Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2007-05-10-Speech-4-017"
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Madam President, I will now speak to Mr Andria’s report, while my colleague will speak later on to Mr Janowski’s; both rapporteurs and all their comrades in the Urban Development and Housing Intergroup deserve warm thanks for their courage in making the leap from the subsidiarity principle to a longer European view of things.
Cooperation has been exemplary and across party lines, and has borne fruit in the shape of a suggestion for a process that highlights what is crucial about urban and regional development, namely the right to proper and decent living space, the provision of which living space to the members of the public who need it as part of social accommodation support remains a responsibility for the Member States, for their municipalities and districts.
What reasons are there, though, not to respond to similar problems and concerns across Europe with European minimum social and housing standards that ultimately affect people’s quality of life? This own-initiative report tries to find out, and, in the process, calls for action on the part of the Commission and the Council.
I have noted the hearteningly positive echoes – despite their initial resentments – from the Committee of the Regions and from cooperatives and tenants’ associations, which are welcoming the European added value, pushing for a joint declaration on housing, to include a strong emphasis on national responsibility and promoting the application of Europe-wide standards with the aid of European support instruments.
By way of conclusion, then, I ask you, Commissioner, to really make it your concern that this is reflected in the operational programmes, for I find it lamentable that yesterday’s press communiqué about the signing of the German National Framework Plan included no reference to sustainable urban development or to the partnership principle."@en1
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