Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-05-10-Speech-4-196"

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"I am voting in favour of the report on the contribution of the future regional policy to the innovative capacity of the European Union. Regional policy should, within the framework of the European Union's innovative capacity, combine the cohesion of the Community with the need for pro-innovation measures. However, without specific solutions, innovation in general, and the ambitious challenges of the Lisbon Strategy in particular, will only exist on paper. Good examples of this are the results produced by individual countries in terms of their implementation of the Lisbon Strategy. It should be noted that, today, the USA is not the EU’s only economic rival, and that countries such as China, India and others are also taking their place on the starting block. The effects of introducing the principle of innovation will only be visible after many years, and many of us may no longer be here in this House. Other decision-makers will reap the benefits of what may be a successful policy, which is why decisions made in this field should be far-sighted. This is something that citizens expect of us."@en1

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