 5269                ;   fd_get(X, _, XL, XU, _),
 5270                    fd_get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
 5271                    (   XL cis_gt YU -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
 5272                    ;   YL cis_gt XU -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
 5273                    ;   true
 5274                    )
 5275                )
 5276            ;   B =:= 0 -> kill(MState), X #\= Y
 5277            ;   true
 5278            )
 5279        ;   true
 5280        ).
 5282run_propagator(reified_neq(DX,X,DY,Y,Ps,B), MState) :-
 5283        (   DX == 0 -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
 5284        ;   DY == 0 -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
 5285        ;   B == 1 -> kill(MState), DX = 1, DY = 1, X #\= Y
 5286        ;   DX == 1, DY == 1 ->
 5287            (   var(B) ->
 5288                (   nonvar(X) ->
 5289                    (   nonvar(Y) ->
 5290                        kill(MState),
 5291                        (   X =\= Y -> B = 1 ; B = 0)
 5292                    ;   fd_get(Y, YD, _),
 5293                        (   domain_contains(YD, X) -> true
 5294                        ;   kill(MState, Ps), B = 1
 5295                        )
 5296                    )
 5297                ;   nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(reified_neq(DY,Y,DX,X,Ps,B), MState)
 5298                ;   X == Y -> kill(MState), B = 0
 5299                ;   fd_get(X, _, XL, XU, _),
 5300                    fd_get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
 5301                    (   XL cis_gt YU -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 1
 5302                    ;   YL cis_gt XU -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 1
 5303                    ;   true
 5304                    )
 5305                )
 5306            ;   B =:= 0 -> kill(MState), X = Y
 5307            ;   true
 5308            )
 5309        ;   true
 5310        ).
 5312run_propagator(reified_and(X,Ps1,Y,Ps2,B), MState) :-
 5313        (   nonvar(X) ->
 5314            kill(MState),
 5315            (   X =:= 0 -> maplist(kill_entailed, Ps2), B = 0
 5316            ;   B = Y
 5317            )
 5318        ;   nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(reified_and(Y,Ps2,X,Ps1,B), MState)
 5319        ;   B == 1 -> kill(MState), X = 1, Y = 1
 5320        ;   true
 5321        ).
 5324run_propagator(reified_or(X,Ps1,Y,Ps2,B), MState) :-
 5325        (   nonvar(X) ->
 5326            kill(MState),
 5327            (   X =:= 1 -> maplist(kill_entailed, Ps2), B = 1
 5328            ;   B = Y
 5329            )
 5330        ;   nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(reified_or(Y,Ps2,X,Ps1,B), MState)
 5331        ;   B == 0 -> kill(MState), X = 0, Y = 0
 5332        ;   true
 5333        ).
 5336run_propagator(reified_not(X,Y), MState) :-
 5337        (   X == 0 -> kill(MState), Y = 1
 5338        ;   X == 1 -> kill(MState), Y = 0
 5339        ;   Y == 0 -> kill(MState), X = 1
 5340        ;   Y == 1 -> kill(MState), X = 0
 5341        ;   true
 5342        ).
 5345run_propagator(pimpl(X, Y, Ps), MState) :-
 5346        (   nonvar(X) ->
 5347            kill(MState),
 5348            (   X =:= 1 -> Y = 1
 5349            ;   maplist(kill_entailed, Ps)
 5350            )
 5351        ;   nonvar(Y) ->
 5352            kill(MState),
 5353            (   Y =:= 0 -> X = 0
 5354            ;   maplist(kill_entailed, Ps)
 5355            )
 5356        ;   true
 5357        ).
 5362update_bounds(X, XD, XPs, XL, XU, NXL, NXU) :-
 5363        (   NXL == XL, NXU == XU -> true
 5364        ;   domains_intersection(XD, from_to(NXL, NXU), NXD),
 5365            fd_put(X, NXD, XPs)
 5366        ).
 5368min_product(L1, U1, L2, U2, Min) :-
 5369        Min cis min(min(L1*L2,L1*U2),min(U1*L2,U1*U2)).
 5370max_product(L1, U1, L2, U2, Max) :-
 5371        Max cis max(max(L1*L2,L1*U2),max(U1*L2,U1*U2)).
 5375in_(L, U, X) :-
 5376        fd_get(X, XD, XPs),
 5377        domains_intersection(XD, from_to(L,U), NXD),
 5378        fd_put(X, NXD, XPs).
 5380min_max_factor(L1, U1, L2, U2, L3, U3, Min, Max) :-
 5381        (   U1 cis_lt n(0),
 5382            L2 cis_lt n(0), U2 cis_gt n(0),
 5383            L3 cis_lt n(0), U3 cis_gt n(0) ->
 5384            maplist(in_(L1,U1), [Z1,Z2]),
 5385            in_(L2, n(-1), X1), in_(n(1), U3, Y1),
 5386            (   X1*Y1 #= Z1 ->
 5387                (   fd_get(Y1, _, Inf1, Sup1, _) -> true
 5388                ;   Inf1 = n(Y1), Sup1 = n(Y1)
 5389                )
 5390            ;   Inf1 = inf, Sup1 = n(-1)
 5391            ),
 5392            in_(n(1), U2, X2), in_(L3, n(-1), Y2),
 5393            (   X2*Y2 #= Z2 ->
 5394                (   fd_get(Y2, _, Inf2, Sup2, _) -> true
 5395                ;   Inf2 = n(Y2), Sup2 = n(Y2)
 5396                )
 5397            ;   Inf2 = n(1), Sup2 = sup
 5398            ),
 5399            Min cis max(min(Inf1,Inf2), L3),
 5400            Max cis min(max(Sup1,Sup2), U3)
 5401        ;   L1 cis_gt n(0),
 5402            L2 cis_lt n(0), U2 cis_gt n(0),
 5403            L3 cis_lt n(0), U3 cis_gt n(0) ->
 5404            maplist(in_(L1,U1), [Z1,Z2]),
 5405            in_(L2, n(-1), X1), in_(L3, n(-1), Y1),
 5406            (   X1*Y1 #= Z1 ->
 5407                (   fd_get(Y1, _, Inf1, Sup1, _) -> true
 5408                ;   Inf1 = n(Y1), Sup1 = n(Y1)
 5409                )
 5410            ;   Inf1 = n(1), Sup1 = sup
 5411            ),
 5412            in_(n(1), U2, X2), in_(n(1), U3, Y2),
 5413            (   X2*Y2 #= Z2 ->
 5414                (   fd_get(Y2, _, Inf2, Sup2, _) -> true
 5415                ;   Inf2 = n(Y2), Sup2 = n(Y2)
 5416                )
 5417            ;   Inf2 = inf, Sup2 = n(-1)
 5418            ),
 5419            Min cis max(min(Inf1,Inf2), L3),
 5420            Max cis min(max(Sup1,Sup2), U3)
 5421        ;   min_factor(L1, U1, L2, U2, Min0),
 5422            Min cis max(L3,Min0),
 5423            max_factor(L1, U1, L2, U2, Max0),
 5424            Max cis min(U3,Max0)
 5425        ).
 5427min_factor(L1, U1, L2, U2, Min) :-
 5428        (   L1 cis_geq n(0), L2 cis_gt n(0), finite(U2) ->
 5429            Min cis div(L1+U2-n(1),U2)
 5430        ;   L1 cis_gt n(0), U2 cis_lt n(0) -> Min cis div(U1,U2)
 5431        ;   L1 cis_gt n(0), L2 cis_geq n(0) -> Min = n(1)
 5432        ;   L1 cis_gt n(0) -> Min cis -U1
 5433        ;   U1 cis_lt n(0), U2 cis_leq n(0) ->
 5434            (   finite(L2) -> Min cis div(U1+L2+n(1),L2)
 5435            ;   Min = n(1)
 5436            )
 5437        ;   U1 cis_lt n(0), L2 cis_geq n(0) -> Min cis div(L1,L2)
 5438        ;   U1 cis_lt n(0) -> Min = L1
 5439        ;   L2 cis_leq n(0), U2 cis_geq n(0) -> Min = inf
 5440        ;   Min cis min(min(div(L1,L2),div(L1,U2)),min(div(U1,L2),div(U1,U2)))
 5441        ).
 5442max_factor(L1, U1, L2, U2, Max) :-
 5443        (   L1 cis_geq n(0), L2 cis_geq n(0) -> Max cis div(U1,L2)
 5444        ;   L1 cis_gt n(0), U2 cis_leq n(0) ->
 5445            (   finite(L2) -> Max cis div(L1-L2-n(1),L2)
 5446            ;   Max = n(-1)
 5447            )
 5448        ;   L1 cis_gt n(0) -> Max = U1
 5449        ;   U1 cis_lt n(0), U2 cis_lt n(0) -> Max cis div(L1,U2)
 5450        ;   U1 cis_lt n(0), L2 cis_geq n(0) ->
 5451            (   finite(U2) -> Max cis div(U1-U2+n(1),U2)
 5452            ;   Max = n(-1)
 5453            )
 5454        ;   U1 cis_lt n(0) -> Max cis -L1
 5455        ;   L2 cis_leq n(0), U2 cis_geq n(0) -> Max = sup
 5456        ;   Max cis max(max(div(L1,L2),div(L1,U2)),max(div(U1,L2),div(U1,U2)))
 5457        ).
 5460/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 5461   J-C. Régin: "A filtering algorithm for constraints of difference in
 5462   CSPs", AAAI-94, Seattle, WA, USA, pp 362--367, 1994
 5463- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 5465distinct_attach([], _, _).
 5466distinct_attach([X|Xs], Prop, Right) :-
 5467        (   var(X) ->
 5468            init_propagator(X, Prop),
 5469            make_propagator(pexclude(Xs,Right,X), P1),
 5470            init_propagator(X, P1),
 5471            trigger_prop(P1)
 5472        ;   exclude_fire(Xs, Right, X)
 5473        ),
 5474        distinct_attach(Xs, Prop, [X|Right]).
 5476/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 5477   For each integer of the union of domains, an attributed variable is
 5478   introduced, to benefit from constant-time access. Attributes are:
 5480   value ... integer corresponding to the node
 5481   free  ... whether this (right) node is still free
 5482   edges ... [flow_from(F,From)] and [flow_to(F,To)] where F has an
 5483             attribute "flow" that is either 0 or 1 and an attribute "used"
 5484             if it is part of a maximum matching
 5485   parent ... used in breadth-first search
 5486   g0_edges ... [flow_to(F,To)] as above
 5487   visited ... true if node was visited in DFS
 5488   index, in_stack, lowlink ... used in Tarjan's SCC algorithm
 5489- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 5491difference_arcs(Vars, FreeLeft, FreeRight) :-
 5492        empty_assoc(E),
 5493        phrase(difference_arcs(Vars, FreeLeft), [E], [NumVar]),
 5494        assoc_to_list(NumVar, LsNumVar),
 5495        pairs_values(LsNumVar, FreeRight).
 5497domain_to_list(Domain, List) :- phrase(domain_to_list(Domain), List).
 5499domain_to_list(split(_, Left, Right)) -->
 5500        domain_to_list(Left), domain_to_list(Right).
 5501domain_to_list(empty)                 --> [].
 5502domain_to_list(from_to(n(F),n(T)))    --> { numlist(F, T, Ns) }, list(Ns).
 5504difference_arcs([], []) --> [].
 5505difference_arcs([V|Vs], FL0) -->
 5506        (   { fd_get(V, Dom, _),
 5507              finite_domain(Dom) } ->
 5508            { FL0 = [V|FL],
 5509              domain_to_list(Dom, Ns) },
 5510            enumerate(Ns, V),
 5511            difference_arcs(Vs, FL)
 5512        ;   difference_arcs(Vs, FL0)
 5513        ).
 5515enumerate([], _) --> [].
 5516enumerate([N|Ns], V) -->
 5517        state(NumVar0, NumVar),
 5518        { (   get_assoc(N, NumVar0, Y) -> NumVar0 = NumVar
 5519          ;   put_assoc(N, NumVar0, Y, NumVar),
 5520              put_attr(Y, value, N)
 5521          ),
 5522          put_attr(F, flow, 0),
 5523          append_edge(Y, edges, flow_from(F,V)),
 5524          append_edge(V, edges, flow_to(F,Y)) },
 5525        enumerate(Ns, V).
 5527append_edge(V, Attr, E) :-
 5528        (   get_attr(V, Attr, Es) ->
 5529            put_attr(V, Attr, [E|Es])
 5530        ;   put_attr(V, Attr, [E])
 5531        ).
 5533/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 5534   Strategy: Breadth-first search until we find a free right vertex in
 5535   the value graph, then find an augmenting path in reverse.
 5536- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 5538clear_parent(V) :- del_attr(V, parent).
 5541maximum_matching([FL|FLs]) :-
 5542        augmenting_path_to([[FL]], Levels, To),
 5543        phrase(augmenting_path(FL, To), Path),
 5544        maplist(maplist(clear_parent), Levels),
 5545        del_attr(To, free),
 5546        adjust_alternate_1(Path),
 5547        maximum_matching(FLs).
 5549reachables([]) --> [].
 5550reachables([V|Vs]) -->
 5551        { get_attr(V, edges, Es) },
 5552        reachables_(Es, V),
 5553        reachables(Vs).
 5555reachables_([], _) --> [].
 5556reachables_([E|Es], V) -->
 5557        edge_reachable(E, V),
 5558        reachables_(Es, V).
 5560edge_reachable(flow_to(F,To), V) -->
 5561        (   { get_attr(F, flow, 0),
 5562              \+ get_attr(To, parent, _) } ->
 5563            { put_attr(To, parent, V-F) },
 5564            [To]
 5565        ;   []
 5566        ).
 5567edge_reachable(flow_from(F,From), V) -->
 5568        (   { get_attr(F, flow, 1),
 5569              \+ get_attr(From, parent, _) } ->
 5570            { put_attr(From, parent, V-F) },
 5571            [From]
 5572        ;   []
 5573        ).
 5575augmenting_path_to(Levels0, Levels, Right) :-
 5576        Levels0 = [Vs|_],
 5577        Levels1 = [Tos|Levels0],
 5578        phrase(reachables(Vs), Tos),
 5579        Tos = [_|_],
 5580        (   member(Right, Tos), get_attr(Right, free, true) ->
 5581            Levels = Levels1
 5582        ;   augmenting_path_to(Levels1, Levels, Right)
 5583        ).
 5585augmenting_path(S, V) -->
 5586        (   { V == S } -> []
 5587        ;   { get_attr(V, parent, V1-Augment) },
 5588            [Augment],
 5589            augmenting_path(S, V1)
 5590        ).
 5592adjust_alternate_1([A|Arcs]) :-
 5593        put_attr(A, flow, 1),
 5594        adjust_alternate_0(Arcs).
 5597adjust_alternate_0([A|Arcs]) :-
 5598        put_attr(A, flow, 0),
 5599        adjust_alternate_1(Arcs).
 5601% Instead of applying Berge's property directly, we can translate the
 5602% problem in such a way, that we have to search for the so-called
 5603% strongly connected components of the graph.
 5605g_g0(V) :-
 5606        get_attr(V, edges, Es),
 5607        maplist(g_g0_(V), Es).
 5609g_g0_(V, flow_to(F,To)) :-
 5610        (   get_attr(F, flow, 1) ->
 5611            append_edge(V, g0_edges, flow_to(F,To))
 5612        ;   append_edge(To, g0_edges, flow_to(F,V))
 5613        ).
 5616g0_successors(V, Tos) :-
 5617        (   get_attr(V, g0_edges, Tos0) ->
 5618            maplist(arg(2), Tos0, Tos)
 5619        ;   Tos = []
 5620        ).
 5622put_free(F) :- put_attr(F, free, true).
 5624free_node(F) :- get_attr(F, free, true).
 5626del_vars_attr(Vars, Attr) :- maplist(del_attr_(Attr), Vars).
 5628del_attr_(Attr, Var) :- del_attr(Var, Attr).
 5630with_local_attributes(Vars, Attrs, Goal, Result) :-
 5631        catch((maplist(del_vars_attr(Vars), Attrs),
 5632               Goal,
 5633               maplist(del_attrs, Vars),
 5634               % reset all attributes, only the result matters
 5635               throw(local_attributes(Result,Vars))),
 5636              local_attributes(Result,Vars),
 5637              true).
 5639distinct(Vars) :-
 5640        with_local_attributes(Vars, [edges,parent,g0_edges,index,visited],
 5641              (difference_arcs(Vars, FreeLeft, FreeRight0),
 5642               length(FreeLeft, LFL),
 5643               length(FreeRight0, LFR),
 5644               LFL =< LFR,
 5645               maplist(put_free, FreeRight0),
 5646               maximum_matching(FreeLeft),
 5647               include(free_node, FreeRight0, FreeRight),
 5648               maplist(g_g0, FreeLeft),
 5649               scc(FreeLeft, g0_successors),
 5650               maplist(dfs_used, FreeRight),
 5651               phrase(distinct_goals(FreeLeft), Gs)), Gs),
 5652        disable_queue,
 5653        maplist(call, Gs),
 5654        enable_queue.
 5656distinct_goals([]) --> [].
 5657distinct_goals([V|Vs]) -->
 5658        { get_attr(V, edges, Es) },
 5659        distinct_goals_(Es, V),
 5660        distinct_goals(Vs).
 5662distinct_goals_([], _) --> [].
 5663distinct_goals_([flow_to(F,To)|Es], V) -->
 5664        (   { get_attr(F, flow, 0),
 5665              \+ get_attr(F, used, true),
 5666              get_attr(V, lowlink, L1),
 5667              get_attr(To, lowlink, L2),
 5668              L1 =\= L2 } ->
 5669            { get_attr(To, value, N) },
 5670            [neq_num(V, N)]
 5671        ;   []
 5672        ),
 5673        distinct_goals_(Es, V).
 5675/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 5676   Mark used edges.
 5677- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 5679dfs_used(V) :-
 5680        (   get_attr(V, visited, true) -> true
 5681        ;   put_attr(V, visited, true),
 5682            (   get_attr(V, g0_edges, Es) ->
 5683                dfs_used_edges(Es)
 5684            ;   true
 5685            )
 5686        ).
 5689dfs_used_edges([flow_to(F,To)|Es]) :-
 5690        put_attr(F, used, true),
 5691        dfs_used(To),
 5692        dfs_used_edges(Es).
 5694/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 5695   Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm.
 5697   DCGs are used to implicitly pass around the global index, stack
 5698   and the predicate relating a vertex to its successors.
 5700   For more information about this technique, see:
 5703                 ===================================
 5705   A Prolog implementation of this algorithm is also available as a
 5706   standalone library from:
 5709- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 5711scc(Vs, Succ) :- phrase(scc(Vs), [s(0,[],Succ)], _).
 5713scc([])     --> [].
 5714scc([V|Vs]) -->
 5715        (   vindex_defined(V) -> scc(Vs)
 5716        ;   scc_(V), scc(Vs)
 5717        ).
 5719vindex_defined(V) --> { get_attr(V, index, _) }.
 5721vindex_is_index(V) -->
 5722        state(s(Index,_,_)),
 5723        { put_attr(V, index, Index) }.
 5725vlowlink_is_index(V) -->
 5726        state(s(Index,_,_)),
 5727        { put_attr(V, lowlink, Index) }.
 5729index_plus_one -->
 5730        state(s(I,Stack,Succ), s(I1,Stack,Succ)),
 5731        { I1 is I+1 }.
 5733s_push(V)  -->
 5734        state(s(I,Stack,Succ), s(I,[V|Stack],Succ)),
 5735        { put_attr(V, in_stack, true) }.
 5737vlowlink_min_lowlink(V, VP) -->
 5738        { get_attr(V, lowlink, VL),
 5739          get_attr(VP, lowlink, VPL),
 5740          VL1 is min(VL, VPL),
 5741          put_attr(V, lowlink, VL1) }.
 5743successors(V, Tos) --> state(s(_,_,Succ)), { call(Succ, V, Tos) }.
 5745scc_(V) -->
 5746        vindex_is_index(V),
 5747        vlowlink_is_index(V),
 5748        index_plus_one,
 5749        s_push(V),
 5750        successors(V, Tos),
 5751        each_edge(Tos, V),
 5752        (   { get_attr(V, index, VI),
 5753              get_attr(V, lowlink, VI) } -> pop_stack_to(V, VI)
 5754        ;   []
 5755        ).
 5757pop_stack_to(V, N) -->
 5758        state(s(I,[First|Stack],Succ), s(I,Stack,Succ)),
 5759        { del_attr(First, in_stack) },
 5760        (   { First == V } -> []
 5761        ;   { put_attr(First, lowlink, N) },
 5762            pop_stack_to(V, N)
 5763        ).
 5765each_edge([], _) --> [].
 5766each_edge([VP|VPs], V) -->
 5767        (   vindex_defined(VP) ->
 5768            (   v_in_stack(VP) ->
 5769                vlowlink_min_lowlink(V, VP)
 5770            ;   []
 5771            )
 5772        ;   scc_(VP),
 5773            vlowlink_min_lowlink(V, VP)
 5774        ),
 5775        each_edge(VPs, V).
 5777state(S), [S] --> [S].
 5779state(S0, S), [S] --> [S0].
 5781v_in_stack(V) --> { get_attr(V, in_stack, true) }.
 5783/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 5784   Weak arc consistent constraint of difference, currently only
 5785   available internally. Candidate for all_different/2 option.
 5787   See Neng-Fa Zhou: "Programming Finite-Domain Constraint Propagators
 5788   in Action Rules", Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Vol.6,
 5789   No.5, pp 483-508, 2006
 5790- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 5792weak_arc_all_distinct(Ls) :-
 5793        must_be(list, Ls),
 5794        Orig = original_goal(_, weak_arc_all_distinct(Ls)),
 5795        all_distinct(Ls, [], Orig),
 5796        do_queue.
 5798all_distinct([], _, _).
 5799all_distinct([X|Right], Left, Orig) :-
 5800        %\+ list_contains(Right, X),
 5801        (   var(X) ->
 5802            make_propagator(weak_distinct(Left,Right,X,Orig), Prop),
 5803            init_propagator(X, Prop),
 5804            trigger_prop(Prop)
 5805%             make_propagator(check_distinct(Left,Right,X), Prop2),
 5806%             init_propagator(X, Prop2),
 5807%             trigger_prop(Prop2)
 5808        ;   exclude_fire(Left, Right, X)
 5809        ),
 5810        outof_reducer(Left, Right, X),
 5811        all_distinct(Right, [X|Left], Orig).
 5813exclude_fire(Left, Right, E) :-
 5814        all_neq(Left, E),
 5815        all_neq(Right, E).
 5817list_contains([X|Xs], Y) :-
 5818        (   X == Y -> true
 5819        ;   list_contains(Xs, Y)
 5820        ).
 5822kill_if_isolated(Left, Right, X, MState) :-
 5823        append(Left, Right, Others),
 5824        fd_get(X, XDom, _),
 5825        (   all_empty_intersection(Others, XDom) -> kill(MState)
 5826        ;   true
 5827        ).
 5829all_empty_intersection([], _).
 5830all_empty_intersection([V|Vs], XDom) :-
 5831        (   fd_get(V, VDom, _) ->
 5832            domains_intersection_(VDom, XDom, empty),
 5833            all_empty_intersection(Vs, XDom)
 5834        ;   all_empty_intersection(Vs, XDom)
 5835        ).
 5837outof_reducer(Left, Right, Var) :-
 5838        (   fd_get(Var, Dom, _) ->
 5839            append(Left, Right, Others),
 5840            domain_num_elements(Dom, N),
 5841            num_subsets(Others, Dom, 0, Num, NonSubs),
 5842            (   n(Num) cis_geq N -> false
 5843            ;   n(Num) cis N - n(1) ->
 5844                reduce_from_others(NonSubs, Dom)
 5845            ;   true
 5846            )
 5847        ;   %\+ list_contains(Right, Var),
 5848            %\+ list_contains(Left, Var)
 5849            true
 5850        ).
 5852reduce_from_others([], _).
 5853reduce_from_others([X|Xs], Dom) :-
 5854        (   fd_get(X, XDom, XPs) ->
 5855            domain_subtract(XDom, Dom, NXDom),
 5856            fd_put(X, NXDom, XPs)
 5857        ;   true
 5858        ),
 5859        reduce_from_others(Xs, Dom).
 5861num_subsets([], _Dom, Num, Num, []).
 5862num_subsets([S|Ss], Dom, Num0, Num, NonSubs) :-
 5863        (   fd_get(S, SDom, _) ->
 5864            (   domain_subdomain(Dom, SDom) ->
 5865                Num1 is Num0 + 1,
 5866                num_subsets(Ss, Dom, Num1, Num, NonSubs)
 5867            ;   NonSubs = [S|Rest],
 5868                num_subsets(Ss, Dom, Num0, Num, Rest)
 5869            )
 5870        ;   num_subsets(Ss, Dom, Num0, Num, NonSubs)
 5871        ).
 serialized(+Starts, +Durations)
Describes a set of non-overlapping tasks. Starts = [S_1,...,S_n], is a list of variables or integers, Durations = [D_1,...,D_n] is a list of non-negative integers. Constrains Starts and Durations to denote a set of non-overlapping tasks, i.e.: S_i + D_i =< S_j or S_j + D_j =< S_i for all 1 =< i < j =< n. Example:
?- length(Vs, 3),
   Vs ins 0..3,
   serialized(Vs, [1,2,3]),
Vs = [0, 1, 3] ;
Vs = [2, 0, 3] ;
See also
- Dorndorf et al. 2000, "Constraint Propagation Techniques for the Disjunctive Scheduling Problem"
 5897serialized(Starts, Durations) :-
 5898        must_be(list(integer), Durations),
 5899        pairs_keys_values(SDs, Starts, Durations),
 5900        Orig = original_goal(_, serialized(Starts, Durations)),
 5901        serialize(SDs, Orig).
 5903serialize([], _).
 5904serialize([S-D|SDs], Orig) :-
 5905        D >= 0,
 5906        serialize(SDs, S, D, Orig),
 5907        serialize(SDs, Orig).
 5909serialize([], _, _, _).
 5910serialize([S-D|Rest], S0, D0, Orig) :-
 5911        D >= 0,
 5912        propagator_init_trigger([S0,S], pserialized(S,D,S0,D0,Orig)),
 5913        serialize(Rest, S0, D0, Orig).
 5915% consistency check / propagation
 5916% Currently implements 2-b-consistency
 5918earliest_start_time(Start, EST) :-
 5919        (   fd_get(Start, D, _) ->
 5920            domain_infimum(D, EST)
 5921        ;   EST = n(Start)
 5922        ).
 5924latest_start_time(Start, LST) :-
 5925        (   fd_get(Start, D, _) ->
 5926            domain_supremum(D, LST)
 5927        ;   LST = n(Start)
 5928        ).
 5930serialize_lower_upper(S_I, D_I, S_J, D_J, MState) :-
 5931        (   var(S_I) ->
 5932            serialize_lower_bound(S_I, D_I, S_J, D_J, MState),
 5933            (   var(S_I) -> serialize_upper_bound(S_I, D_I, S_J, D_J, MState)
 5934            ;   true
 5935            )
 5936        ;   true
 5937        ).
 5939serialize_lower_bound(I, D_I, J, D_J, MState) :-
 5940        fd_get(I, DomI, Ps),
 5941        (   domain_infimum(DomI, n(EST_I)),
 5942            latest_start_time(J, n(LST_J)),
 5943            EST_I + D_I > LST_J,
 5944            earliest_start_time(J, n(EST_J)) ->
 5945            (   nonvar(J) -> kill(MState)
 5946            ;   true
 5947            ),
 5948            EST is EST_J+D_J,
 5949            domain_remove_smaller_than(DomI, EST, DomI1),
 5950            fd_put(I, DomI1, Ps)
 5951        ;   true
 5952        ).
 5954serialize_upper_bound(I, D_I, J, D_J, MState) :-
 5955        fd_get(I, DomI, Ps),
 5956        (   domain_supremum(DomI, n(LST_I)),
 5957            earliest_start_time(J, n(EST_J)),
 5958            EST_J + D_J > LST_I,
 5959            latest_start_time(J, n(LST_J)) ->
 5960            (   nonvar(J) -> kill(MState)
 5961            ;   true
 5962            ),
 5963            LST is LST_J-D_I,
 5964            domain_remove_greater_than(DomI, LST, DomI1),
 5965            fd_put(I, DomI1, Ps)
 5966        ;   true
 5967        ).
 element(?N, +Vs, ?V)
The N-th element of the list of finite domain variables Vs is V. Analogous to nth1/3.
 5976element(N, Is, V) :-
 5977        must_be(list, Is),
 5978        length(Is, L),
 5979        N in 1..L,
 5980        element_(Is, 1, N, V),
 5981        propagator_init_trigger([N|Is], pelement(N,Is,V)).
 5983element_domain(V, VD) :-
 5984        (   fd_get(V, VD, _) -> true
 5985        ;   VD = from_to(n(V), n(V))
 5986        ).
 5988element_([], _, _, _).
 5989element_([I|Is], N0, N, V) :-
 5990        ?(I) #\= ?(V) #==> ?(N) #\= N0,
 5991        N1 is N0 + 1,
 5992        element_(Is, N1, N, V).
 5994integers_remaining([], _, _, D, D).
 5995integers_remaining([V|Vs], N0, Dom, D0, D) :-
 5996        (   domain_contains(Dom, N0) ->
 5997            element_domain(V, VD),
 5998            domains_union(D0, VD, D1)
 5999        ;   D1 = D0
 6000        ),
 6001        N1 is N0 + 1,
 6002        integers_remaining(Vs, N1, Dom, D1, D).
 global_cardinality(+Vs, +Pairs)
Global Cardinality constraint. Equivalent to global_cardinality(Vs, Pairs, []). See global_cardinality/3.


?- Vs = [_,_,_], global_cardinality(Vs, [1-2,3-_]), label(Vs).
Vs = [1, 1, 3] ;
Vs = [1, 3, 1] ;
Vs = [3, 1, 1].
 6020global_cardinality(Xs, Pairs) :- global_cardinality(Xs, Pairs, []).
 global_cardinality(+Vs, +Pairs, +Options)
Global Cardinality constraint. Vs is a list of finite domain variables, Pairs is a list of Key-Num pairs, where Key is an integer and Num is a finite domain variable. The constraint holds iff each V in Vs is equal to some key, and for each Key-Num pair in Pairs, the number of occurrences of Key in Vs is Num. Options is a list of options. Supported options are:
A weaker form of consistency is used.
cost(Cost, Matrix)
Matrix is a list of rows, one for each variable, in the order they occur in Vs. Each of these rows is a list of integers, one for each key, in the order these keys occur in Pairs. When variable v_i is assigned the value of key k_j, then the associated cost is Matrix_{ij}. Cost is the sum of all costs.
 6041global_cardinality(Xs, Pairs, Options) :-
 6042        must_be(list(list), [Xs,Pairs,Options]),
 6043        maplist(fd_variable, Xs),
 6044        maplist(gcc_pair, Pairs),
 6045        pairs_keys_values(Pairs, Keys, Nums),
 6046        (   sort(Keys, Keys1), same_length(Keys, Keys1) -> true
 6047        ;   domain_error(gcc_unique_key_pairs, Pairs)
 6048        ),
 6049        length(Xs, L),
 6050        Nums ins 0..L,
 6051        list_to_drep(Keys, Drep),
 6052        Xs ins Drep,
 6053        gcc_pairs(Pairs, Xs, Pairs1),
 6054        % pgcc_check must be installed before triggering other
 6055        % propagators
 6056        propagator_init_trigger(Xs, pgcc_check(Pairs1)),
 6057        propagator_init_trigger(Nums, pgcc_check_single(Pairs1)),
 6058        (   member(OD, Options), OD == consistency(value) -> true
 6059        ;   propagator_init_trigger(Nums, pgcc_single(Xs, Pairs1)),
 6060            propagator_init_trigger(Xs, pgcc(Xs, Pairs, Pairs1))
 6061        ),
 6062        (   member(OC, Options), functor(OC, cost, 2) ->
 6063            OC = cost(Cost, Matrix),
 6064            must_be(list(list(integer)), Matrix),
 6065            maplist(keys_costs(Keys), Xs, Matrix, Costs),
 6066            sum(Costs, #=, Cost)
 6067        ;   true
 6068        ).
 6070keys_costs(Keys, X, Row, C) :-
 6071        element(N, Keys, X),
 6072        element(N, Row, C).
 6074gcc_pair(Pair) :-
 6075        (   Pair = Key-Val ->
 6076            must_be(integer, Key),
 6077            fd_variable(Val)
 6078        ;   domain_error(gcc_pair, Pair)
 6079        ).
 6081/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 6082   For each Key-Num0 pair, we introduce an auxiliary variable Num and
 6083   attach the following attributes to it:
 6085   clpfd_gcc_num: equal Num0, the user-visible counter variable
 6086   clpfd_gcc_vs: the remaining variables in the constraint that can be
 6087   equal Key.
 6088   clpfd_gcc_occurred: stores how often Key already occurred in vs.
 6089- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 6091gcc_pairs([], _, []).
 6092gcc_pairs([Key-Num0|KNs], Vs, [Key-Num|Rest]) :-
 6093        put_attr(Num, clpfd_gcc_num, Num0),
 6094        put_attr(Num, clpfd_gcc_vs, Vs),
 6095        put_attr(Num, clpfd_gcc_occurred, 0),
 6096        gcc_pairs(KNs, Vs, Rest).
 6098/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 6099    J.-C. Régin: "Generalized Arc Consistency for Global Cardinality
 6100    Constraint", AAAI-96 Portland, OR, USA, pp 209--215, 1996
 6101- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 6103gcc_global(Vs, KNs) :-
 6104        gcc_check(KNs),
 6105        % reach fix-point: all elements of clpfd_gcc_vs must be variables
 6106        do_queue,
 6107        with_local_attributes(Vs, [edges,parent,index],
 6108              (gcc_arcs(KNs, S, Vals),
 6109               variables_with_num_occurrences(Vs, VNs),
 6110               maplist(target_to_v(T), VNs),
 6111               (   get_attr(S, edges, Es) ->
 6112                   put_attr(S, parent, none), % Mark S as seen to avoid going back to S.
 6113                   feasible_flow(Es, S, T), % First construct a feasible flow (if any)
 6114                   maximum_flow(S, T),      % only then, maximize it.
 6115                   gcc_consistent(T),
 6116                   scc(Vals, gcc_successors),
 6117                   phrase(gcc_goals(Vals), Gs)
 6118               ;   Gs = [] )), Gs),
 6119        disable_queue,
 6120        maplist(call, Gs),
 6121        enable_queue.
 6123gcc_consistent(T) :-
 6124        get_attr(T, edges, Es),
 6125        maplist(saturated_arc, Es).
 6127saturated_arc(arc_from(_,U,_,Flow)) :- get_attr(Flow, flow, U).
 6129gcc_goals([]) --> [].
 6130gcc_goals([Val|Vals]) -->
 6131        { get_attr(Val, edges, Es) },
 6132        gcc_edges_goals(Es, Val),
 6133        gcc_goals(Vals).
 6135gcc_edges_goals([], _) --> [].
 6136gcc_edges_goals([E|Es], Val) -->
 6137        gcc_edge_goal(E, Val),
 6138        gcc_edges_goals(Es, Val).
 6140gcc_edge_goal(arc_from(_,_,_,_), _) --> [].
 6141gcc_edge_goal(arc_to(_,_,V,F), Val) -->
 6142        (   { get_attr(F, flow, 0),
 6143              get_attr(V, lowlink, L1),
 6144              get_attr(Val, lowlink, L2),
 6145              L1 =\= L2,
 6146              get_attr(Val, value, Value) } ->
 6147            [neq_num(V, Value)]
 6148        ;   []
 6149        ).
 6151/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 6152   Like in all_distinct/1, first use breadth-first search, then
 6153   construct an augmenting path in reverse.
 6154- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 6156maximum_flow(S, T) :-
 6157        (   gcc_augmenting_path([[S]], Levels, T) ->
 6158            phrase(augmenting_path(S, T), Path),
 6159            Path = [augment(_,First,_)|Rest],
 6160            path_minimum(Rest, First, Min),
 6161            maplist(gcc_augment(Min), Path),
 6162            maplist(maplist(clear_parent), Levels),
 6163            maximum_flow(S, T)
 6164        ;   true
 6165        ).
 6167feasible_flow([], _, _).
 6168feasible_flow([A|As], S, T) :-
 6169        make_arc_feasible(A, S, T),
 6170        feasible_flow(As, S, T).
 6172make_arc_feasible(A, S, T) :-
 6173        A = arc_to(L,_,V,F),
 6174        get_attr(F, flow, Flow),
 6175        (   Flow >= L -> true
 6176        ;   Diff is L - Flow,
 6177            put_attr(V, parent, S-augment(F,Diff,+)),
 6178            gcc_augmenting_path([[V]], Levels, T),
 6179            phrase(augmenting_path(S, T), Path),
 6180            path_minimum(Path, Diff, Min),
 6181            maplist(gcc_augment(Min), Path),
 6182            maplist(maplist(clear_parent), Levels),
 6183            make_arc_feasible(A, S, T)
 6184        ).
 6186gcc_augmenting_path(Levels0, Levels, T) :-
 6187        Levels0 = [Vs|_],
 6188        Levels1 = [Tos|Levels0],
 6189        phrase(gcc_reachables(Vs), Tos),
 6190        Tos = [_|_],
 6191        (   member(To, Tos), To == T -> Levels = Levels1
 6192        ;   gcc_augmenting_path(Levels1, Levels, T)
 6193        ).
 6195gcc_reachables([])     --> [].
 6196gcc_reachables([V|Vs]) -->
 6197        { get_attr(V, edges, Es) },
 6198        gcc_reachables_(Es, V),
 6199        gcc_reachables(Vs).
 6201gcc_reachables_([], _)     --> [].
 6202gcc_reachables_([E|Es], V) -->
 6203        gcc_reachable(E, V),
 6204        gcc_reachables_(Es, V).
 6206gcc_reachable(arc_from(_,_,V,F), P) -->
 6207        (   { \+ get_attr(V, parent, _),
 6208              get_attr(F, flow, Flow),
 6209              Flow > 0 } ->
 6210            { put_attr(V, parent, P-augment(F,Flow,-)) },
 6211            [V]
 6212        ;   []
 6213        ).
 6214gcc_reachable(arc_to(_L,U,V,F), P) -->
 6215        (   { \+ get_attr(V, parent, _),
 6216              get_attr(F, flow, Flow),
 6217              Flow < U } ->
 6218            { Diff is U - Flow,
 6219              put_attr(V, parent, P-augment(F,Diff,+)) },
 6220            [V]
 6221        ;   []
 6222        ).
 6225path_minimum([], Min, Min).
 6226path_minimum([augment(_,A,_)|As], Min0, Min) :-
 6227        Min1 is min(Min0,A),
 6228        path_minimum(As, Min1, Min).
 6230gcc_augment(Min, augment(F,_,Sign)) :-
 6231        get_attr(F, flow, Flow0),
 6232        gcc_flow_(Sign, Flow0, Min, Flow),
 6233        put_attr(F, flow, Flow).
 6235gcc_flow_(+, F0, A, F) :- F is F0 + A.
 6236gcc_flow_(-, F0, A, F) :- F is F0 - A.
 6238/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 6239   Build value network for global cardinality constraint.
 6240- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 6242gcc_arcs([], _, []).
 6243gcc_arcs([Key-Num0|KNs], S, Vals) :-
 6244        (   get_attr(Num0, clpfd_gcc_vs, Vs) ->
 6245            get_attr(Num0, clpfd_gcc_num, Num),
 6246            get_attr(Num0, clpfd_gcc_occurred, Occ),
 6247            (   nonvar(Num) -> U is Num - Occ, U = L
 6248            ;   fd_get(Num, _, n(L0), n(U0), _),
 6249                L is L0 - Occ, U is U0 - Occ
 6250            ),
 6251            put_attr(Val, value, Key),
 6252            Vals = [Val|Rest],
 6253            put_attr(F, flow, 0),
 6254            append_edge(S, edges, arc_to(L, U, Val, F)),
 6255            put_attr(Val, edges, [arc_from(L, U, S, F)]),
 6256            variables_with_num_occurrences(Vs, VNs),
 6257            maplist(val_to_v(Val), VNs)
 6258        ;   Vals = Rest
 6259        ),
 6260        gcc_arcs(KNs, S, Rest).
 6262variables_with_num_occurrences(Vs0, VNs) :-
 6263        include(var, Vs0, Vs1),
 6264        msort(Vs1, Vs),
 6265        (   Vs == [] -> VNs = []
 6266        ;   Vs = [V|Rest],
 6267            variables_with_num_occurrences(Rest, V, 1, VNs)
 6268        ).
 6270variables_with_num_occurrences([], Prev, Count, [Prev-Count]).
 6271variables_with_num_occurrences([V|Vs], Prev, Count0, VNs) :-
 6272        (   V == Prev ->
 6273            Count1 is Count0 + 1,
 6274            variables_with_num_occurrences(Vs, Prev, Count1, VNs)
 6275        ;   VNs = [Prev-Count0|Rest],
 6276            variables_with_num_occurrences(Vs, V, 1, Rest)
 6277        ).
 6280target_to_v(T, V-Count) :-
 6281        put_attr(F, flow, 0),
 6282        append_edge(V, edges, arc_to(0, Count, T, F)),
 6283        append_edge(T, edges, arc_from(0, Count, V, F)).
 6285val_to_v(Val, V-Count) :-
 6286        put_attr(F, flow, 0),
 6287        append_edge(V, edges, arc_from(0, Count, Val, F)),
 6288        append_edge(Val, edges, arc_to(0, Count, V, F)).
 6291gcc_successors(V, Tos) :-
 6292        get_attr(V, edges, Tos0),
 6293        phrase(gcc_successors_(Tos0), Tos).
 6295gcc_successors_([])     --> [].
 6296gcc_successors_([E|Es]) --> gcc_succ_edge(E), gcc_successors_(Es).
 6298gcc_succ_edge(arc_to(_,U,V,F)) -->
 6299        (   { get_attr(F, flow, Flow),
 6300              Flow < U } -> [V]
 6301        ;   []
 6302        ).
 6303gcc_succ_edge(arc_from(_,_,V,F)) -->
 6304        (   { get_attr(F, flow, Flow),
 6305              Flow > 0 } -> [V]
 6306        ;   []
 6307        ).
 6309/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 6310   Simple consistency check, run before global propagation.
 6311   Importantly, it removes all ground values from clpfd_gcc_vs.
 6313   The pgcc_check/1 propagator in itself suffices to ensure
 6314   consistency.
 6315- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 6317gcc_check(Pairs) :-
 6318        disable_queue,
 6319        gcc_check_(Pairs),
 6320        enable_queue.
 6322gcc_done(Num) :-
 6323        del_attr(Num, clpfd_gcc_vs),
 6324        del_attr(Num, clpfd_gcc_num),
 6325        del_attr(Num, clpfd_gcc_occurred).
 6328gcc_check_([Key-Num0|KNs]) :-
 6329        (   get_attr(Num0, clpfd_gcc_vs, Vs) ->
 6330            get_attr(Num0, clpfd_gcc_num, Num),
 6331            get_attr(Num0, clpfd_gcc_occurred, Occ0),
 6332            vs_key_min_others(Vs, Key, 0, Min, Os),
 6333            put_attr(Num0, clpfd_gcc_vs, Os),
 6334            put_attr(Num0, clpfd_gcc_occurred, Occ1),
 6335            Occ1 is Occ0 + Min,
 6336            geq(Num, Occ1),
 6337            % The queue is disabled for efficiency here in any case.
 6338            % If it were enabled, make sure to retain the invariant
 6339            % that gcc_global is never triggered during an
 6340            % inconsistent state (after gcc_done/1 but before all
 6341            % relevant constraints are posted).
 6342            (   Occ1 == Num -> all_neq(Os, Key), gcc_done(Num0)
 6343            ;   Os == [] -> gcc_done(Num0), Num = Occ1
 6344            ;   length(Os, L),
 6345                Max is Occ1 + L,
 6346                geq(Max, Num),
 6347                (   nonvar(Num) -> Diff is Num - Occ1
 6348                ;   fd_get(Num, ND, _),
 6349                    domain_infimum(ND, n(NInf)),
 6350                    Diff is NInf - Occ1
 6351                ),
 6352                L >= Diff,
 6353                (   L =:= Diff ->
 6354                    Num is Occ1 + Diff,
 6355                    maplist(=(Key), Os),
 6356                    gcc_done(Num0)
 6357                ;   true
 6358                )
 6359            )
 6360        ;   true
 6361        ),
 6362        gcc_check_(KNs).
 6364vs_key_min_others([], _, Min, Min, []).
 6365vs_key_min_others([V|Vs], Key, Min0, Min, Others) :-
 6366        (   fd_get(V, VD, _) ->
 6367            (   domain_contains(VD, Key) ->
 6368                Others = [V|Rest],
 6369                vs_key_min_others(Vs, Key, Min0, Min, Rest)
 6370            ;   vs_key_min_others(Vs, Key, Min0, Min, Others)
 6371            )
 6372        ;   (   V =:= Key ->
 6373                Min1 is Min0 + 1,
 6374                vs_key_min_others(Vs, Key, Min1, Min, Others)
 6375            ;   vs_key_min_others(Vs, Key, Min0, Min, Others)
 6376            )
 6377        ).
 6379all_neq([], _).
 6380all_neq([X|Xs], C) :-
 6381        neq_num(X, C),
 6382        all_neq(Xs, C).
True iff the list Vs of finite domain variables induces a Hamiltonian circuit. The k-th element of Vs denotes the successor of node k. Node indexing starts with 1. Examples:
?- length(Vs, _), circuit(Vs), label(Vs).
Vs = [] ;
Vs = [1] ;
Vs = [2, 1] ;
Vs = [2, 3, 1] ;
Vs = [3, 1, 2] ;
Vs = [2, 3, 4, 1] .
 6402circuit(Vs) :-
 6403        must_be(list, Vs),
 6404        maplist(fd_variable, Vs),
 6405        length(Vs, L),
 6406        Vs ins 1..L,
 6407        (   L =:= 1 -> true
 6408        ;   neq_index(Vs, 1),
 6409            make_propagator(pcircuit(Vs), Prop),
 6410            distinct_attach(Vs, Prop, []),
 6411            trigger_once(Prop)
 6412        ).
 6414neq_index([], _).
 6415neq_index([X|Xs], N) :-
 6416        neq_num(X, N),
 6417        N1 is N + 1,
 6418        neq_index(Xs, N1).
 6420/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 6421   Necessary condition for existence of a Hamiltonian circuit: The
 6422   graph has a single strongly connected component. If the list is
 6423   ground, the condition is also sufficient.
 6425   Ts are used as temporary variables to attach attributes:
 6427   lowlink, index: used for SCC
 6428   [arc_to(V)]: possible successors
 6429- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 6431propagate_circuit(Vs) :-
 6432        with_local_attributes([], [],
 6433            (same_length(Vs, Ts),
 6434             circuit_graph(Vs, Ts, Ts),
 6435             scc(Ts, circuit_successors),
 6436             maplist(single_component, Ts)), _).
 6438single_component(V) :- get_attr(V, lowlink, 0).
 6440circuit_graph([], _, _).
 6441circuit_graph([V|Vs], Ts0, [T|Ts]) :-
 6442        (   nonvar(V) -> Ns = [V]
 6443        ;   fd_get(V, Dom, _),
 6444            domain_to_list(Dom, Ns)
 6445        ),
 6446        phrase(circuit_edges(Ns, Ts0), Es),
 6447        put_attr(T, edges, Es),
 6448        circuit_graph(Vs, Ts0, Ts).
 6450circuit_edges([], _) --> [].
 6451circuit_edges([N|Ns], Ts) -->
 6452        { nth1(N, Ts, T) },
 6453        [arc_to(T)],
 6454        circuit_edges(Ns, Ts).
 6456circuit_successors(V, Tos) :-
 6457        get_attr(V, edges, Tos0),
 6458        maplist(arg(1), Tos0, Tos).
Equivalent to cumulative(Tasks, [limit(1)]). See cumulative/2.
 6466cumulative(Tasks) :- cumulative(Tasks, [limit(1)]).
 cumulative(+Tasks, +Options)
Schedule with a limited resource. Tasks is a list of tasks, each of the form task(S_i, D_i, E_i, C_i, T_i). S_i denotes the start time, D_i the positive duration, E_i the end time, C_i the non-negative resource consumption, and T_i the task identifier. Each of these arguments must be a finite domain variable with bounded domain, or an integer. The constraint holds iff at each time slot during the start and end of each task, the total resource consumption of all tasks running at that time does not exceed the global resource limit. Options is a list of options. Currently, the only supported option is:
The integer L is the global resource limit. Default is 1.

For example, given the following predicate that relates three tasks of durations 2 and 3 to a list containing their starting times:

tasks_starts(Tasks, [S1,S2,S3]) :-
        Tasks = [task(S1,3,_,1,_),

We can use cumulative/2 as follows, and obtain a schedule:

?- tasks_starts(Tasks, Starts), Starts ins 0..10,
   cumulative(Tasks, [limit(2)]), label(Starts).
Tasks = [task(0, 3, 3, 1, _G36), task(0, 2, 2, 1, _G45), ...],
Starts = [0, 0, 2] .
 6503cumulative(Tasks, Options) :-
 6504        must_be(list(list), [Tasks,Options]),
 6505        (   Options = [] -> L = 1
 6506        ;   Options = [limit(L)] -> must_be(integer, L)
 6507        ;   domain_error(cumulative_options_empty_or_limit, Options)
 6508        ),
 6509        (   Tasks = [] -> true
 6510        ;   fully_elastic_relaxation(Tasks, L),
 6511            maplist(task_bs, Tasks, Bss),
 6512            maplist(arg(1), Tasks, Starts),
 6513            maplist(fd_inf, Starts, MinStarts),
 6514            maplist(arg(3), Tasks, Ends),
 6515            maplist(fd_sup, Ends, MaxEnds),
 6516            min_list(MinStarts, Start),
 6517            max_list(MaxEnds, End),
 6518            resource_limit(Start, End, Tasks, Bss, L)
 6519        ).
 6521/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 6522   Trivial lower and upper bounds, assuming no gaps and not necessarily
 6523   retaining the rectangular shape of each task.
 6524- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 6526fully_elastic_relaxation(Tasks, Limit) :-
 6527        maplist(task_duration_consumption, Tasks, Ds, Cs),
 6528        maplist(area, Ds, Cs, As),
 6529        sum(As, #=, ?(Area)),
 6530        ?(MinTime) #= (Area + Limit - 1) // Limit,
 6531        tasks_minstart_maxend(Tasks, MinStart, MaxEnd),
 6532        MaxEnd #>= MinStart + MinTime.
 6534task_duration_consumption(task(_,D,_,C,_), D, C).
 6536area(X, Y, Area) :- ?(Area) #= ?(X) * ?(Y).
 6538tasks_minstart_maxend(Tasks, Start, End) :-
 6539        maplist(task_start_end, Tasks, [Start0|Starts], [End0|Ends]),
 6540        foldl(min_, Starts, Start0, Start),
 6541        foldl(max_, Ends, End0, End).
 6543max_(E, M0, M) :- ?(M) #= max(E, M0).
 6545min_(E, M0, M) :- ?(M) #= min(E, M0).
 6547task_start_end(task(Start,_,End,_,_), ?(Start), ?(End)).
 6549/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 6550   All time slots must respect the resource limit.
 6551- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 6553resource_limit(T, T, _, _, _) :- !.
 6554resource_limit(T0, T, Tasks, Bss, L) :-
 6555        maplist(contribution_at(T0), Tasks, Bss, Cs),
 6556        sum(Cs, #=<, L),
 6557        T1 is T0 + 1,
 6558        resource_limit(T1, T, Tasks, Bss, L).
 6560task_bs(Task, InfStart-Bs) :-
 6561        Task = task(Start,D,End,_,_Id),
 6562        ?(D) #> 0,
 6563        ?(End) #= ?(Start) + ?(D),
 6564        maplist(must_be_finite_fdvar, [End,Start,D]),
 6565        fd_inf(Start, InfStart),
 6566        fd_sup(End, SupEnd),
 6567        L is SupEnd - InfStart,
 6568        length(Bs, L),
 6569        task_running(Bs, Start, End, InfStart).
 6571task_running([], _, _, _).
 6572task_running([B|Bs], Start, End, T) :-
 6573        ((T #>= Start) #/\ (T #< End)) #<==> ?(B),
 6574        T1 is T + 1,
 6575        task_running(Bs, Start, End, T1).
 6577contribution_at(T, Task, Offset-Bs, Contribution) :-
 6578        Task = task(Start,_,End,C,_),
 6579        ?(C) #>= 0,
 6580        fd_inf(Start, InfStart),
 6581        fd_sup(End, SupEnd),
 6582        (   T < InfStart -> Contribution = 0
 6583        ;   T >= SupEnd -> Contribution = 0
 6584        ;   Index is T - Offset,
 6585            nth0(Index, Bs, B),
 6586            ?(Contribution) #= B*C
 6587        ).
True iff Rectangles are not overlapping. Rectangles is a list of terms of the form F(X_i, W_i, Y_i, H_i), where F is any functor, and the arguments are finite domain variables or integers that denote, respectively, the X coordinate, width, Y coordinate and height of each rectangle.
 6599disjoint2(Rs0) :-
 6600        must_be(list, Rs0),
 6601        maplist(=.., Rs0, Rs),
 6602        non_overlapping(Rs).
 6605non_overlapping([R|Rs]) :-
 6606        maplist(non_overlapping_(R), Rs),
 6607        non_overlapping(Rs).
 6609non_overlapping_(A, B) :-
 6610        a_not_in_b(A, B),
 6611        a_not_in_b(B, A).
 6613a_not_in_b([_,AX,AW,AY,AH], [_,BX,BW,BY,BH]) :-
 6614        ?(AX) #=< ?(BX) #/\ ?(BX) #< ?(AX) + ?(AW) #==>
 6615                   ?(AY) + ?(AH) #=< ?(BY) #\/ ?(BY) + ?(BH) #=< ?(AY),
 6616        ?(AY) #=< ?(BY) #/\ ?(BY) #< ?(AY) + ?(AH) #==>
 6617                   ?(AX) + ?(AW) #=< ?(BX) #\/ ?(BX) + ?(BW) #=< ?(AX).
 automaton(+Vs, +Nodes, +Arcs)
Describes a list of finite domain variables with a finite automaton. Equivalent to automaton(Vs, _, Vs, Nodes, Arcs, [], [], _), a common use case of automaton/8. In the following example, a list of binary finite domain variables is constrained to contain at least two consecutive ones:
two_consecutive_ones(Vs) :-
        automaton(Vs, [source(a),sink(c)],
                  [arc(a,0,a), arc(a,1,b),
                   arc(b,0,a), arc(b,1,c),
                   arc(c,0,c), arc(c,1,c)]).

Example query:

?- length(Vs, 3), two_consecutive_ones(Vs), label(Vs).
Vs = [0, 1, 1] ;
Vs = [1, 1, 0] ;
Vs = [1, 1, 1].
 6646automaton(Sigs, Ns, As) :- automaton(_, _, Sigs, Ns, As, [], [], _).
 automaton(+Sequence, ?Template, +Signature, +Nodes, +Arcs, +Counters, +Initials, ?Finals)
Describes a list of finite domain variables with a finite automaton. True iff the finite automaton induced by Nodes and Arcs (extended with Counters) accepts Signature. Sequence is a list of terms, all of the same shape. Additional constraints must link Sequence to Signature, if necessary. Nodes is a list of source(Node) and sink(Node) terms. Arcs is a list of arc(Node,Integer,Node) and arc(Node,Integer,Node,Exprs) terms that denote the automaton's transitions. Each node is represented by an arbitrary term. Transitions that are not mentioned go to an implicit failure node. Exprs is a list of arithmetic expressions, of the same length as Counters. In each expression, variables occurring in Counters symbolically refer to previous counter values, and variables occurring in Template refer to the current element of Sequence. When a transition containing arithmetic expressions is taken, each counter is updated according to the result of the corresponding expression. When a transition without arithmetic expressions is taken, all counters remain unchanged. Counters is a list of variables. Initials is a list of finite domain variables or integers denoting, in the same order, the initial value of each counter. These values are related to Finals according to the arithmetic expressions of the taken transitions.

The following example is taken from Beldiceanu, Carlsson, Debruyne and Petit: "Reformulation of Global Constraints Based on Constraints Checkers", Constraints 10(4), pp 339-362 (2005). It relates a sequence of integers and finite domain variables to its number of inflexions, which are switches between strictly ascending and strictly descending subsequences:

sequence_inflexions(Vs, N) :-
        variables_signature(Vs, Sigs),
        automaton(Sigs, _, Sigs,
                  [arc(s,0,s), arc(s,1,j), arc(s,2,i),
                   arc(i,0,i), arc(i,1,j,[C+1]), arc(i,2,i),
                   arc(j,0,j), arc(j,1,j),
                  [C], [0], [N]).

variables_signature([], []).
variables_signature([V|Vs], Sigs) :-
        variables_signature_(Vs, V, Sigs).

variables_signature_([], _, []).
variables_signature_([V|Vs], Prev, [S|Sigs]) :-
        V #= Prev #<==> S #= 0,
        Prev #< V #<==> S #= 1,
        Prev #> V #<==> S #= 2,
        variables_signature_(Vs, V, Sigs).

Example queries:

?- sequence_inflexions([1,2,3,3,2,1,3,0], N).
N = 3.

?- length(Ls, 5), Ls ins 0..1,
   sequence_inflexions(Ls, 3), label(Ls).
Ls = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ;
Ls = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1].
 6715template_var_path(V, Var, []) :- var(V), !, V == Var.
 6716template_var_path(T, Var, [N|Ns]) :-
 6717        arg(N, T, Arg),
 6718        template_var_path(Arg, Var, Ns).
 6720path_term_variable([], V, V).
 6721path_term_variable([P|Ps], T, V) :-
 6722        arg(P, T, Arg),
 6723        path_term_variable(Ps, Arg, V).
 6725initial_expr(_, []-1).
 6727automaton(Seqs, Template, Sigs, Ns, As0, Cs, Is, Fs) :-
 6728        must_be(list(list), [Sigs,Ns,As0,Cs,Is]),
 6729        (   var(Seqs) ->
 6730            (   current_prolog_flag(clpfd_monotonic, true) ->
 6731                instantiation_error(Seqs)
 6732            ;   Seqs = Sigs
 6733            )
 6734        ;   must_be(list, Seqs)
 6735        ),
 6736        maplist(monotonic, Cs, CsM),
 6737        maplist(arc_normalized(CsM), As0, As),
 6738        include_args1(sink, Ns, Sinks),
 6739        include_args1(source, Ns, Sources),
 6740        maplist(initial_expr, Cs, Exprs0),
 6741        phrase((arcs_relation(As, Relation),
 6742                nodes_nums(Sinks, SinkNums0),
 6743                nodes_nums(Sources, SourceNums0)),
 6744               [s([]-0, Exprs0)], [s(_,Exprs1)]),
 6745        maplist(expr0_expr, Exprs1, Exprs),
 6746        phrase(transitions(Seqs, Template, Sigs, Start, End, Exprs, Cs, Is, Fs), Tuples),
 6747        list_to_drep(SourceNums0, SourceDrep),
 6748        Start in SourceDrep,
 6749        list_to_drep(SinkNums0, SinkDrep),
 6750        End in SinkDrep,
 6751        tuples_in(Tuples, Relation).
 6753expr0_expr(Es0-_, Es) :-
 6754        pairs_keys(Es0, Es1),
 6755        reverse(Es1, Es).
 6757transitions([], _, [], S, S, _, _, Cs, Cs) --> [].
 6758transitions([Seq|Seqs], Template, [Sig|Sigs], S0, S, Exprs, Counters, Cs0, Cs) -->
 6759        [[S0,Sig,S1|Is]],
 6760        { phrase(exprs_next(Exprs, Is, Cs1), [s(Seq,Template,Counters,Cs0)], _) },
 6761        transitions(Seqs, Template, Sigs, S1, S, Exprs, Counters, Cs1, Cs).
 6763exprs_next([], [], []) --> [].
 6764exprs_next([Es|Ess], [I|Is], [C|Cs]) -->
 6765        exprs_values(Es, Vs),
 6766        { element(I, Vs, C) },
 6767        exprs_next(Ess, Is, Cs).
 6769exprs_values([], []) --> [].
 6770exprs_values([E0|Es], [V|Vs]) -->
 6771        { term_variables(E0, EVs0),
 6772          copy_term(E0, E),
 6773          term_variables(E, EVs),
 6774          ?(V) #= E },
 6775        match_variables(EVs0, EVs),
 6776        exprs_values(Es, Vs).
 6778match_variables([], _) --> [].
 6779match_variables([V0|Vs0], [V|Vs]) -->
 6780        state(s(Seq,Template,Counters,Cs0)),
 6781        { (   template_var_path(Template, V0, Ps) ->
 6782              path_term_variable(Ps, Seq, V)
 6783          ;   template_var_path(Counters, V0, Ps) ->
 6784              path_term_variable(Ps, Cs0, V)
 6785          ;   domain_error(variable_from_template_or_counters, V0)
 6786          ) },
 6787        match_variables(Vs0, Vs).
 6789nodes_nums([], []) --> [].
 6790nodes_nums([Node|Nodes], [Num|Nums]) -->
 6791        node_num(Node, Num),
 6792        nodes_nums(Nodes, Nums).
 6794arcs_relation([], []) --> [].
 6795arcs_relation([arc(S0,L,S1,Es)|As], [[From,L,To|Ns]|Rs]) -->
 6796        node_num(S0, From),
 6797        node_num(S1, To),
 6798        state(s(Nodes, Exprs0), s(Nodes, Exprs)),
 6799        { exprs_nums(Es, Ns, Exprs0, Exprs) },
 6800        arcs_relation(As, Rs).
 6802exprs_nums([], [], [], []).
 6803exprs_nums([E|Es], [N|Ns], [Ex0-C0|Exs0], [Ex-C|Exs]) :-
 6804        (   member(Exp-N, Ex0), Exp == E -> C = C0, Ex = Ex0
 6805        ;   N = C0, C is C0 + 1, Ex = [E-C0|Ex0]
 6806        ),
 6807        exprs_nums(Es, Ns, Exs0, Exs).
 6809node_num(Node, Num) -->
 6810        state(s(Nodes0-C0, Exprs), s(Nodes-C, Exprs)),
 6811        { (   member(N-Num, Nodes0), N == Node -> C = C0, Nodes = Nodes0
 6812          ;   Num = C0, C is C0 + 1, Nodes = [Node-C0|Nodes0]
 6813          )
 6814        }.
 6816include_args1(Goal, Ls0, As) :-
 6817        include(Goal, Ls0, Ls),
 6818        maplist(arg(1), Ls, As).
 6824monotonic(Var, ?(Var)).
 6826arc_normalized(Cs, Arc0, Arc) :- arc_normalized_(Arc0, Cs, Arc).
 6828arc_normalized_(arc(S0,L,S,Cs), _, arc(S0,L,S,Cs)).
 6829arc_normalized_(arc(S0,L,S), Cs, arc(S0,L,S,Cs)).
 transpose(+Matrix, ?Transpose)
Transpose a list of lists of the same length. Example:
?- transpose([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]], Ts).
Ts = [[1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [3, 6, 9]].

This predicate is useful in many constraint programs. Consider for instance Sudoku:

sudoku(Rows) :-
        length(Rows, 9), maplist(same_length(Rows), Rows),
        append(Rows, Vs), Vs ins 1..9,
        maplist(all_distinct, Rows),
        transpose(Rows, Columns),
        maplist(all_distinct, Columns),
        Rows = [As,Bs,Cs,Ds,Es,Fs,Gs,Hs,Is],
        blocks(As, Bs, Cs), blocks(Ds, Es, Fs), blocks(Gs, Hs, Is).

blocks([], [], []).
blocks([N1,N2,N3|Ns1], [N4,N5,N6|Ns2], [N7,N8,N9|Ns3]) :-
        blocks(Ns1, Ns2, Ns3).

problem(1, [[_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_],

Sample query:

?- problem(1, Rows), sudoku(Rows), maplist(portray_clause, Rows).
[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1].
[2, 4, 6, 1, 7, 3, 9, 8, 5].
[3, 5, 1, 9, 2, 8, 7, 4, 6].
[1, 2, 8, 5, 3, 7, 6, 9, 4].
[6, 3, 4, 8, 9, 2, 1, 5, 7].
[7, 9, 5, 4, 6, 1, 8, 3, 2].
[5, 1, 9, 2, 8, 6, 4, 7, 3].
[4, 7, 2, 3, 1, 9, 5, 6, 8].
[8, 6, 3, 7, 4, 5, 2, 1, 9].
Rows = [[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2|...], ... , [...|...]].
 6887transpose(Ls, Ts) :-
 6888        must_be(list(list), Ls),
 6889        lists_transpose(Ls, Ts).
 6891lists_transpose([], []).
 6892lists_transpose([L|Ls], Ts) :-
 6893        maplist(same_length(L), Ls),
 6894        foldl(transpose_, L, Ts, [L|Ls], _).
 6896transpose_(_, Fs, Lists0, Lists) :-
 6897        maplist(list_first_rest, Lists0, Fs, Lists).
 6899list_first_rest([L|Ls], L, Ls).
 zcompare(?Order, ?A, ?B)
Analogous to compare/3, with finite domain variables A and B.

Think of zcompare/3 as reifying an arithmetic comparison of two integers. This means that we can explicitly reason about the different cases within our programs. As in compare/3, the atoms <, > and = denote the different cases of the trichotomy. In contrast to compare/3 though, zcompare/3 works correctly for all modes, also if only a subset of the arguments is instantiated. This allows you to make several predicates over integers deterministic while preserving their generality and completeness. For example:

n_factorial(N, F) :-
        zcompare(C, N, 0),
        n_factorial_(C, N, F).

n_factorial_(=, _, 1).
n_factorial_(>, N, F) :-
        F #= F0*N,
        N1 #= N - 1,
        n_factorial(N1, F0).

This version of n_factorial/2 is deterministic if the first argument is instantiated, because argument indexing can distinguish the different clauses that reflect the possible and admissible outcomes of a comparison of N against 0. Example:

?- n_factorial(30, F).
F = 265252859812191058636308480000000.

Since there is no clause for <, the predicate automatically fails if N is less than 0. The predicate can still be used in all directions, including the most general query:

?- n_factorial(N, F).
N = 0,
F = 1 ;
N = F, F = 1 ;
N = F, F = 2 .

In this case, all clauses are tried on backtracking, and zcompare/3 ensures that the respective ordering between N and 0 holds in each case.

The truth value of a comparison can also be reified with (#<==>)/2 in combination with one of the arithmetic constraints. See reification. However, zcompare/3 lets you more conveniently distinguish the cases.

 6961zcompare(Order, A, B) :-
 6962        (   nonvar(Order) ->
 6963            zcompare_(Order, A, B)
 6964        ;   integer(A), integer(B) ->
 6965            compare(Order, A, B)
 6966        ;   freeze(Order, zcompare_(Order, A, B)),
 6967            fd_variable(A),
 6968            fd_variable(B),
 6969            propagator_init_trigger([A,B], pzcompare(Order, A, B))
 6970        ).
 6972zcompare_(=, A, B) :- ?(A) #= ?(B).
 6973zcompare_(<, A, B) :- ?(A) #< ?(B).
 6974zcompare_(>, A, B) :- ?(A) #> ?(B).
 chain(+Zs, +Relation)
Zs form a chain with respect to Relation. Zs is a list of finite domain variables that are a chain with respect to the partial order Relation, in the order they appear in the list. Relation must be #=, #=<, #>=, #< or #>. For example:
?- chain([X,Y,Z], #>=).
 6989chain(Zs, Relation) :-
 6990        must_be(list, Zs),
 6991        maplist(fd_variable, Zs),
 6992        must_be(ground, Relation),
 6993        (   chain_relation(Relation) -> true
 6994        ;   domain_error(chain_relation, Relation)
 6995        ),
 6996        chain_(Zs, Relation).
 6998chain_([], _).
 6999chain_([X|Xs], Relation) :- foldl(chain(Relation), Xs, X, _).
 7007chain(Relation, X, Prev, X) :- call(Relation, ?(Prev), ?(X)).
 7010/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7011   Reflection predicates
 7012- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
True iff Var is a CLP(FD) variable.
 7018fd_var(X) :- get_attr(X, clpfd, _).
 fd_inf(+Var, -Inf)
Inf is the infimum of the current domain of Var.
 7024fd_inf(X, Inf) :-
 7025        (   fd_get(X, XD, _) ->
 7026            domain_infimum(XD, Inf0),
 7027            bound_portray(Inf0, Inf)
 7028        ;   must_be(integer, X),
 7029            Inf = X
 7030        ).
 fd_sup(+Var, -Sup)
Sup is the supremum of the current domain of Var.
 7036fd_sup(X, Sup) :-
 7037        (   fd_get(X, XD, _) ->
 7038            domain_supremum(XD, Sup0),
 7039            bound_portray(Sup0, Sup)
 7040        ;   must_be(integer, X),
 7041            Sup = X
 7042        ).
 fd_size(+Var, -Size)
Reflect the current size of a domain. Size is the number of elements of the current domain of Var, or the atom sup if the domain is unbounded.
 7050fd_size(X, S) :-
 7051        (   fd_get(X, XD, _) ->
 7052            domain_num_elements(XD, S0),
 7053            bound_portray(S0, S)
 7054        ;   must_be(integer, X),
 7055            S = 1
 7056        ).
 fd_dom(+Var, -Dom)
Dom is the current domain (see in/2) of Var. This predicate is useful if you want to reason about domains. It is not needed if you only want to display remaining domains; instead, separate your model from the search part and let the toplevel display this information via residual goals.

For example, to implement a custom labeling strategy, you may need to inspect the current domain of a finite domain variable. With the following code, you can convert a finite domain to a list of integers:

dom_integers(D, Is) :- phrase(dom_integers_(D), Is).

dom_integers_(I)      --> { integer(I) }, [I].
dom_integers_(L..U)   --> { numlist(L, U, Is) }, Is.
dom_integers_(D1\/D2) --> dom_integers_(D1), dom_integers_(D2).


?- X in 1..5, X #\= 4, fd_dom(X, D), dom_integers(D, Is).
D = 1..3\/5,
Is = [1,2,3,5],
X in 1..3\/5.
 7088fd_dom(X, Drep) :-
 7089        (   fd_get(X, XD, _) ->
 7090            domain_to_drep(XD, Drep)
 7091        ;   must_be(integer, X),
 7092            Drep = X..X
 7093        ).
 7095/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7096   Entailment detection. Subject to change.
 7098   Currently, Goals entail E if posting ({#\ E} U Goals), then
 7099   labeling all variables, fails. E must be reifiable. Examples:
 7101   %?- clpfd:goals_entail([X#>2], X #> 3).
 7102   %@ false.
 7104   %?- clpfd:goals_entail([X#>1, X#<3], X #= 2).
 7105   %@ true.
 7107   %?- clpfd:goals_entail([X#=Y+1], X #= Y+1).
 7108   %@ ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
 7109   %@    Exception: (15) throw(error(instantiation_error, _G2680)) ?
 7111   %?- clpfd:goals_entail([[X,Y] ins 0..10, X#=Y+1], X #= Y+1).
 7112   %@ true.
 7114- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 7116goals_entail(Goals, E) :-
 7117        must_be(list, Goals),
 7118        \+ (   maplist(call, Goals), #\ E,
 7119               term_variables(Goals-E, Vs),
 7120               label(Vs)
 7121           ).
 7123/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7124   Unification hook and constraint projection
 7125- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 7127attr_unify_hook(clpfd_attr(_,_,_,Dom,Ps), Other) :-
 7128        (   nonvar(Other) ->
 7129            (   integer(Other) -> true
 7130            ;   type_error(integer, Other)
 7131            ),
 7132            domain_contains(Dom, Other),
 7133            trigger_props(Ps),
 7134            do_queue
 7135        ;   fd_get(Other, OD, OPs),
 7136            domains_intersection(OD, Dom, Dom1),
 7137            append_propagators(Ps, OPs, Ps1),
 7138            fd_put(Other, Dom1, Ps1),
 7139            trigger_props(Ps1),
 7140            do_queue
 7141        ).
 7143append_propagators(fd_props(Gs0,Bs0,Os0), fd_props(Gs1,Bs1,Os1), fd_props(Gs,Bs,Os)) :-
 7144        maplist(append, [Gs0,Bs0,Os0], [Gs1,Bs1,Os1], [Gs,Bs,Os]).
 7146bound_portray(inf, inf).
 7147bound_portray(sup, sup).
 7148bound_portray(n(N), N).
 7150list_to_drep(List, Drep) :-
 7151        list_to_domain(List, Dom),
 7152        domain_to_drep(Dom, Drep).
 7154domain_to_drep(Dom, Drep) :-
 7155        domain_intervals(Dom, [A0-B0|Rest]),
 7156        bound_portray(A0, A),
 7157        bound_portray(B0, B),
 7158        (   A == B -> Drep0 = A
 7159        ;   Drep0 = A..B
 7160        ),
 7161        intervals_to_drep(Rest, Drep0, Drep).
 7163intervals_to_drep([], Drep, Drep).
 7164intervals_to_drep([A0-B0|Rest], Drep0, Drep) :-
 7165        bound_portray(A0, A),
 7166        bound_portray(B0, B),
 7167        (   A == B -> D1 = A
 7168        ;   D1 = A..B
 7169        ),
 7170        intervals_to_drep(Rest, Drep0 \/ D1, Drep).
 7172attribute_goals(X) -->
 7173        % { get_attr(X, clpfd, Attr), format("A: ~w\n", [Attr]) },
 7174        { get_attr(X, clpfd, clpfd_attr(_,_,_,Dom,fd_props(Gs,Bs,Os))),
 7175          append(Gs, Bs, Ps0),
 7176          append(Ps0, Os, Ps),
 7177          domain_to_drep(Dom, Drep) },
 7178        (   { default_domain(Dom), \+ all_dead_(Ps) } -> []
 7179        ;   [clpfd:(X in Drep)]
 7180        ),
 7181        attributes_goals(Ps).
 7183clpfd_aux:attribute_goals(_) --> [].
 7184clpfd_aux:attr_unify_hook(_,_) :- false.
 7186clpfd_gcc_vs:attribute_goals(_) --> [].
 7187clpfd_gcc_vs:attr_unify_hook(_,_) :- false.
 7189clpfd_gcc_num:attribute_goals(_) --> [].
 7190clpfd_gcc_num:attr_unify_hook(_,_) :- false.
 7192clpfd_gcc_occurred:attribute_goals(_) --> [].
 7193clpfd_gcc_occurred:attr_unify_hook(_,_) :- false.
 7195clpfd_relation:attribute_goals(_) --> [].
 7196clpfd_relation:attr_unify_hook(_,_) :- false.
 7198attributes_goals([]) --> [].
 7199attributes_goals([propagator(P, State)|As]) -->
 7200        (   { ground(State) } -> []
 7201        ;   { phrase(attribute_goal_(P), Gs) } ->
 7202            { del_attr(State, clpfd_aux), State = processed,
 7203              (   current_prolog_flag(clpfd_monotonic, true) ->
 7204                  maplist(unwrap_with(bare_integer), Gs, Gs1)
 7205              ;   maplist(unwrap_with(=), Gs, Gs1)
 7206              ),
 7207              maplist(with_clpfd, Gs1, Gs2) },
 7208            list(Gs2)
 7209        ;   [P] % possibly user-defined constraint
 7210        ),
 7211        attributes_goals(As).
 7213with_clpfd(G, clpfd:G).
 7215unwrap_with(_, V, V)           :- var(V), !.
 7216unwrap_with(Goal, ?(V0), V)    :- !, call(Goal, V0, V).
 7217unwrap_with(Goal, Term0, Term) :-
 7218        Term0 =.. [F|Args0],
 7219        maplist(unwrap_with(Goal), Args0, Args),
 7220        Term =.. [F|Args].
 7222bare_integer(V0, V)    :- ( integer(V0) -> V = V0 ; V = #(V0) ).
 7224attribute_goal_(presidual(Goal))       --> [Goal].
 7225attribute_goal_(pgeq(A,B))             --> [?(A) #>= ?(B)].
 7226attribute_goal_(pplus(X,Y,Z))          --> [?(X) + ?(Y) #= ?(Z)].
 7227attribute_goal_(pneq(A,B))             --> [?(A) #\= ?(B)].
 7228attribute_goal_(ptimes(X,Y,Z))         --> [?(X) * ?(Y) #= ?(Z)].
 7229attribute_goal_(absdiff_neq(X,Y,C))    --> [abs(?(X) - ?(Y)) #\= C].
 7230attribute_goal_(absdiff_geq(X,Y,C))    --> [abs(?(X) - ?(Y)) #>= C].
 7231attribute_goal_(x_neq_y_plus_z(X,Y,Z)) --> [?(X) #\= ?(Y) + ?(Z)].
 7232attribute_goal_(x_leq_y_plus_c(X,Y,C)) --> [?(X) #=< ?(Y) + C].
 7233attribute_goal_(ptzdiv(X,Y,Z))         --> [?(X) // ?(Y) #= ?(Z)].
 7234attribute_goal_(pdiv(X,Y,Z))           --> [?(X) div ?(Y) #= ?(Z)].
 7235attribute_goal_(prdiv(X,Y,Z))          --> [?(X) rdiv ?(Y) #= ?(Z)].
 7236attribute_goal_(pexp(X,Y,Z))           --> [?(X) ^ ?(Y) #= ?(Z)].
 7237attribute_goal_(pabs(X,Y))             --> [?(Y) #= abs(?(X))].
 7238attribute_goal_(pmod(X,M,K))           --> [?(X) mod ?(M) #= ?(K)].
 7239attribute_goal_(prem(X,Y,Z))           --> [?(X) rem ?(Y) #= ?(Z)].
 7240attribute_goal_(pmax(X,Y,Z))           --> [?(Z) #= max(?(X),?(Y))].
 7241attribute_goal_(pmin(X,Y,Z))           --> [?(Z) #= min(?(X),?(Y))].
 7242attribute_goal_(scalar_product_neq(Cs,Vs,C)) -->
 7243        [Left #\= Right],
 7244        { scalar_product_left_right([-1|Cs], [C|Vs], Left, Right) }.
 7245attribute_goal_(scalar_product_eq(Cs,Vs,C)) -->
 7246        [Left #= Right],
 7247        { scalar_product_left_right([-1|Cs], [C|Vs], Left, Right) }.
 7248attribute_goal_(scalar_product_leq(Cs,Vs,C)) -->
 7249        [Left #=< Right],
 7250        { scalar_product_left_right([-1|Cs], [C|Vs], Left, Right) }.
 7251attribute_goal_(pdifferent(_,_,_,O))    --> original_goal(O).
 7252attribute_goal_(weak_distinct(_,_,_,O)) --> original_goal(O).
 7253attribute_goal_(pdistinct(Vs))          --> [all_distinct(Vs)].
 7254attribute_goal_(pexclude(_,_,_))  --> [].
 7255attribute_goal_(pelement(N,Is,V)) --> [element(N, Is, V)].
 7256attribute_goal_(pgcc(Vs, Pairs, _))   --> [global_cardinality(Vs, Pairs)].
 7257attribute_goal_(pgcc_single(_,_))     --> [].
 7258attribute_goal_(pgcc_check_single(_)) --> [].
 7259attribute_goal_(pgcc_check(_))        --> [].
 7260attribute_goal_(pcircuit(Vs))       --> [circuit(Vs)].
 7261attribute_goal_(pserialized(_,_,_,_,O)) --> original_goal(O).
 7262attribute_goal_(rel_tuple(R, Tuple)) -->
 7263        { get_attr(R, clpfd_relation, Rel) },
 7264        [tuples_in([Tuple], Rel)].
 7265attribute_goal_(pzcompare(O,A,B)) --> [zcompare(O,A,B)].
 7266% reified constraints
 7267attribute_goal_(reified_in(V, D, B)) -->
 7268        [V in Drep #<==> ?(B)],
 7269        { domain_to_drep(D, Drep) }.
 7270attribute_goal_(reified_tuple_in(Tuple, R, B)) -->
 7271        { get_attr(R, clpfd_relation, Rel) },
 7272        [tuples_in([Tuple], Rel) #<==> ?(B)].
 7273attribute_goal_(kill_reified_tuples(_,_,_)) --> [].
 7274attribute_goal_(tuples_not_in(_,_,_)) --> [].
 7275attribute_goal_(reified_fd(V,B)) --> [finite_domain(V) #<==> ?(B)].
 7276attribute_goal_(pskeleton(X,Y,D,_,Z,F)) -->
 7277        { Prop =.. [F,X,Y,Z],
 7278          phrase(attribute_goal_(Prop), Goals), list_goal(Goals, Goal) },
 7279        [?(D) #= 1 #==> Goal, ?(Y) #\= 0 #==> ?(D) #= 1].
 7280attribute_goal_(reified_neq(DX,X,DY,Y,_,B)) -->
 7281        conjunction(DX, DY, ?(X) #\= ?(Y), B).
 7282attribute_goal_(reified_eq(DX,X,DY,Y,_,B))  -->
 7283        conjunction(DX, DY, ?(X) #= ?(Y), B).
 7284attribute_goal_(reified_geq(DX,X,DY,Y,_,B)) -->
 7285        conjunction(DX, DY, ?(X) #>= ?(Y), B).
 7286attribute_goal_(reified_and(X,_,Y,_,B))    --> [?(X) #/\ ?(Y) #<==> ?(B)].
 7287attribute_goal_(reified_or(X, _, Y, _, B)) --> [?(X) #\/ ?(Y) #<==> ?(B)].
 7288attribute_goal_(reified_not(X, Y))         --> [#\ ?(X) #<==> ?(Y)].
 7289attribute_goal_(pimpl(X, Y, _))            --> [?(X) #==> ?(Y)].
 7290attribute_goal_(pfunction(Op, A, B, R)) -->
 7291        { Expr =.. [Op,?(A),?(B)] },
 7292        [?(R) #= Expr].
 7293attribute_goal_(pfunction(Op, A, R)) -->
 7294        { Expr =.. [Op,?(A)] },
 7295        [?(R) #= Expr].
 7297conjunction(A, B, G, D) -->
 7298        (   { A == 1, B == 1 } -> [G #<==> ?(D)]
 7299        ;   { A == 1 } -> [(?(B) #/\ G) #<==> ?(D)]
 7300        ;   { B == 1 } -> [(?(A) #/\ G) #<==> ?(D)]
 7301        ;   [(?(A) #/\ ?(B) #/\ G) #<==> ?(D)]
 7302        ).
 7304original_goal(original_goal(State, Goal)) -->
 7305        (   { var(State) } ->
 7306            { State = processed },
 7307            [Goal]
 7308        ;   []
 7309        ).
 7311/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7312   Projection of scalar product.
 7313- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 7315scalar_product_left_right(Cs, Vs, Left, Right) :-
 7316        pairs_keys_values(Pairs0, Cs, Vs),
 7317        partition(ground, Pairs0, Grounds, Pairs),
 7318        maplist(pair_product, Grounds, Prods),
 7319        sum_list(Prods, Const),
 7320        NConst is -Const,
 7321        partition(compare_coeff0, Pairs, Negatives, _, Positives),
 7322        maplist(negate_coeff, Negatives, Rights),
 7323        scalar_plusterm(Rights, Right0),
 7324        scalar_plusterm(Positives, Left0),
 7325        (   Const =:= 0 -> Left = Left0, Right = Right0
 7326        ;   Right0 == 0 -> Left = Left0, Right = NConst
 7327        ;   Left0 == 0 ->  Left = Const, Right = Right0
 7328        ;   (   Const < 0 ->
 7329                Left = Left0,       Right = Right0+NConst
 7330            ;   Left = Left0+Const, Right = Right0
 7331            )
 7332        ).
 7334negate_coeff(A0-B, A-B) :- A is -A0.
 7336pair_product(A-B, Prod) :- Prod is A*B.
 7338compare_coeff0(Coeff-_, Compare) :- compare(Compare, Coeff, 0).
 7340scalar_plusterm([], 0).
 7341scalar_plusterm([CV|CVs], T) :-
 7342        coeff_var_term(CV, T0),
 7343        foldl(plusterm_, CVs, T0, T).
 7345plusterm_(CV, T0, T0+T) :- coeff_var_term(CV, T).
 7347coeff_var_term(C-V, T) :- ( C =:= 1 -> T = ?(V) ; T = C * ?(V) ).
 7349/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7350   Generated predicates
 7351- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 7353:- discontiguous term_expansion/2. 7354
 7355term_expansion(make_parse_clpfd, Clauses)   :- make_parse_clpfd(Clauses).
 7356term_expansion(make_parse_reified, Clauses) :- make_parse_reified(Clauses).
 7357term_expansion(make_matches, Clauses)       :- make_matches(Clauses).
 7363/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7364   Global variables
 7365- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 7367make_clpfd_var('$clpfd_queue') :-
 7368        make_queue.
 7369make_clpfd_var('$clpfd_current_propagator') :-
 7370        nb_setval('$clpfd_current_propagator', []).
 7371make_clpfd_var('$clpfd_queue_status') :-
 7372        nb_setval('$clpfd_queue_status', enabled).
 7374:- multifile user:exception/3. 7375
 7376user:exception(undefined_global_variable, Name, retry) :-
 7377        make_clpfd_var(Name), !.
 7379warn_if_bounded_arithmetic :-
 7380        (   current_prolog_flag(bounded, true) ->
 7381            print_message(warning, clpfd(bounded))
 7382        ;   true
 7383        ).
 7385:- initialization(warn_if_bounded_arithmetic). 7386
 7388/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7389   Messages
 7390- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 7392:- multifile prolog:message//1. 7393
 7394prolog:message(clpfd(bounded)) -->
 7395        ['Using CLP(FD) with bounded arithmetic may yield wrong results.'-[]].
 7398		 /*******************************
 7399		 *	      SANDBOX		*
 7400		 *******************************/
 7402/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 7403The clpfd library cannot  be   analysed  completely by library(sandbox).
 7404However, the API does not provide any  meta predicates. It provides some
 7405unification hooks, but put_attr/3 does not  allow injecting in arbitrary
 7407- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
 7409:- multifile
 7410	sandbox:safe_primitive/1. 7411
 7412safe_api(Name/Arity, sandbox:safe_primitive(clpfd:Head)) :-
 7413	functor(Head, Name, Arity).
 7415term_expansion(safe_api, Clauses) :-
 7416	module_property(clpfd, exports(API)),
 7417	maplist(safe_api, API, Clauses).
 7420% Support clpfd goal expansion.
 7424% Enabling monotonic CLP(FD) is safe.
 7425sandbox:safe_primitive(set_prolog_flag(clpfd_monotonic, _))