Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2012-05-10-Speech-4-370-750"

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lpv:translated text
"While three out of four Europeans use their mobile phone while travelling, many find horrendously high bills waiting for them when they get home. Competition in the mobile roaming sector within the EU is still weak, leading to very high prices for consumers. I am pleased that an agreement has been reached at first reading on a text which I am sure provides effective solutions for improving the situation in the mobile roaming market for European consumers. Firstly, separating the provision of mobile phone services on national territory from roaming services will improve competition, as consumers will be able to choose whether they wish to keep the same communications provider while travelling and benefit from more attractive pricing. Secondly, gradually capping the maximum allowed charges made when billing for voice, SMS and data services between now and 2014 will be hugely beneficial to consumers. Furthermore, consumers will benefit from numerous measures improving transparency, such as the provision of information on roaming tariffs outside the EU, information on accumulated consumption expressed in the unit or currency of billing, and the introduction of safeguard caps (EUR 50 by default)."@en1

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