Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-05-10-Speech-4-199"

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". There are directives in existence on the worker’s right to information and consultation and on the European Works Councils, which provide for some information to be provided to workers, specifically as regards the development of companies’ economic and social aspects and decisions leading to substantial change in terms of the organisation of work or work contracts. The harsh reality, however, is that these directives are either simply not complied with or, when they are, they often fail to guarantee workers’ rights – for example to employment – in the never-ending processes of relocations, restructuring, mergers and closures of companies, which have serious economic and social consequences. We have long advocated the need to ensure that workers are kept fully informed and that workers’ organisations are involved in the important decisions at such times. This would improve the right to information and offer genuine participation in decision-making, including the right to veto, the possibility of annulling decisions to close companies and the right to halt redundancies. Also needed are measures such as making Community aid conditional on investment and on companies complying with contractual conditions that guarantee stable, lasting employment and sustainable economic development. It is also essential that we reject ‘flexicurity’ and liberalisations."@en1

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