Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-05-10-Speech-4-030"

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"Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, whenever we debate matters relating to housing policy we should be faithful to our principles of subsidiarity and proximity to the citizen; as we all know, the powers accorded to the EU under the Treaty are very limited, and we should not try to interfere with that through the back door, but, as regards eligibility for grants for accommodation under the ERDF Regulation in the 2007-2013 planning period, I would like to argue in favour of their being given for the reconstruction of the high-rise estates to be found in Eastern Europe and in the eastern parts of Germany. Many Europeans live on estates made up of blocks of largely industrially-constructed housing that were put up between the 1960s and the 1980s. The eastward enlargement of the EU gave particular importance to a European strategy for the sustainable development of this type of housing; whilst, in western European countries, the future of large-scale estates lies mainly in the performance of social functions, the main task in eastern European states is the repair and modernisation of the stock of prefabricated buildings in order to make the flats in them fit to be rented out, while, at the same time, the structural change of the housing sector from state-regulated institutions allocating accommodation to private-sector or community-based enterprises operating on the market is only just beginning. In this respect, the ongoing development of large-scale urban housing in the countries of Eastern Europe is primarily a task for the technical experts and housing professionals; in Germany, however, the problem is a new and different one, and one that – Europe-wide democratic change being what it is – will reach other countries sooner or later, in that, as there are fewer people available to live in them, properties are standing empty, and this is happening not only with old properties but also new ones, not only with housing stock in the inner cities but also that on the urban fringes, and that is one reason why a programme has been developed for the provinces of eastern Germany, the object of which is to promote not only the demolition of accommodation for which there has for some time been no demand, but also the restoration of the remaining housing stock in order to adapt urban structures and housing stock to the decrease in demand. It is for this reason – for this reason! – that the future of mass housing must become more important as an area for European policy-making."@en1

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