/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2008-2019, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam CWI, Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(process, [ process_create/3, % +Exe, +Args, +Options process_wait/2, % +PID, -Status process_wait/3, % +PID, -Status, +Options process_id/1, % -PID process_id/2, % +Process, -PID is_process/1, % +PID process_release/1, % +PID process_kill/1, % +PID process_group_kill/1, % +PID process_group_kill/2, % +PID, +Signal process_kill/2, % +PID, +Signal process_set_method/1 % +CreateMethod ]). :- autoload(library(apply),[maplist/3]). :- autoload(library(error),[must_be/2,existence_error/2]). :- autoload(library(option),[select_option/3]). :- use_foreign_library(foreign(process)). :- predicate_options(process_create/3, 3, [ stdin(any), stdout(any), stderr(any), cwd(atom), env(list(any)), environment(list(any)), priority(+integer), process(-integer), detached(+boolean), window(+boolean) ]). /** Create processes and redirect I/O The module library(process) implements interaction with child processes and unifies older interfaces such as shell/[1,2], open(pipe(command), ...) etc. This library is modelled after SICStus 4. The main interface is formed by process_create/3. If the process id is requested the process must be waited for using process_wait/2. Otherwise the process resources are reclaimed automatically. In addition to the predicates, this module defines a file search path (see user:file_search_path/2 and absolute_file_name/3) named =path= that locates files on the system's search path for executables. E.g. the following finds the executable for =ls=: == ?- absolute_file_name(path(ls), Path, [access(execute)]). == *|Incompatibilities and current limitations|* * Where SICStus distinguishes between an internal process id and the OS process id, this implementation does not make this distinction. This implies that is_process/1 is incomplete and unreliable. * It is unclear what the detached(true) option is supposed to do. Disable signals in the child? Use setsid() to detach from the session? The current implementation uses setsid() on Unix systems. * An extra option env([Name=Value, ...]) is added to process_create/3. As of version 4.1 SICStus added environment(List) which _modifies_ the environment. A compatible option was added to SWI-Prolog 7.7.23. @tbd Implement detached option in process_create/3 @compat SICStus 4 */ %! process_create(+Exe, +Args:list, +Options) is det. % % Create a new process running the file Exe and using arguments % from the given list. Exe is a file specification as handed to % absolute_file_name/3. Typically one use the =path= file alias to % specify an executable file on the current PATH. Args is a list % of arguments that are handed to the new process. On Unix % systems, each element in the list becomes a separate argument in % the new process. In Windows, the arguments are simply % concatenated to form the commandline. Each argument itself is % either a primitive or a list of primitives. A primitive is % either atomic or a term file(Spec). Using file(Spec), the system % inserts a filename using the OS filename conventions which is % properly quoted if needed. % % Options: % % * stdin(Spec) % * stdout(Spec) % * stderr(Spec) % Bind the standard streams of the new process. Spec is one of % the terms below. If pipe(Pipe) is used, the Prolog stream is % a stream in text-mode using the encoding of the default % locale. The encoding can be changed using set_stream/2, % or by using the two-argument form of =pipe=, which accepts an % encoding(Encoding) option. % The options =stdout= and =stderr= may use the same stream, % in which case both output streams are connected to the same % Prolog stream. % % * std % Just share with the Prolog I/O streams. On Unix, % if the `user_input`, etc. are bound to a file handle % but not to 0,1,2 the process I/O is bound to the file % handles of these streams. % * null % Bind to a _null_ stream. Reading from such a stream % returns end-of-file, writing produces no output % * pipe(-Stream) % * pipe(-Stream, +StreamOptions) % Attach input and/or output to a Prolog stream. % The optional StreamOptions argument is a list of options % that affect the stream. Currently only the options % type(+Type) and encoding(+Encoding) are supported, % which have the same meaning as the stream properties % of the same name (see stream_property/2). % StreamOptions is provided mainly for SICStus compatibility - % the SWI-Prolog predicate set_stream/2 can be used % for the same purpose. % * stream(+Stream) % Attach input or output to an existing Prolog stream. % This stream must be associated with an OS file % handle (see stream_property/2, property `file_no`). % This option is __not__ provided by the SICStus % implementation. % % * cwd(+Directory) % Run the new process in Directory. Directory can be a % compound specification, which is converted using % absolute_file_name/3. See also process_set_method/1. % * env(+List) % As environment(List), but _only_ the specified variables % are passed, i.e., no variables are _inherited_. % * environment(+List) % Specify _additional_ environment variables for the new process. % List is a list of `Name=Value` terms, where `Value` is expanded % the same way as the Args argument. If neither `env` nor % `environment` is passed the environment is inherited from the % Prolog process. % * process(-PID) % Unify PID with the process id of the created process. % * detached(+Bool) % In Unix: If =true=, detach the process from the terminal % Currently mapped to setsid(); % Also creates a new process group for the child % In Windows: If =true=, detach the process from the current % job via the CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB flag. In Vista and beyond, % processes launched from the shell directly have the 'compatibility % assistant' attached to them automatically unless they have a UAC % manifest embedded in them. This means that you will get a % permission denied error if you try and assign the newly-created % PID to a job you create yourself. % * window(+Bool) % If =true=, create a window for the process (Windows only) % * priority(+Priority) % In Unix: specifies the process priority for the newly % created process. Priority must be an integer between -20 % and 19. Positive values are nicer to others, and negative % values are less so. The default is zero. Users are free to % lower their own priority. Only the super-user may _raise_ it % to less-than zero. % % If the user specifies the process(-PID) option, he *must* call % process_wait/2 to reclaim the process. Without this option, the % system will wait for completion of the process after the last % pipe stream is closed. % % If the process is not waited for, it must succeed with status 0. % If not, an process_error is raised. % % *|Windows notes|* % % On Windows this call is an interface to the CreateProcess() API. % The commandline consists of the basename of Exe and the % arguments formed from Args. Arguments are separated by a single % space. If all characters satisfy iswalnum() it is unquoted. If % the argument contains a double-quote it is quoted using single % quotes. If both single and double quotes appear a domain_error % is raised, otherwise double-quote are used. % % The CreateProcess() API has many options. Currently only the % =CREATE_NO_WINDOW= options is supported through the % window(+Bool) option. If omitted, the default is to use this % option if the application has no console. Future versions are % likely to support more window specific options and replace % win_exec/2. % % *Examples* % % First, a very simple example that behaves the same as % =|shell('ls -l')|=, except for error handling: % % == % ?- process_create(path(ls), ['-l'], []). % == % % The following example uses grep to find all matching lines in a % file. % % == % grep(File, Pattern, Lines) :- % setup_call_cleanup( % process_create(path(grep), [ Pattern, file(File) ], % [ stdout(pipe(Out)) % ]), % read_lines(Out, Lines), % close(Out)). % % read_lines(Out, Lines) :- % read_line_to_codes(Out, Line1), % read_lines(Line1, Out, Lines). % % read_lines(end_of_file, _, []) :- !. % read_lines(Codes, Out, [Line|Lines]) :- % atom_codes(Line, Codes), % read_line_to_codes(Out, Line2), % read_lines(Line2, Out, Lines). % == % % @error process_error(Exe, Status) where Status is one of % exit(Code) or killed(Signal). Raised if the process % is waited for (i.e., Options does not include % process(-PID)), and does not exit with status 0. % @bug On Windows, environment(List) is handled as env(List), % i.e., the environment is not inherited. process_create(Exe, Args, Options) :- exe_options(ExeOptions), absolute_file_name(Exe, PlProg, ExeOptions), must_be(list, Args), maplist(map_arg, Args, Av), prolog_to_os_filename(PlProg, Prog), Term =.. [Prog|Av], expand_cwd_option(Options, Options1), expand_env_option(env, Options1, Options2), expand_env_option(environment, Options2, Options3), process_create(Term, Options3). exe_options(Options) :- current_prolog_flag(windows, true), !, Options = [ extensions(['',exe,com]), access(read) ]. exe_options(Options) :- Options = [ access(execute) ]. expand_cwd_option(Options0, Options) :- select_option(cwd(Spec), Options0, Options1), !, ( compound(Spec) -> absolute_file_name(Spec, PlDir, [file_type(directory), access(read)]), prolog_to_os_filename(PlDir, Dir), Options = [cwd(Dir)|Options1] ; exists_directory(Spec) -> Options = Options0 ; existence_error(directory, Spec) ). expand_cwd_option(Options, Options). expand_env_option(Name, Options0, Options) :- Term =.. [Name,Value0], select_option(Term, Options0, Options1), !, must_be(list, Value0), maplist(map_env, Value0, Value), NewOption =.. [Name,Value], Options = [NewOption|Options1]. expand_env_option(_, Options, Options). map_env(Name=Value0, Name=Value) :- map_arg(Value0, Value). %! map_arg(+ArgIn, -Arg) is det. % % Map an individual argument. Primitives are either file(Spec) or % an atomic value (atom, string, number). If ArgIn is a non-empty % list, all elements are converted and the results are % concatenated. map_arg([], []) :- !. map_arg(List, Arg) :- is_list(List), !, maplist(map_arg_prim, List, Prims), atomic_list_concat(Prims, Arg). map_arg(Prim, Arg) :- map_arg_prim(Prim, Arg). map_arg_prim(file(Spec), File) :- !, ( compound(Spec) -> absolute_file_name(Spec, PlFile) ; PlFile = Spec ), prolog_to_os_filename(PlFile, File). map_arg_prim(Arg, Arg). %! process_id(-PID) is det. % % True if PID is the process id of the running Prolog process. % % @deprecated Use current_prolog_flag(pid, PID) process_id(PID) :- current_prolog_flag(pid, PID). %! process_id(+Process, -PID) is det. % % PID is the process id of Process. Given that they are united in % SWI-Prolog, this is a simple unify. process_id(PID, PID). %! is_process(+PID) is semidet. % % True if PID might be a process. Succeeds for any positive % integer. is_process(PID) :- integer(PID), PID > 0. %! process_release(+PID) % % Release process handle. In this implementation this is the same % as process_wait(PID, _). process_release(PID) :- process_wait(PID, _). %! process_wait(+PID, -Status) is det. %! process_wait(+PID, -Status, +Options) is det. % % True if PID completed with Status. This call normally blocks % until the process is finished. Options: % % * timeout(+Timeout) % Default: =infinite=. If this option is a number, the % waits for a maximum of Timeout seconds and unifies Status % with =timeout= if the process does not terminate within % Timeout. In this case PID is _not_ invalidated. On Unix % systems only timeout 0 and =infinite= are supported. A % 0-value can be used to poll the status of the process. % % * release(+Bool) % Do/do not release the process. We do not support this flag % and a domain_error is raised if release(false) is provided. % % @arg Status is one of exit(Code) or killed(Signal), where % Code and Signal are integers. If the `timeout` option % is used Status is unified with `timeout` after the wait % timed out. process_wait(PID, Status) :- process_wait(PID, Status, []). %! process_kill(+PID) is det. %! process_kill(+PID, +Signal) is det. % % Send signal to process PID. Default is =term=. Signal is an % integer, Unix signal name (e.g. =SIGSTOP=) or the more Prolog % friendly variation one gets after removing =SIG= and downcase % the result: =stop=. On Windows systems, Signal is ignored and % the process is terminated using the TerminateProcess() API. On % Windows systems PID must be obtained from process_create/3, % while any PID is allowed on Unix systems. % % @compat SICStus does not accept the prolog friendly version. We % choose to do so for compatibility with on_signal/3. process_kill(PID) :- process_kill(PID, term). %! process_group_kill(+PID) is det. %! process_group_kill(+PID, +Signal) is det. % % Send signal to the group containing process PID. Default is % =term=. See process_wait/1 for a description of signal % handling. In Windows, the same restriction on PID applies: it % must have been created from process_create/3, and the the group % is terminated via the TerminateJobObject API. process_group_kill(PID) :- process_group_kill(PID, term). %! process_set_method(+Method) is det. % % Determine how the process is created on Unix systems. Method is one % of `spawn` (default), `fork` or `vfork`. If the method is `spawn` % but this cannot be used because it is either not supported by the OS % or the cwd(Dir) option is given `fork` is used. % % The problem is to be understood as follows. The official portable % and safe method to create a process is using the fork() system call. % This call however copies the process page tables and get seriously % slow as the (Prolog) process is multiple giga bytes large. % Alternatively, we may use vfork() which avoids copying the process % space. But, the safe usage as guaranteed by the POSIX standard of % vfork() is insufficient for our purposes. On practical systems your % mileage may vary. Modern posix systems also provide posix_spawn(), % which provides a safe and portable alternative for the fork() and % exec() sequence that may be implemented using fork() or may use a % fast but safe alternative. Unfortunately posix_spawn() doesn't % support the option to specify the working directory for the child % and we cannot use working_directory/2 as the working directory is % shared between threads. % % Summarizing, the default is safe and tries to be as fast as % possible. On some scenarios and on some OSes it is possible to do % better. It is generally a good idea to avoid using the cwd(Dir) % option of process_create/3 as without we can use posix_spawn(). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:error_message/3. prolog:error_message(process_error(File, exit(Status))) --> [ 'Process "~w": exit status: ~w'-[File, Status] ]. prolog:error_message(process_error(File, killed(Signal))) --> [ 'Process "~w": killed by signal ~w'-[File, Signal] ].